23282. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Post-Colo­nial Pub­lic Law: Are Cur­rent Legal Establishments
. . . . . Demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly Ille­git­i­mate? [arti­cle]
23283. (Bib­hutib­hushan Bandy­opad­hyay) The Song of the Road [Pather Panchali]
23284. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Democ­ra­cy in the Middle
. . . . . East [arti­cle]
23283. (Irfan Ahmad) How the West De-dem­o­critized the Mid­dle East [arti­cle]
23284. (John Doyle) Game of Thrones: Scream­ing for the Teenage Male [review]
23285. (André Picard) Harper’s Dis­re­gard for Abo­rig­i­nal Health [arti­cle]
23286. (Jonathan Owen) Man Whose WMD Lies Led to 100,000 Deaths Con­fess­es All [arti­cle]
23287. (Georges Simenon) Mai­gret at the Crossroads
23288. (Steven R. Muhlberg­er) Review of The Sol­dier Expe­ri­ence in the Four­teenth Cen­tu­ry,
. . . . . ed. Adri­an R. Bell, et al [review]
23289. (Dami­an Car­ring­ton) Iceland’s Vol­ca­noes May Pow­er UK [arti­cle]
23290. (Yas­mine Moataz Ahmed) Who Do Egypt’s Vil­lagers Vote For? And Why? [arti­cle]
23291. (H. E. Bates) The Dar­ling Buds of May
23292. (A. Lys Baldry) Millais
23293. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] The Nero and Herod of
. . . . . Bon­field, Ontario [arti­cle]
23294. (Ryan Williams) [in blog Ryan On Africa] The Malawi Blues [arti­cle]
23295. (J. H. Pat­ter­son) The Man-Eaters of Tsa­vo and Oth­er East African Adventures
23296. (George Boyes) Melt­down Ice­land ― How the Glob­al Finan­cial Cri­sis Bank­rupt­ed an
. . . . . Entire Country
23297. (George Bor­row) Romano Lavo-Lil: Word­book of the Romany or Eng­lish Gypsy
. . . . . Language
23298. (Asia Pereltsvaig) Was Pro­to-Human an SOV Lan­guage? [arti­cle]
23299. (Joan Martí i Castell) El Perú y Cataluña: para­lelis­mos soci­ol­ingüís­ti­cos [arti­cle]
23300. (Hen­ry Tay­lor) Twen­ty Years On the Trap Line
23301. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Could Be Good… [arti­cle]
23302. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Every­thing You Know Is
. . . . . Wrong [arti­cle]
23303. (Matthias Schulz) Research Reveals Ancient Strug­gle Over Holy Land Supremacy 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23304. (Jonathan Jar­rett) [in blog A Cor­ner of Tenth-Cen­tu­ry Europe] Sem­i­nar CIX: Where’s
. . . . . the Mon­ey in Ear­ly Anglo-Sax­on Eng­land? [arti­cle]
23305. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] What My Stu­dents Took
. . . . . Away from His­to­ry of Islam­ic Civ­i­liza­tion [arti­cle]
23305. (Amélie Kuhrt) The Ancient Near East c. 3000–330 BC, Vol.1
23306. (Ste­fan Simons) Memo­r­i­al to Slave Trade: French City Con­fronts Its Bru­tal Past
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23307. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Toron­to Street Food ― Is
. . . . . There Yet Hope? [arti­cle]
23308. (Gun­nar Karls­son) Ice­land’s 1100 years: The His­to­ry of a Mar­gin­al Society

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