23309. (Mark J. McGar­ry) Sun Dogs
23310. (Reseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Cen­trale) Douala, le 24 Février
. . . . . 2012 : arresta­tion du défenseur des droits de l’homme et médecin, Dr Wences­lao Alo
. . . . . Man­so­go, Secré­taire des droits de l’homme et des lib­ertés civiles de la Con­ver­gence pour . . . . . la démoc­ra­tie sociale en Guinée équa­to­ri­ale [press release]
23311. (blog Ancient Scripts) Mahara­ja [arti­cle]
23312. (Lotte Hedea­ger) Iron-Age Soci­eties ― From Tribe to State in North­ern Europe, 500 BC to . . . . . AD 700
23313. (Jen­nie Rothen­berg Gritz & Mas­soud Hay­oun) Iran Before Islam: Chal­leng­ing Stereotypes
. . . . . Through Art [arti­cle]
23314. (Andy Kaulins) [in blog Ancient World Blog] Cul­ture and the Hap­pi­ness of Nations:
. . . . . Den­mark and Cos­ta Rica are Doing Some­thing Right : Mod­els for the Future? [arti­cle]
23315. (Car­ol Zoll) [in blog Anthro­pol­o­gist in the Attic] How I Traced My Ances­try Back to the
. . . . . Stone Age [arti­cle]
23316. (Car­ol Zoll) [in blog Anthro­pol­o­gist in the Attic] Rare Ancient Stat­ue Depicts Topless
. . . . . Female Glad­i­a­to [arti­cle]
23317. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] 1812 ― Con­tro­ver­sial After
. . . . . All These Years [arti­cle]
23318. (Car­los E. Cor­do­va) The Degre­da­tion of the Ancient Near Eas­trn Envi­ron­ment [arti­cle]
23319. (Jere­my K. Knight) The End of Antiq­ui­ty ― Archae­ol­o­gy, Soci­ety and Reli­gion AD
. . . . . 235–700
23320. (Brad DeLong) [in blog Grasp­ing Real­i­ty with the Invis­i­ble Hand] Is Amer­i­can Democracy
. . . . . Bro­ken? [arti­cle]
23321. (Sig­ur­dur Gyl­fi Mag­nús­son) Waste­land with Words: A Social His­to­ry of Iceland
23322. (Steven J. Garfin­kle) Pub­lic ver­sus Pri­vate in the Ancient Near East [arti­cle]
23323. (Monte McMurchy) For­eign Aid: The Pol­i­tics, Account­abil­i­ty, Democ­ra­cy & Reform  [arti­cle]
23324. (Arnal­dur Indriða­son) Silence of the Grave
23325. (Eliz­a­beth C. Stone) Mesopotami­an Cities and Coun­try­side [arti­cle]
23326. (Guy Hal­sall) [in blog His­to­ri­an on the Edge] His­to­ry and Com­mit­ment: A Miniatu
. . . . . Man­i­festo [arti­cle]
23327. (Devin Pow­ell) At ISEF, Fusion is Hot [arti­cle]
23328. (Edward James) Britain in the First Millennium
23329. (Sig­urgeir Sig­ur­jóns­son & Unnur Jökuls­dót­tir) Icelanders
23330. (Gon­za­lo Rubio) The Lan­guages of the Ancient Near East [arti­cle]
23331. (Noah Schacht­man & Spencer Ack­er­man) U.S. Mil­i­tary Taught Offi­cers: Use
. . . . . “Hiroshi­ma” Tac­tics for “Total War” on Islam [arti­cle]
23332. (Yves Mod­éran) L’Empire romain tardiff, 235–395
23333. (Melit­ta Weiss Adam­son) Review of Coca­trice and Lam­pray Hay: LateFifteenth-
. . . . . Cen­tu­ry Recipes from Cor­pus Christi Col­lege Oxford edit­ed and trans­lat­ed by
. . . . . Con­stance B. Hieatt [review]
23334. (Nathan J. Brown) Egypt and Islam­ic Sharia: A Guide for the Per­plexed [arti­cle]
23335. (Amélie Kuhrt) The Ancient Near East c. 3000–330 BC, Vol.2
23336. (Armann Thor­valds­son) Frozen Assets: How I Lived Ice­land’s Boom and Bust
23337. (John Moor­head) The Roman Empire Divid­ed, 400–700
23338. (John Moore) It’s the Old­er Gen­er­a­tion That’s Enti­tled, Not Stu­dents [arti­cle]
23339. (John Moore) The First World War Is Noth­ing To Be Proud Of [arti­cle]
23340. (Kirsten Has­trup) Nature and Pol­i­cy in Ice­land 1400–1800 ― An Anthropoligical
. . . . . Analy­sis of His­to­ry and Mentality
23341. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Lay­ing Down My Arms 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23342. (Fran Strik­er) The Hid­den Stone Mystery
23343. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Every­body Has Their
. . . . . Favourite Pirates: Gian­car­lo Casele’s The Ottoman Age of Explo­ration [review]
23344. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Review of The Cru­sades and 
. . . . . the Chris­t­ian World of the East: Rough Tol­er­ance by Christo­pher MacE­vitt [review]
23345. (Ken­neth Bul­mer) On the Symb-Sock­et Circuit
23346. (A. R. Rad­cliffe-Brown) The Andaman Islanders

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