(Reed 2012) Archer: Ep.29 ― Bloody Ferlin
(McDow­ell 2009) Time Team: Ep.194 ― Fri­ar’s Wash, Hert­ford­shire — The Trou­ble With
. . . Temples
(Dou­glas 2009) Time Team: Ep.195 ― Scargill, Coun­ty Durham — The Wed­ding Present
(Jones 1929) Bull­dog Drummond
(Rus­so 2009) Com­mu­ni­ty: Ep.1 ― Pilot
(Rus­so 2009) Com­mu­ni­ty: Ep.2 ― Span­ish 101
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.3 ― The Sad Sto­ry of Henry
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.4 ― Edward, Gor­don & Henry
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.5 ― Thomas’ Train
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.6 ― Thomas & The Trucks
(Mills 1971) The Rivals of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.4 ― The Duchess of Wilt­shire’s Diamonds
(Warn­er 2009) Time Team: Ep.196 ― Knock­d­hu, Coun­ty Antrim — Heroes’ Hill
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.6 ― Thomas & The Break­down Train
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.6 ― James & The Coaches
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.6 ― Trou­ble­some Truck
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep.10 ― James & The Express
(Singer 2000) X‑Men
(Rus­so 2009) Com­mu­ni­ty: Ep. 3 ― Intro­duc­tion to Film
(1935) The Sad­dest Tale [Bil­lie Hol­i­day, Duke Elling­ton live, Asto­ria, Queens, 1935]
(Del­la Pelle 2011) Lizard Boy
(Clift 1935) Phan­tom Ship [aka The Mys­tery of the Marie Celeste]
(Gillam-Smith 2009) Time Team: Ep.197 ― Caer­went, Mon­mouthshire — Toga Town
(Gilbert 1967) You Only Live Twice
(Myers & White 1930) So Qui­et on the Canine Front [Dogville Short #3]
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) The Barn­yard Bat­tle [Mick­ey Mouse #7]
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) The Kar­ni­val Kid [Mick­ey Mouse #8]
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) Mick­ey’s Choo-Choo [Mick­ey Mouse #9]
(Lubitsch 1939) The Love Parade
(Hilton 1953) Cat-Women of the Moon
(Epstein & Fried­man 1995) The Cel­lu­loid Closet
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) Mick­ey’s Fol­lies [Mick­ey Mouse #10]
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) The Plow Boy [Mick­ey Mouse #11]
(Thomas 1939) The 39 Steps
(Dou­glas 2009) Time Team: Ep.198 ― Rise Hill, Cum­bria — Blood, Sweat and Beers
(Marks 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.36 ― The Case of the Prodi­gal Parent
(Fos­ter 2000) The Prince and the Pauper
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.16 — The Elec­tric Vendetta
(Furst 2011) Swamp Shark
(Moore 2011) Hor­rid Hen­ry: The Movie
(Mar­t­i­nus 1965) Doc­tor Who: Ep.91 ― The Dalek Mas­ter­plan, Part 1: The Night­mare Begins
(Mar­t­i­nus 1965) Doc­tor Who: Ep.92 ― The Dalek Mas­ter­plan, Part 2: Day of Armageddon
(1912) The Pana­ma Canal Under Construction
(Feuil­lade 1912) The Obsession
(Feuil­lade 1912) Le coeur et l’ar­gent [The Heart and the Money]
(Hugh­es 1998) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.69 ― Dick and the Oth­er Guy, Part 2
(Kay 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.37 ― The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde
(Cooke 1971) The Rivals of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.5 ― The Horse of the Invisible
(L’Her­bier 1928) L’argent
(Kra­marsky 1955) The Beast with a Mil­lion Eyes
(Don­ner 1978) Superman
(Hell­man 1959) Beast from Haunt­ed Cave
(Fer­gu­son 2010) Inside Job
(Gatlif 1993) Latcho Drom
(Dou­glas 2009) Time Team: Ep.199 ― Sal­is­bury Cathe­dral, Wilt­shire — Buried Bish­ops and
. . . Belfries
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) The Jazz Fool [Mick­ey Mouse #12]
(Dis­ney & Iwerks 1929) Haunt­ed House [Mick­ey Mouse #14]
(Chaf­fey 1963) Jason and the Argonauts
(Allen 1971) City Beneath the Sea
(Franklin 2009) Time Team: Ep.200 ― Rad­cot, Oxford­shire — Anar­chy in the UK
(Hon­da 1956) Rodan [空の大怪獣 ラドン?; Sora no Daikai­jū Radon]
(Warn­er 2009) Time Team: Ep.201 ― Col­worth, Bed­ford­shire — Mys­tery of the Ice Cream Villa
(DeMille 1934) Four Fright­ened People
(Boult­ing 2009) Time Team: Ep.202 ― Looe, Corn­wall — Her­mit Harbour
(Tay­lor 2011) Game of Thrones: Ep.10 ― Fire and Blood
(McLaglan 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.38 ― The Case of the Ter­ri­fied Typist
(Ren­froe 2009) Sand Serpents
(Franklin 2009) Time Team: Ep.203 ― Lin­col­n’s Inn, Lon­don — Called to the Bar
(Annaud 1986) The Name of the Rose
(Lee 1990) Frasi­er: Ep.90 ― Ham Radio
(Kessler 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.50 ― The Human Equation
(Vidor 1932) Bird of Paradise
(Kay 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.39 ― The Case of the Rolling Bones
(Boult­ing 2009) Time Team: Ep.204 ― Cam­bridgeshire — Bea­con on the Fens
(McWilliams 2010) Coast: Ep.37 ― Heart of the British Isles — A Grand Tour
(Post 1968) Hang ‘Em High
(Fletch­er 1987) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der the Third]: Ep.18 ― Duel and Duality
(DeMille 1956) The Ten Commandments
(Seil­er 1938) Crime School
(Gillam-Smith 2009) Time Team: Ep.205 ― Ulna­by, Coun­ty Durham — The Hol­low Way
(Van Dyke 2010) Titan­ic II
(Juran 1966) Lost in Space: Ep.40 ― West of Mars
(Vul­liamy 2009) Time Team: Ep.206 ― Blyth­burgh, Suf­folk — Skele­tons in the Shed
(Hut­ton 2001) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.1 ― The Door­bell Rang
(Rus­so 2009) Com­mu­ni­ty: Ep.4 ― Social Psychology
(Rus­so 2009) Com­mu­ni­ty: Ep. 5 ― Advanced Crim­i­nal Law
(Groen­ing, Jean & Reiss 1993) The Simp­sons: Ep.71 ― Marge vs. the Monorail
(Rein­er 1986) Stand by Me
(Schus­ter 1943) My Friend Flicka
(Men­zies & Var­nell) Chan­du the Magician
(Nasr 2008) Mas­ters of Mag­ic: The World of Chandu
(Hugh­es 2009) Time Team: Ep.207 ― Spe­cial: Hen­ry VIII’s Lost Palaces
(Groen­ing & Mirkin 1994) The Simp­sons: Ep.101 ― The Boy Who Knew Too Much
(Yarbrough 1952) Jack and the Beanstalk
(Price 2009) Time Team: Ep.208 ― Spe­cial: The Secrets of Stonehenge
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep. 11 ― Thomas & The Guard
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep. 12 ― Thomas Goes Fishing
(Mit­ton 1984) Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Ep. 13 ― Thomas, Ter­ence & The Snow
(Neame 1956) The Man Who Nev­er Was
(Hugh­es 2009) Time Team: Ep.209 ― Spe­cial: Dover Castle
(Mel­man 1998) Frasi­er: Ep.109 ― The Maris Counselor
(Pasquin 1986) Newhart: Ep.83 ― The Snow­men Cometh
(Bolt 2010) Down­ton Abbey: Ep.2
(Hitch­cock 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.1 ― Revenge
(Groening,Brooks & Simon 1991) The Simp­sons: Ep.23 ― Bart Gets Hit by a Car
(Bole 1987) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.7 ― Lone­ly Among Us
(Hessler 1973) The Gold­en Voy­age of Sinbad
(Tay­lor 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.11 ― The North Remembers
(Groen­ing, Brooks & Simon 1991) The Simp­sons: Ep.24 ― One Fish, Two Fish, Blow­fish, Blue
. . . Fish
(Lit­vak 1967) The Night of the Generals
(Ander­son 2011) The Three Musketeers
(Marks 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.40 ― The Case of the Cor­re­spond­ing Corpse
(Groening,Brooks & Simon 1991) The Simp­sons: Ep.25 ― The Way We Was
(Boult­ing 2010) Time Team: Ep.210 ― West­min­ster Abbey, Lon­don — Cor­ri­dors of Power
(Wana­mak­er 1977) Sin­bad and the Eye of the Tiger
(Neu­mann 1950) Rock­et­ship X‑M
(Dou­glas 2010) Time Team: Ep.211 ― Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides — A Saint­ly Site
(Rye 2004) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.35 — Ghosts of Christ­mas Past
(Lan­dis 1985) Spies Like Us
(Need­ham 1981) The Can­non­ball Run

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