(DeVi­to 1987) Throw Mom­ma from the Train
(Tron­son 1974) Father Brown: Ep.1 ― The Ham­mer of God
(Dou­glas 2010) Time Team: Ep.223 ― Litling­ton, Hamp­shire — There’s a Vil­la Here Somewhere
(Schaffn­er 1968) Plan­et of the Apes
(Liebesman 2012) Wrath of the Titans
(Shi­ma 1956) Warn­ing From Space [宇宙人東京に現わる] [aka Mys­te­ri­ous Satellite]
(Park­er 2012) South Park: Ep.225 ― Cash For Gold
(Guy 1897) Le pêcheur dans le tor­rent [The Fish­er­man at the Stream]
(Guy 1897) Baig­nade dans le tor­rent [Bathing in a Stream]
(Guy 1897) Ser­pen­tine Dance by Mme. Bob Walter
(Guy 1898) L’aveugle fin de siè­cle [The Turn-of-the-Cen­tu­ry Blind Man]
(Guy 1898) Chez le mag­né­tiseur [At the Hypnotist’s]
(Guy 1898) Les cam­bri­oleurs [The Burglars]
(Guy 1898) Scène d’escamo­tage [Dis­ap­pear­ing Act]
(Guy 1898) Sur­prise d’une mai­son au petit jour [Sur­prise Attack on a House at Daybreak]
(Guy 1899) Au cabaret [At the Club]
(Guy 1899) La bonne absyn­the [Won­der­ful Absynthe]
(Tin­ling 1935) Char­lie Chan in Shanghai
(Warn­er 2010) Time Team: Ep.224 ― Din­more Hill, Here­ford­shire — Com­mand­ing Heights
(Park­er 2012) South Park: Ep.226 ― Faith Hilling
(Park­er 2012) South Park: Ep.229 ― I Should Nev­er Have Gone Ziplining
(Dou­glas 2011) Time Team: Ep.225 ― Tot­ti­ford Reser­voir, Devon — Reser­voir Rituals
(Azzopar­di 1981) The Lit­tlest Hobo: Ep.53 ― Airport
(Gilliam 1981) Time Bandits
(Edwards 1964) A Shot in the Dark
(Kubrick 1964) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Wor­ry­ing and Love the Bomb
(Ray & Wynors­ki) Dinosaur Island
(Coen & Coen 1994) Fargo
(Dou­glas 2011) Time Team: Ep.226 ― West Lang­ton, Leices­ter­shire — Sax­on Death, Sax­on Gold
(Park­er 2012) South Park: Ep.230 ― Cart­man Finds Love
(Schu­mach­er 1997) Bat­man & Robin
(Sal­is­bury 2002) The Life of Mam­mals: Ep.1 ― A Win­ning Design
(Hitch­cock 1935) The 39 Steps
(Sal­is­bury 2002) The Life of Mam­mals: Ep.4 ― Chisellers
(Franklin 2011) Time Team: Ep.227 ― High Ham, Som­er­set — Romans on the Range
(Arnold 1958) High School Confidential!
(Mar­shall 1990) Arachnophobia
(Reed 1949) The Third Man
(Tsub­u­raya 1966) Ultra­man: Ep.1 ― Ultra Oper­a­tion #1
(Heer­man 1930) Ani­mal Crack­ers [Marx Brothers]
(Wise 1956) Helen of Troy
(Dou­glas 2011) Time Team: Ep.228 ― Les Gel­lettes, Jer­sey — Hitler’s Island Fortress
(Kerr 2006) That Mitchell and Webb Look: Ep.1
(Bouchard 2002) Home Movies: Ep.15 ― Iden­ti­fy­ing a Body
(Paine 1978) Skate­board Kings
(Haskin 1953) The War of the Worlds
(Jones 1982) The Slum­ber Par­ty Massacre
(Petersen 1995) Outbreak
(Wise 1996) Break­ing the Code
(Sachs 1980) Galaxina
(Brown 1930) Anna Christie [Eng­lish version]
(Price 2011) Time Team: Ep.229 ― Der­went­cote, Coun­ty Durham — The Fur­nace in the Forest
(Duf­fell 1988) Inspec­tor Morse: Ep.7 ― Last Bus to Woodstock
(Rus­sell 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.45 ― The Case of the Buried Clock
(Cun­ning­ham 1980) Fri­day the 13th
(Thor­pe 1939) The Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn
(Mil­lar 2011) Time Team: Ep.230 ― Cas­tor, Cam­bridgeshire — Under the Gravestones
(Dun­ni­son 2010) Todd and the Book of Pure Evil: Ep.1 ― Todd the Met­al God
(Mur­phy 2011) The Drunk and On Drugs Hap­py Fun­time Hour: Ep.1 ― Mau­ry Chaykin
 Fucked Us
(Claus 2006) The Thief Lord
(Cherones 1993) Sein­feld: Ep.63 ― The Pilot, Part 1
(Cherones 1993) Sein­feld: Ep.64 ― The Pilot, Part 2
(Marks 958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.46 ― The Case of the Mar­ried Moonlighter
(Abbott & Donen 1957) The Paja­ma Game
(Bow­man 1987) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.9 ― The Battle
(Cross 2011) Time Team: Ep.231 ― Spe­cial: War of the Roses
(Edel 2000) The Lit­tle Vampire
(Gillam-Smith 2011) Time Team: Ep.232 ― Gro­by, Leices­ter­shire — The House of the White Queen
(Cherones 1994) Sein­feld: Ep.78 ― The Marine Biologist
(Lester 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.25 ― The Case of the Emp­ty Tin
(Geth­ing 2011) The Viking Sagas
(Tay­lor 1920) Huck­le­ber­ry Finn
(Pagliero 2011) Time Team: Ep.233 ― Mont Orgueil, Jer­sey — Cas­tles and Cannons
(Mon­u­ment 2009) Night­mares in Red, White and Blue: The Evo­lu­tion of the Amer­i­can Hor­ror Film
(May 1940) The Invis­i­ble Man Returns
(Dou­glas 2011) Time Team: Ep.234 ― Llan­ca­iach Fawr, South Wales — The Mys­tery of the
. . . Manor Moat
(Gor­don 1958) Earth vs. the Spider
(French 2011) Time Team: Ep.235 ― Buck Mill, Som­er­set — Search for the Domes­day Mill
(Groening,Brooks & Simon 1991) The Simp­sons: Ep.28 ― Oh Broth­er, Where Art Thou?
(Groening,Brooks & Simon 1991) The Simp­sons: Ep.29 ― Bart’s Dog Gets an F
(Renaud & Bal­da 2012) The Lorax
(Ziehl 2001) Earth vs. the Spider
(Gillett 1930) The Chain Gang [Mick­ey Mouse #21]
(Gillett 1930) The Goril­la Mys­tery [Mick­ey Mouse #22]
(Got­tler 1934) Woman Haters [Three Stooges #1]
(Thor­pe 1936) Tarzan Escapes
(Lot­ter­by 1986) Yes, Prime Min­is­ter: Ep.4 ― The Key
(Shank­land 2006) Agatha Christie’s Marple: Ep.6 ― The Mov­ing Finger
(Wadleigh 1970) Wood­stock [longer version]
(Jankel & Mor­ton 1993) Super Mario Bros.
(Mari­no 2010) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.89 ― Rebirth
(Groen­ing, Jean & Reiss 1992) The Simp­sons: Ep.60 ― Kamp Krusty
(Groen­ing, Jean & Reiss 1992) The Simp­sons: Ep.64 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror III
(Davis 1992) Under Siege
(Crich­ton 1951) The Laven­der Hill Mob
(Shan­ley 1990) Joe Ver­sus the Volcano
(Lan­dis 1980) The Blues Broth­ers [extend­ed version]
(Groen­ing & Claf­fey 2010) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.101 ― The Futu­ra­ma Hol­i­day Spectacular
(Carey-Hill 2010) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.90 ― In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela
(Brooks 1974) Blaz­ing Saddles
(McCor­ma­ck 2011) I Am Bruce Lee
(San­doval 2010) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.91 ― Attack of the Killer App
(Mar­t­i­nus 1965) Doc­tor Who: Ep.95 ― The Dalek Mas­ter­plan, Part 5: Counterpoint
(Wilder 1953) Phan­tom from Space
(Petrar­ca 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.15 ― The Ghost of Harrenhal
(Hitch­cock 1931) Rich and Strange [aka East of Shanghai]
(Ziller 2010) Ice Quake
(Abra­hams & Zuck­er) Airplane!
(Lan­dis 1977) The Ken­tucky Fried Movie
(Evans 1943) Hemp for Victory
(Yuen 1995) The Enforcer [给爸爸的信; Gĕi bàba de xìn]
(Groen­ing & Mari­no 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.119 ― Zapp Dingbat
(Koch 1957) Untamed Youth [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]

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