(McLeod 1933) Alice in Wonderland
(Smith 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.23 ― Mur­der on St Mal­ley’s Day
(DeFriest 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 5 ― Past Imper­fect [Human Tears]
(DeFriest 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 6 ― The Real World [Prop­er­ty Developers]
(Tuck­er 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.15 — Destroy­ing Angel
(Fer­land 2010) The Walk­ing Dead: Ep.6 ― TS-19
(Young 1965) Thunderball
(Hellings 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.24 — A Tal­ent for Life
(Webb 2012) The Amaz­ing Spider-Man
(Singer 2012) Mock­ing­bird Lane: Ep.1 ― Pilot
(DeFriest 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 7 ― Remem­ber When [Tox­ic Waste]
(DeFriest 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 8 ― Behind Ene­my Lines [Day Pass]
(McGowan 1929) Rail­road­in’ [Our Gang/Little Ras­cals #88]
(McGowan 1929) Lazy Days [Our Gang/Little Ras­cals #88]
(Smith 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.14 — Gar­den of Death
(Rodriguez 2003) Spy Kids 3‑D: Game Over
(Hamil­ton 1973) Live and Let Die
(Lon­don 1980) Shogun [minis­eries] — Part 1
(Maher 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 6 — The Real World
(Tuck­er 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.17 — Who Killed Cock Robin?
(Fuku­da 1966) Godzil­la vs The Sea Mon­ster [Eng­lish dubbed version]
(DeFriest 1994) Ocean Girl: Ep. 9 ― Break­ing Away [Romance]
(Glen 1987) The Liv­ing Daylights
(de Bont 2003) Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cra­dle of Life
(Buñuel 1930) L’Age d’Or
(Grau­man 1959) Per­ry Mason: Ep.72 ― The Case of the Gar­ru­lous Gambler
(Tuck­er 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.115 ― The Gun­fight­ers, Part 1: A Hol­i­day for the Doctor
(Tuck­er 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.116 ― The Gun­fight­ers, Part 2: Don’t Shoot the Pianist
(Tuck­er 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.117 ― The Gun­fight­ers, Part 3: John­ny Ringo
(Tuck­er 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.118 ― The Gun­fight­ers, Part 4: The O.K. Corral
(Ward 1959) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.4
(Ward 1959) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.5
(Ward 1959) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.6
(Ward 1959) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.7
(Ward 1959) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.8
(Whorf 1959) Per­ry Mason: Ep.73 ― The Case of the Blush­ing Pearls
(Alvart 2009) Pandorum
(Cher­ry 1991) Ernest Scared Stupid
(Sil­ber­ston 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.18 — Dark Autumn
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.19 ― Taint­ed Fruit
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.20 ― Mar­ket for Murder
(Hamil­ton 1974) The Man with the Gold­en Gun
(Rus­sell 1959) Per­ry Mason: Ep.74 ― The Case of the Star­tled Stallion
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.119 ― The Sav­ages, Part One
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.120 ― The Sav­ages, Part Two
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.121 ― The Sav­ages, Part Three
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.122 ― The Sav­ages, Part Four
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.9
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.10
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.11
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.14 — The Strange Dr. Lorenz
(Dear 1991) Dinosaurs: Ep.1 — The Mighty Megalosaurus
(Siegel 1956) Inva­sion of the Body Snatchers
(Wynors­ki 2003) Cheer­leader Massacre
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.22 ― Ring out Your Dead
(Fer­gu­son 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.123 ― The War Machines, Part One
(Fer­gu­son 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.124 ― The War Machines, Part Two
(Fer­gu­son 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.125 ― The War Machines, Part Three
(Fer­gu­son 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.126 ― The War Machines, Part Four
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.12
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.13
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.15 — The Frozen Sound
(Reil­ly & Bar­rett 2010) Coast: Ep.41 ― Gal­way to Arran­more Island
(Wise 1971) The Androm­e­da Strain
(Blut­man 2008) Spy School [aka Doubt­ing Thomas]
(Fle­myng 1966) Daleks’ Inva­sion Earth: 2150 A.D.
(Juran 1952) The Black Castle
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.16 — The Stones Began to Move
(Reil­ly & Bar­rett 2010) Coast: Ep.42 ― Glas­gow to Edin­burgh via the Cale­don­ian Canal
(Smith 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.127 ― The Smug­glers, Part One
(Smith 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.128 ― The Smug­glers, Part Two
(Smith 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.129 ― The Smug­glers, Part Three
(Smith 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.130 ― The Smug­glers, Part Four
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.17 — The Lost Heartbeat
(Sal­is­bury 2002) The Life of Mam­mals: Ep.1 ― A Win­ning Design
(Rus­sell 1959) Per­ry Mason: Ep.75 ― The Case of Paul Drake’s Dilemma
(Guy 1902) Sage-femme de pre­mière classe [Mid­wife to the Upper Classes]
(Guy 1902) Inter­ven­tion malen­con­treuse [An Untime­ly Intrusion]
(Guy 1902) Danse excentrique
(Guy 1902) Les chiens savants [Miss Dundee and Her Per­form­ing Dogs]
(Guy 1903) Faust et Méphistophélès
(Guy 1903) Com­ment mon­sieur prend son bain [How Mon­sieur Takes His Bath]
(Tuck­er 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.21 ― A Worm in the Bud
(Bar­barash 2012) 6 Bullets
(Gilbert 1977) The Spy Who Loved Me
(Gra­eff 1959) Teenagers From Out­er Space
(Mar­t­i­nus 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.131 ― The Tenth Plan­et, Part One
(Mar­t­i­nus 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.132 ― The Tenth Plan­et, Part Two
(Mar­t­i­nus 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.133 ― The Tenth Plan­et, Part Three
(Mar­t­i­nus 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.134 ― The Tenth Plan­et, Part Four
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.18 — The World Below
(God­dard 2011) The Cab­in in the Woods
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.135 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part One
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.136 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part Two
(True-May 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.25 — Death and Dreams
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.137 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part Three
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.138 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part Four
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.139 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part Five
(Bar­ry 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.140 ― The Pow­er of the Daleks, Part Six
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.14
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.15
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.19 — Bar­ri­er of Silence
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.20 — The Neg­a­tive Man
(Hellings 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.26 — Paint­ed in Blood
(Cardiff 1964) The Long Ships
(Segal 1994) Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
(Web­ster 1964) San­ta Claus Con­quers the Mar­tians [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(David 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.141 ― The High­landers, Part One
(David 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.142 ― The High­landers, Part Two
(David 1966) Doc­tor Who: Ep.143 ― The High­landers, Part Three
(David 1967) Doc­tor Who: Ep.144 ― The High­landers, Part Four
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.16
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.17
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.18
(Ward 1960) Rocky & Bull­win­kle: Ep.19
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.21 — Dead Reckoning
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.22 — A Vis­it from Dr. Pliny
(Jason 1955) Sci­ence Fic­tion The­atre: Ep.23 — Strange Peo­ple at Pecos
(Singer 2012) Mock­ing­bird Lane: Ep.1 ― Pilot
(Wells 2002) The Time Machine
(Sil­ber­ston 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.28 — Birds of Prey
(Nut­ter 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.16 ― The Old Gods and the New
(Nut­ter 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.17 ― A Man With­out Honor
(Sal­is­bury 2002) The Life of Mam­mals: Ep.2 ― Insect Hunters
(Dis­ney 1930) The Barn­yard Con­cert [Mick­ey Mouse #15]
(Gillett 1930) The Pic­nic [Mick­ey Mouse #23]
(Gillett 1930) The Pio­neer Days [Mick­ey Mouse #24]
(Ray­mond 1931) The Speck­led Band
(Hirschman 1959) Per­ry Mason: Ep.76 ― The Case of the Gold­en Fraud
(Spiel­berg 1981) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(Brav­man 1986) Zom­bie Night­mare [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre Version]
(Smith 1967) Doc­tor Who: Ep.145 ― The Under­wa­ter Men­ace, Part One
(Smith 1967) Doc­tor Who: Ep.146 ― The Under­wa­ter Men­ace, Part Two
(Van Dyke 1936) Rose-Marie
(Glen 1989) License to Kill
(Edwards 1963) The Pink Panther
(Rae 1978) Laserblast
(Gillam-Smith 2012) Time Team: ep.242 ― Spe­cial: Brunel’s Last Launch
(Tay­lor 2012) Time Team: ep.243 ― Gate­holm Island, Pem­brokeshire — Dig by Wire
(Tuck­er 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.29 — The Green Man

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