23575. [5] (Lewis Car­roll) Through the Looking-Glass
23576. (Jane Jacobs) Intro­duc­tion to A School­teacher in Old Alas­ka [pref­ace]
23577. (Han­na Breece) A School­teacher in Old Alas­ka [ ̶ed. Jane Jacobs]
23578. (Wei Wei, et al) A Cal­i­brat­ed Human Y‑chromosomal Phy­loge­ny Based on
. . . . . Rese­quensing [arti­cle]
23579. (Peg­gy Herz) The Mork & Mindy Story
(Adam Smith) Essays on Philo­soph­i­cal Subjects
. . . . 23580. (D. D. Raphael & A. S. Skin­ner) Gen­er­al Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 23581. (Adam Smith) The His­to­ry of Astronomy
. . . . 23582. (Adam Smith) The His­to­ry of Ancient Physics
. . . . 23583. (Adam Smith) The His­to­ry of Ancient Log­ic and Metaphysics
. . . . 23584. (Adam Smith) Of the Exter­nal Senses
. . . . 23585. (Adam Smith) Of the Nature of that Imi­ta­tion which takes place in what are
. . . . . . . . . Called The Imi­ta­tive Arts
. . . . 23586. (Adam Smith) Of the Affin­i­ty between Music, Danc­ing, and Poetry
. . . . 23587. (Adam Smith) Of the Affin­i­ty between cer­tain Eng­lish and Ital­ian Verses
. . . . 23588. (Adam Smith) Review of Johnson’s Dic­tio­nary [review] 
. . . . 23589. (Adam Smith) A Let­ter to the Authors of the Edin­burgh Review [let­ter]
. . . . 23590. (Adam Smith) Pref­ace and Ded­i­ca­tion to William Hamilton’s Poems on Several 
. . . . . . . . . Occasions
. . . . 23591. (Dugald Stew­art) Account of the Life and Writ­ings of Adam Smith, LL.D.
23592. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­tory] Is This Our Fate? [arti­cle]
23493. (Jasper Cop­ping) British Have Invad­ed Nine out of Ten Coun­tries [arti­cle]
23494. (Byron York) In Boston, Stunned Rom­ney Sup­port­ers Strug­gle to Explain Defeat 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23495. (Jeff Sypeck) [in Blog Quid plu­ra?] “A long time ago, we used to be friends…” [arti­cle]
23496. (Col­in Burgess) The Age of Stonehenge
23497. (Robert Jor­dan) Wheel of Time #0: New Spring
23498. (Michael A. Lange) Vikings in the Nor’Wast — The Roots of Orkney’s Iden­ti­ty in
. . . . . Nor­way and Cana­da [arti­cle]
23499. (Robert William Fogel) Escape from Hunger and Pre­ma­ture Death, 1700–2100
23500. (Kay Nielsen) East of the Sun and West of the Moon: Old Tales from the North
. . . . . illus­trat­ed by Kay Nielsen [texts from Peter Chris­ten Asb­jørnsen and Jør­gen Moe]
23501. (Shane Smith) Siber­ian Slaves: Sneak­ing into North Korea’s Secret Russ­ian Labor
. . . . . Camp [d]
23502. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberber’s World His­to­ry] Excit­ing News about Ramon
. . . . . Llull’s Book of the Order of Chival­ry [arti­cle]
23503. (William E. Wat­son) Ibn al-Athīr’s Accounts of the Rūs: A Com­men­tary [arti­cle]
23504. (Caron Lett) “Trust” Pro­vides Answer to Han­daxe Enig­ma [arti­cle]
23505. (Nick Paum­garten) Dead­head: The After­life [arti­cle]
23506. (Josh Mar­shall) Ye Olde Black Fri­day Fes­ti­val [arti­cle]
23507. (Jus­tine Spiegel) Mau­ri­tanie: Mohamed Ould Abde­laz­iz est ren­tré à Nouak­chott [arti­cle]
23508. (Stephen Pinker) The Bet­ter Angels of Our Nature
23509. Enlil and Ninlil [Sumer­ian text & Eng­lish translation]
23510. The Eridu Flood Myth [Sumer­ian text & Eng­lish translation]

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