20889. (Jaiya & John Hanauer) Sex Posi­tions You Nev­er Thought Possible
20890. (Eric Chris­tiansen) The Norse­men in the Viking Age
20891. (D. Radice & L. Rez­zol­la) Uni­ver­sal­i­ty and Inter­mit­ten­cy in Rel­a­tivis­tic Turbulent 
. . . . . Flows of a Hot Plas­ma [arti­cle]
20892. (Ran­di Foxx) The Posi­tion Sex Bible
20893. (Mark Mazzetti) A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in Blood [arti­cle]
20894. (Uni­ver­si­dad de Oviedo: Noti­cias) Cien­tí­fi­cos de la Uni­vesi­dad de Oviedo ani­nan la 
. . . . . edad de El Sidrón [arti­cle]
20895. (Isma’il Kushkush) Ancient King­doms in Land of War [arti­cle]
20896. (Thibaud Taille­fu­mi­er & Marce­lo O. Mag­nasco) A Phase Tran­si­tion in the First Passage 
. . . . . of a Brown­ian Process through a Fluc­tu­at­ing Bound­ary with Impli­ca­tions for Neural 
. . . . . Cod­ing [arti­cle]
20897. (Scott Sayare) Islamist Fight­ers Slip Back Into Tim­buk­tu and Are Repelled by French 
. . . . . and Malians [arti­cle]
20898. (H. Y. Cheng et al) Effects of Direc­tion­al Migra­tion on Prisoner’s Dilem­ma Game in a 
Square Domain [arti­cle]
20899. (Kareem Fahim) Egyp­tians Strug­gle As Wary Tourists Stay Away [arti­cle]
20900. (Stephanie Pap­pas) Robes and Shov­els: Medieval Monks Cul­ti­vat­ed Wet­lands [arti­cle]
20901. (Kim DeRose) New Tech­nique for Cool­ing Mol­e­cules May Be Step­ping Stone to 
. . . . . Quan­tum Com­put­ing [arti­cle]
20902. (Alpha­Galileo Foun­da­tion) Stone Ships Show Signs of Mar­itime Net­work in Baltic Sea 
. . . . . Region 3,000 Years Ago [arti­cle]
20903. (Tom Robi­nette) Study Exam­ines Ancient Puebloans and the Myth of Maize [arti­cle]
20904. (AP PhysOrg) Sci­en­tists Report Hint of Dark Mat­ter in First Results from $2 Billion 
. . . . . Cos­mic Ray Detec­tor [arti­cle]
20905. (Julia S. Martín del Cam­po et al) High-Yield Pro­duc­tion of Dihy­dro­gen from Xylose by 
Using a Syn­thet­ic Enzyme Cas­cade in a Cell-Free Sys­tem [arti­cle]
20906. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Look For a Red Shoe [arti­cle]
20907. (Ted Gioia) Remem­ber­ing Cord­wain­er Smith: Full-Time Sci-Fi Author, Part-Time 
. . . . . Earth­ling [arti­cle]
20908. [4] (Clif­ford D. Simak) The Hud­dling Place [sto­ry]
20909. (Space Dai­ly) The Human Immune Sys­tem in Space [arti­cle]
20910. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Con­demned Out of His Own 
. . . . . Mouth — Rand Paul [arti­cle]
20911. (Tom Engel­hardt) [in blog TomDis­patch] The Ene­my-Indus­tri­al Com­plex [arti­cle]
20912. (Richard A. Bau­man) Crime and Pun­ish­ment in Ancient Rome
20913. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­ers’ World His­to­ry] Teenagers [arti­cle]
20914. (Joan­na Pyzel) After­life of Ear­ly Neolith­ic Hous­es in the Pol­ish Low­land [arti­cle]
20915. (John Keane) A Short His­to­ry of Banks and Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
20916. (Bri­an Greene) Ele­gant Uni­verse: Super­strings, Hid­den Dimen­sions, and the Quest for
. . . . . the Ulti­mate Theory
20917. (J. D. Salinger) Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters
20918. (J. D. Salinger) Sey­mour — An Introduction

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