(Lawrence 1958) The Crawl­ing Eye [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Lester 1980) Super­man 2
(Flo­rea 1976) The Astral Factor
(Tulio 1938) The Song of the Scar­let Flower [Laulu tulipunais­es­ta kukasta]
(Gold­stein 2000) 2001: A Space Travesty
(Wayans 2001) Scary Movie 2
(Mann 1983) The Keep
(Bar­ry 1972) Doc­tor Who: Ep.321 ― The Mutants, Part 4
(Bar­ry 1972) Doc­tor Who: Ep.322 ― The Mutants, Part 5
(Bar­ry 1972) Doc­tor Who: Ep.323 ― The Mutants, Part 6
(MacLaren 2013) Game of Thrones: Ep.28 ― Sec­ond Sons
(Dear­den & Eliso­fon 1966) Khartoum
(Jew­i­son 1966) The Rus­sians are Com­ing, the Rus­sians are Coming
(Groen­ing & Mari­no 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.90 ― The Silence of the Clamps
(Groen­ing & Carey-Hill 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.93 ― Möbius Dick
(Hawks 1940) His Girl Friday
(Var­nel 1939) Ask a Policeman
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.89 ― Law and Oracle
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.87 ― Benderama
(Wood 1940) Phan­tom of Chinatown
(Groen­ing & Muzquiz 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.95 ― The Tip of the Zoidberg
(Hitch­cock 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.1 ― Revenge
(Groen­ing & Mirkin 1993) The Simp­sons: Ep.84 ― Homer Goes to College
(Nut­ter 2013) Game of Thrones: Ep.29 ― The Rains of Castamere
(Adams 2012) Super Cyclone
(Hen­der­son 1971) The Touch of Satan [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Caseri­ni 1910) Ani­ta Garibaldi
(Bertoli­ni & Padovan 1910) L’in­fer­no [Dante’s Inferno]
(Sid­ney 1918) Tarzan of the Apes
(Groen­ing & Claf­fey 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.88 ― Ghost in the Machines
(Clair 1923) Paris Qui Dort
(Camp­bell 1947) Bush Pilot
(Gondry 2011) The Green Hornet
(Crich­ton 1973) Westworld
(Lip­stadt 1984) City Lim­its [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Bang 1961) Rep­tili­cus [orig­i­nal Dan­ish version]
(Spencer 1910) Mar­vel­lous Melbourne
(unknown 1910) ear­ly silent hard­core porn film, untitled
(Ratoff 1949) Black Magic
(Gadette 1952) You Asked For It: Bela Lugosi [episode of TV vari­ety series]
(Mac­Gre­gor 1974) Dev­il Times Five [aka Peopletoys]
(Fran­cis 1967) The Dead­ly Bees
(Elvey 1921) The Man with the Twist­ed Lip
(Pratt 1922) Mud and Sand
(Kolbe 1988) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.28 ― Where Silence Has Lease
(Nut­ter 2013) Game of Thrones: Ep.30 ― Mhysa
(Groen­ing & Fong 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.86 ― Neutopia
(Fox News­re­al 1927) Arthur Conan Doyle Interview
(Beau­dine 1966) Jesse James Meets Franken­stein’s Daughter
(Groen­ing & Mari­no 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.91 ― Yo Leela Leela
(Haley Jr 1962) Hol­ly­wood: The Fab­u­lous Era
(Pho­totron­ics 1948) Facts About Film
(Caiano 1965) Night­mare Cas­tle [Aman­ti d’oltretomba]
(War­ren 1912) Algie, the Miner
(Pratt 1918) Are Crooks Dishonest?
(McGowan 1925) Boys Will Be Joys [Our Gang/Little Ras­cals #41]
(Groen­ing & Carey-Hill 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.94 ― Fry Am the Egg Man
(Rein­er 1987) The Princess Bride
(Dis­ney 1923) Alice’s Wonderland
(Giblyn 1914) By the Sun’s Rays
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.92 ― All the Pres­i­dents’ Heads
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.1 ― The Fear & the Dream
(Holt­house 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.59 ― Death in a Choco­late Box
(Lin­der 1912) Une idylle à la ferme [A Farm-house Romance]
(Sen­nett & Hen­der­sen 1916) Wife and Auto Trouble
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.96 ― Cold Warriors
(Han­koff & Hodge 2006) Hitler’s Secret Tapes
(Cor­man 1957) Attack of the Crab Monsters
(Sears 1955) Teen-Age Crime Wave [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Stevens 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.2 ― Premonition
(Steven­son 1974) The Island at the Top of the World
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.2 ― Sell­ing the Amer­i­can Way
(Castel­lari 1983) Escape 2000 [Fuga dal Bronx] [aka Escape from the Bronx] [Mys­tery Science
. . . The­atre version]
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.3 ― Let’s Play House
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.1
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.2
(Hon­da 1970) Space Amoe­ba [aka Yog—Monster from Space]
(Boese & Wegen­er 1920) Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam [The Golem]
(Groen­ing & Muzquiz 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.97 ― Overclockwise
(Steven­son 1962) In Search of the Castaways
(Ashe 1976) Track of the Moon Beast [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Dawn 1927) For the Term of His Nat­ur­al Life
(McGowan 1922) Young Sher­locks [Our Gang/Little Ras­cals #4]
(Weitz 2007) The Gold­en Compass
(Break­ston & Crane 1959) The Manster
(Lloyd & Ter­ry 1919) Just Neighbors
(Lin­der 1917) Max Wants a Divorce
(Groen­ing & Avanzi­no 2011) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.98 ― Reincarnation
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.4 ― A Burn­ing Desire
(War­ren 1959) Teenage Zombies
(Grif­fiths 1909) The Sealed Room
(McGowan 1923) No Noise [Our Gan­gLit­tle Ras­cals #17]
(Mac­Don­ald 1914) The Mag­ic Cloak of Oz
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.5 ― The Rage Within
(Maté 1954) Black Shield of Falworth
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.99 ― The Bots and the Bees
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.6 ― The Beat
(Row­land 1953) The 5,000 Fin­gers of Dr. T.
(Groen­ing & Muzquiz 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.100 ― A Farewell to Arms
(Ordung 1954) Mon­ster From the Ocean Floor
(Dahl­by 1997) David Halberstam’s The Fifties: Ep.7 ― The Road to the Sixties
(Otsep 1947) Whis­per­ing City
(Wiene 1920) Gen­uine, die Tragödie eines selt­samen Hauses
(Myers 1927) A Dog’s Pal
(Groen­ing & Carey-Hill 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.101 ― Deci­sion 3012
(Mankiewicz 1950) All About Eve
(McLa­glen 1975) Mitchell [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Grif­fith 1908) The Adven­tures of Dollie
(Grif­fith 1912) The Burglar’s Dilema
(O’Sul­li­van 1913) The Switch Tower
(McGowan 1923) Back Stage [Our Gan­gLit­tle Ras­cals #13]
(Groen­ing & Fong 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.102 ― The Thief of Baghead
(Cum­mings 1922) Flesh and Blood
(Groen­ing & Mari­no 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.103 ― Zapp Dingbat
(Holt­house 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.61 ― Shot at Dawn
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.3
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.4
(Cabanne 1915) Enoch Arden
(McGowan 1923) Sun­day Calm [aka Sun­day Pic­nic] [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #20]
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.104 ― The But­ter­junk Effect
(Jack­son 2003) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [extend­ed version]
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.5
(Carti­er 1958) Quar­ter­mass and the Pit [BBC ser­i­al ver­sion]: Ep.6
(McGowan 1924) Big Busi­ness [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #22]
(McGowan 1924) High Soci­ety [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #29]
(McGowan 1926) The Fourth Alarm [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #53]
(McGowan 1923) Der­by Day [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #19]
(McGowan 1926) War Feath­ers [Our Gang-Lit­tle Ras­cals #54]
(Med­ford 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.3 ― Trig­gers in Leash
(Scarpel­li 1961) The Giant of Metrop­o­lis [Il gigante di Metropolis]
(Simón 1983) The Pod Peo­ple [Los nuevos extrater­restres] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Steven­son 1955) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.4 ― Don’t Come Back Alive
(Groen­ing & Avanzi­no 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.105 ― The Six Mil­lion Dol­lar Mon
(Wirko­la 2013) Hansel & Gre­tel: Witch Hunters
(Tuck­er 1953) Robot Monster

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