Monday, December 4, 2013 — The Space Five

Cana­da has been upgrad­ing its cur­ren­cy in response to advances in coun­ter­feit­ing tech­nol­o­gy. The old five dol­lar “blue jay” which served for a quar­ter cen­tu­ry, is now get­ting hard to find. The 2001 “kids play­ing hock­ey” five was not tech­ni­cal­ly advanced enough to deal with today’s coun­ter­feitors, though it’s lit­er­ary quo­ta­tion from an old Roch Car­ri­er sto­ry was charm­ing: “Les hivers de mon enfance étaient des saisons longues, longues. Nous viv­ions en trois lieux: l’é­cole, l’église et la pati­noire; mais la vraie vie était sur la pati­noire / The win­ters of my child­hood were long, long sea­sons. We lived in three places—the school, the church and the skat­ing rink—but our real life was on the skat­ing rink.” Attempts to intro­duce a five dol­lar coin to save mon­ey fell flat when the pub­lic was polled.

13-12-04 BLOG The Space Five bill

This Novem­ber, the new poly­mer “space five” was released. It fea­tures an astro­naut, the “space arm” and a view of the earth. They are just now becom­ing com­mon, and I’m very pleased with them. Astro­naut Chris Had­field was giv­en a pre-release one to car­ry into space (see below):

13-12-04 BLOG Chris Hadfield and the Space Five

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