(Park­er 2013) South Park: Ep.240 — World War Zimmerman
(Stan­ton 2012) John Carter
(Pink 1962) Jour­ney To The Sev­enth Planet
(Clark 1979) Angels’ Revenge [aka Angels’ Brigade] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Sil­ber­ston 1998) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.2 — Writ­ten In Blood
(Clax­ton 1979) Night of the Lepus
(Hawks 1949) I Was a Male War Bride
(Scott 2012) Prometheus
(Asquith 1952) The Impor­tance of Being Earnest
(Valette 2010) Super Hybrid
(Min­nel­li 1951) An Amer­i­can in Paris
(Fasen­fest 2013) String The­o­ry: “Applause” by Lady Gaga, for 5 Cel­los [music video]
(2013) Bar­rière Sonata for Two Cel­los by Ben­jamin Lash and Nathan Chan [music video]
(1971) Car­ole King: “Nat­ur­al Woman” — Live [music video]
(Ishii 1965) Atom­ic Rulers of the World
(Bow­man 1988) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.29 ― Ele­men­tary, Dear Data
(Bres­son 1951) Jour­nal d’un curé de cam­pagne [Diary of a Coun­try Priest]
(Thiele 1943) Tarzan Triumphs
(Back­house, Keel­ing & Young) Lost Land of the Vol­cano, Part 1
(Con­nor 1975) The Land That Time Forgot
(Sen­nett 1914) The Knockout
(Groen­ing & Mirkin 1993) The Simp­sons: Ep.85 ― Rosebud
(Con­nor 1977) The Peo­ple That Time Forgot
(Pal 1961) Atlantis, the Lost Continent
(Kowal­s­ki 1958) Night of the Blood Beast [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version] 
(Park­er 2013) South Park: Ep.241 — Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers
(Malat­es­ta 1963) Colos­sus vs the Head­hunters [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Isaac 2001) Fri­day the 13th Part 10: Jason X
(Chechik 1992) The Odyssey: Ep.2 ― No Fair
(Zeman 1970) Na Komete
(Kel­logg 1959) The Killer Shrews
(Min­er 1981) Fri­day the 13th, Part 2
(Heusch 1958) The Day the Sky Exploded
(Sen­nett 1914) Mabel’s Busy Day
(Daugh­er­ty 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.41 — Fog Clos­ing In
(Chap­lin 1914) Those Love Pangs [aka The Mash­er; The Rival Mashers]
(Chap­lin 1914) Gen­tle­men of Nerve [as “Mabel aux courses”]
(Kowal­s­ki 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.126 ― The Case of the Miss­ing Melody
(Don­ner & Tal­madge 1965) What’s New Pussycat?
(Mendez 2013) Bad Ass Spider
(Stevens 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.42 — De Mortuis
(Fuest 1972) Dr. Phibes Ris­es Again!
(Mac­Naughton 1971) Mon­ty Python’s And Now For Some­thing Com­plete­ly Different
(Okawara 1994) Orochi, the Eight-Head­ed Drag­on [Yam­a­to Takeru]
(Hitch­cock 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.40 — Wet Saturday
(Beck­ham 2013) Ancient Com­put­er [Nova episode]
(Steven­son 1967) The Gnome-Mobile
(Nel­son 1964) Fate Is the Hunter
(Talalay 1993) Ghost in the Machine
(Mil­ner 1957) From Hell It Came
(Bernds 1959) Return of the Fly
(Cahn 1956) The She-Creature
(Capra 1946) It’s a Won­der­ful Life
(Daugh­er­ty 1956) Alfred Hitch­cock Presents: Ep.43 — Kill with Kindness
(Levin 1959) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
(Car­dona & Mur­ray 1959) San­ta Claus
(Nyby 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.127 ― The Case of the Mali­cious Mariner
(Bak­er 1965) The Avengers: Ep.91 — Too Many Christ­mas Trees
(Rye 2004) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.35 — Ghosts of Christ­mas Past
(Bradley 1960) 12 to the Moon [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Park­er 2013) South Park: Ep.242 — Tam­ing Strange
(Groen­ing & Mirkin 1993) The Simp­sons: Ep.86 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror IV
(Gos­nell 2009) Scooby-Doo
(Landin 2011) Into Iceland’s Volcano
(Gor­don 1957) The Cyclops
(Flock­er 1958) Teenagers Bat­tle the Thing
(Jack­son 2012) The Hob­bit: An Unex­pect­ed Journey

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