21513. (Poul Ander­son) A Mid­sum­mer Tempest
21514. (David Lord­kipanidze, et al) A Com­plete Skull from Dman­isi, Geor­gia, and the 
. . . . . Evo­lu­tion­ary Biol­o­gy of Ear­ly Homo [arti­cle]
21515. (Ha-Joon Chang) Kick­ing Away the Lad­der: Devel­op­ment Strat­e­gy in Historical 
. . . . . Perspective
21516. (Edgar Wal­lace) Clues [sto­ry]
21517. (Abhik Gup­ta and Kamalesh Guha) Tra­di­tion and Con­ser­va­tion in North­east­ern India: 
. . . . . An Eth­i­cal Analy­sis [arti­cle]
21518. (Anto­nia Thomas) Cre­at­ing Con­texts: Between the Archae­o­log­i­cal Site and Art Gallery 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21519. (Nishikant Kolge) Gandhi’s Crit­i­cism of Indus­tri­al­iza­tion and Moder­ni­ty; An Environ
. . . . . men­tal Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
21520. (Jo Day) Botany Meets Archae­ol­o­gy: Peo­ple and Plants in the Past [arti­cle]
21521. (Car­ol Atack) Review of Polis and Rev­o­lu­tion: Respond­ing to Oli­garchy in Clas­si­cal
. . . . . Athens by J. Shear [review]
21522. (Michelle Yost) Beyond Sym­zo­nia: The Sci­ence of the Hol­low Earth in Nineteenth 
. . . . . Cen­tu­ry Lit­er­a­ture [arti­cle]
21523. (Ernst Pohl & Lkhag­vadorj Mönkhba­yar, et al) Pro­duc­tion Sites in Karako­rum and Its 
. . . . . Envi­ron­ment: A New Archae­o­log­i­cal Project in the Ork­hon Val­ley, Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
21524. (Dou­glas A. Irwin) Free Trade and Pro­tec­tion in Nine­teenth-Cen­tu­ry Britain and France 
. . . . . Revis­it­ed [arti­cle]
21525. (Bar­bara Mor­rill) Addict Con­gress­man Return­ing to Work — Still Has­n’t Talked About
. . . . . His Vote for Drug Test­ing the Poor [arti­cle]
21526. (Mikael Thalen) Leaked Email Expos­es Bank Of Amer­i­ca’s Social Media Spies [arti­cle]
21527. (Ray Pen­sador) Report: U.S. Gov. And Cor­po­rate Secu­ri­ty Com­pa­nies Col­lude to Bring 
. . . . . Down Social Jus­tice Groups [arti­cle]
21528. (Steve Horn) How To Win The Media War Against Grass­roots Activists: Stratfor’s
. . . . . Strate­gies [arti­cle]
21529. (Clif­ford D. Simak) Out of Their Minds
21530. [3] (Adam Smith) The Wealth of Nations
Sumer­ian Nar­ra­tives of Inana:
. . . . 21531. (anon.) Inana and Enki [Sumer­ian text & translation]
. . . . 21532. (anon.) Inana and Ebih [Sumer­ian text & translation]
. . . . 21533. (anon.) Inana and Shu-kale-tuda [Sumer­ian text & translation]
. . . . 21534. (anon.) The Tale of Gudam [Sumer­ian text & translation]
. . . . 21535. (anon.) A Myth­ic Nar­ra­tive About Inana [Sumer­ian text & translation]
(Richard A. Lupoff ̶ed.) What If? Sto­ries That Should Have Won the Hugo, Vol­ume 1:
. . . . 21536. (Richard A. Lupoff) Intro­duc­tion: Earned Glo­ry [pref­ace]
. . . . 21537. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1952 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21538. [2] (William Tenn) Fire­wa­ter! [sto­ry]
. . . . 21539. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1953 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21540. (Damon Knight) Four in One [sto­ry]
. . . . 21541. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1954 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21542. [2] (Theodore Stur­geon) The Gold­en Helix [sto­ry]
. . . . 21543. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1955 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21544. [2] (Shirley Jack­son) One Ordi­nary Day, With Peanuts [sto­ry]
. . . . 21545. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1956 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21546. (Poul Ander­son) The Man Who Came Ear­ly [sto­ry]
. . . . 21547. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1957 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21548. (Kate Wil­helm) The Mile-Long Space­ship [sto­ry]
. . . . 21549. (Richard A. Lupoff) 1958 [arti­cle]
. . . . 21550. (Cyril Korn­bluth) Two Dooms [sto­ry]
21551. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] “Oh, Sher­lock, nei­ther of us 
. . . . . was the first.” [arti­cle]
21552. (Geor­gia Flou­da) Mate­ri­al­i­ty of Minoan Writ­ing: Modes of Dis­play and Perception 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21553. (Rana Sin­ha) How Does Indi­an Cin­e­ma Com­mu­ni­cate with Indi­an View­ers? [arti­cle]
21554. (Far­rell, Michelle; M. J. Bunting; D. H. L. Lee & Anto­nia Thomas) Neolith­ic Settlement 
. . . . . at the Woodland’s Edge: Paly­no­log­i­cal Data and Tim­ber Archi­tec­ture in Orkney, 
. . . . . Scot­land [arti­cle]
21555. (Mond­her ben Ayed) All Pol­i­tics Is Eco­nom­ics: How Eco­nom­ic Reform Can Save 
. . . . . Tunisia [arti­cle]
21556. (Ray Rus­sell) San­guinar­ius [sto­ry]
21557. (François Crouzet) Toward an Export Econ­o­my: British Exports dur­ing the Industrial 
. . . . . Rev­o­lu­tion [arti­cle]
21558. (Mur­ray Lein­ster) The Wail­ing Asteroid
21559. (Tsagaan Tör­bat, Pierre-Hen­ri Gis­card & Dun­büree Bat­sükh) First Exca­va­tion of 
. . . . . Pazyryk Kur­gans in Mon­go­lian Altai [arti­cle]
21560. (Abhik Gup­ta) Devel­op­ment of Barak Val­ley: The Ques­tion of Sus­tain­abil­i­ty [arti­cle]
21561. (Nico­las Teyssandi­er, Michael Bolus & Nicholas J. Conard) The Ear­ly Auri­gna­cian in 
. . . . . Cen­tral Europe and Its Place in a Euro­pean Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
21562. (Nishikant Kolge & N. Sreeku­mar) Towards a Com­pre­hen­sive Under­stand­ing of 
. . . . . Gandhi’s Con­cept of Swaraj: Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts on Parel’s Read­ing of Swaraj 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21563. (Charles P. Kindle­berg­er) The Rise of Free Trade in West­ern Europe,1820–1875 [arti­cle]
21564. (Adam Gry­de­høj) Infor­mal Diplo­ma­cy in Norway’s Sval­bard Pol­i­cy: The Inter­sec­tion of 
. . . . . Local Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment and Arc­tic Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions [arti­cle]
21565. (Mark J. Kaswan) Hap­pi­ness and Demo­c­ra­t­ic The­o­ry: Jere­my Ben­tham and William 
. . . . . Thomp­son [arti­cle]
21566. (Hmingth­anzuali & Rekha Pande) Women’s Indige­nous Knowl­edge and Relationship 
. . . . . with Forests in Mizo­ram [arti­cle]
21567. (John Irv­ing) A Prayer for Owen Meany
21568. (Dou­glas A. Irwin) Wel­fare Effects of British Free Trade: Debate and Evi­dence from the 
. . . . . 1840s [arti­cle]
21569. (Mau­rice Leboy­er) Cap­i­tal Invest­ment and Eco­nom­ic Growth in France, 1820–1930
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21570. (David Stu­art Davies) The Cur­zon Street Conun­drum [sto­ry]
21571. (Woody Allen) Count Drac­u­la [sto­ry]
21572. (Gavin Wright) An Econo­met­ric Study of Cot­ton Pro­duc­tion and Trade, 1830–1860
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21573. (Thomas Melin) Cul­tur­al Con­nec­tions with Europe Found in Ancient Jordanian 
. . . . . Set­tle­ment [arti­cle]
21574. (Fred­erik Pohl) The Sto­ry of The Space Mer­chants [arti­cle]
The Romance of Antar [based on the verse of Antarah Ibn Shad­dād al-‘Absī ] [tr. Étienne 
. . Delé­cluse & Epipha­nius Wilson]:
. . . . 21575. (Epipha­nius Wil­son) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 21576. The Ear­ly For­tunes of Antar 
. . . . 21577. Khaled and Djaida
21578. The Absians and Fazareans
21579. (Odd­ný Ósk Sver­ris­dót­tir, et al) Direct Esti­mates of Nat­ur­al Selec­tion in Iberia Indicate 
. . . . . Cal­ci­um Absorp­tion Was Not the Only Dri­ver of Lac­tase Per­sis­tence in Europe 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21580. (Cris­tiana Mis­sori) The Slow Agony of Lux­or and the Nile Val­ley [arti­cle]
21581. (Moham­mad Reza Bal­ali & Jozef Keu­lartz) Tech­nol­o­gy and Reli­gion: The Qanat 
. . . . . Under­ground Irri­ga­tion Sys­tem [arti­cle]
21582. (Eiríkur Bergmann) Recon­sti­tut­ing Ice­land – Con­sti­tu­tion­al Reform Caught in a New 
. . . . . Crit­i­cal Order in the Wake of Cri­sis [arti­cle]
21583. (O. Emmanuel Nue­siri) The Chal­lenge of Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry For­est Man­age­ment on Mt. 
. . . . . Cameroon [arti­cle]
21584. (Charles Read) Can Tar­iffs Help Growth: The His­tor­i­cal Case Re-Exam­ined [arti­cle]
21585. (Lau­ra Claw­son) Repub­li­can Plan: Audit Rape Vic­tims, Don’t Pro­tect Work­ers [arti­cle]
21586. (Patrick Gavin) GOProud Founder: Par­ty “Brain Dead” [arti­cle]
21587. (Hud­son Mead­well) The Polit­i­cal Econ­o­my of Tar­iffs in Late 19th Cen­tu­ry Europe: 
. . . . . Recon­sid­er­ing Repub­li­can France [arti­cle]
21588. (Kate Wong) Brain Shape Con­firms Con­tro­ver­sial Fos­sil as Old­est Human Ancestor 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21589. (Lau­ra Claw­son) Cocaine Con­gress­man Vot­ed to Force Drug Test­ing for Food Stamps 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21590. (James Gunn) The Pro­to­cols of Sci­ence Fic­tion [arti­cle]
21591. (Paul Bon­i­cel­li) Thailand’s Tur­moil [arti­cle]
21592. (Ham­den Rice) Most of You Have No Idea What Mar­tin Luther King Actu­al­ly Did 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21593. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Does Star Trek: the Original 
. . . . . Series Belong on this Blog? [arti­cle]
21594. (John Lin­dow) Norse Mythol­o­gy: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rit­u­als and Beliefs

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