(Eric Frank Rus­sell) Some­where, A Voice [col­lec­tion]
. . . . 14900. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) Some­where A Voice [sto­ry]
. . . . 14901. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) U‑Turn [sto­ry]
. . . . 14902. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) Seat of Obliv­ion [sto­ry]
. . . . 14903. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) Tieline [sto­ry]
. . . . 14904. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) Dis­placed Per­son [sto­ry]
. . . . 14905. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) Dear Dev­il [sto­ry]
. . . . 14906. [2] (Eric Frank Rus­sell) I Am Noth­ing [sto­ry]
14907. (Don­ald W. Clarke) Pre­his­to­ry of Great Bear Lake [arti­cle]
14908. (Roger Bacon) The Opus majus of Roger Bacon, edit­ed with introd. and ana­lyt­i­cal table by
. . . . . John Hen­ry Bridges

14909. (Roger Bacon) Part of the Opus ter­tium of Roger Bacon, includ­ing a frag­ment now print­ed for
. . . . . the first time

14910. (Roger Bacon) The mir­ror of alchimy [Specu­lum alchemi­ae]
14911. (Roger Bacon) Frier Bacon his dis­cov­ery of the mir­a­cles of art, nature, and magick
. . . . . [De mirabili potes­tate artis et naturae]

14912. (William Salmon) Med­i­c­i­na prac­ti­ca, or, Prac­ti­cal physick: shew­ing the method of curing
. . . . . the most usu­al dis­eases hap­pen­ing to humane bod­ies; to which is added, the philosophick
. . . . . works of Her­mes Tris­megis­tus, Kalid Per­si­cus, Geber Arabs, Arte­sius Longævus, Nicholas
. . . . . Flam­mel, Roger Bachon and George Rip­ley; all trans­lat­ed out of the best Latin editions
. . . . . into Eng­lish; togeth­er with a sin­gu­lar com­ment upon the first book of Her­mes, the most
. . . . . ancient of philoso­phers; the whole com­pleat­ed in three books

14913. (Neil Arun) Guan­tanamo Uighurs’ Strange Odyssey [arti­cle]
14914. (Jill McGiver­ing) Syphilis Rates Soar­ing in Chi­na [arti­cle]
14915. (Fran­cis Bacon) Novum Organum 
14916. (Fran­cis Bacon) The Advance­ment of Learn­ing, Divine and Human 
14917. (Lee Carter) Mus­lim Sit­com Debuts in Cana­da [arti­cle]
14918. (Roger Bacon) The Cure of Old Age and Preser­va­tion of Youth
14919. (Bri­an Clegg) The First Sci­en­tist, A Life of Roger Bacon
14920. (James Rus­sell Low­ell) Edgar Allan Poe [arti­cle]
14921. (Aaron Corn) When the Waters Will Be One: Hered­i­tary per­for­mance traditions 
. . . . . and the Yol­nu re-inven­tion of post-Barun­ga inter­cul­tur­al dis­cours­es [arti­cle]
14922. (Anno reg­ni Georgii III. Reg­is Mag­næ Bri­tan­niæ, Fran­ciæ, & Hiberniæ, dec­i­mo sex­to at
. . . . . the par­lia­ment begun and hold­en at West­min­ster, the twen­ty-ninth day of November,
. . . . . Anno Domi­ni 1774, in the fif­teenth year of the reign of our sov­er­eign Lord George
. . . . . the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ire­land, King, Defender
. . . . . of the Faith, &c. and from thence con­tin­ued, by sev­er­al pro­ro­ga­tions, to the twenty-
. . . . . sixth day of Octo­ber, 1775; being the sec­ond ses­sion of the four­teenth par­lia­ment of
. . . . . Great Britain) An Act for Giv­ing A Pub­lick Reward unto such Per­son or Per­sons, being
. . . . . His Majesty’s Sub­ject or Sub­jects, as shall dis­cov­er a North­ern Pas­sage for Vessels
. . . . . by Sea, between the Atlantic and Pacif­ic Oceans; and also unto such as shall first
. . . . . Approach by Sea with­in One Degree of the North­ern Pole.

14923. (Yusuf Kan­li) I Have Lost a Friend: Hrant Dink [arti­cle]
14924. (Bri­an Sloan) Tale of Two Summers
14925. (Nunatsi­aq News edi­to­r­i­al) A Made-in-Nunavut Fail­ure [arti­cle]
14926. (Mervyn Peake) Titus Groan
14927. (Thomas S. Kuhn) The Route to Nor­mal Sci­ence [arti­cle]
14928. (Don Mar­quis) Three Son­nets to a Red-Haired Lady [verse]
14929. (Wolf­gang Amadeus Mozart) A Let­ter [authen­tic­i­ty uncer­tain] [arti­cle]
14930. (Haru­ki Muraka­mi) Underground
14931. (Northop Frye) The Keys to Dream­land [arti­cle]
14932. (Robert Mac­Neil) Word­struck, a Memoir
14933. (Lemo­ny Snick­et [ = Daniel Han­dler] ) The Wide Window
14934. (Philip Roth) Eli, the Fanat­ic [from Good­bye, Colum­bus]
14935. (Ogden Nash) Cat Naps Are Too Good for Cats [poem]
14936. (Richard Hak­luyt) excerpt from Divers Voy­ages Touch­ing the Dis­cov­er­ie of America,
. . . . . and the Ilands adja­cent to the same [1582]

14937. (Richard Hak­luyt) two excerpts from The Prin­ci­pall Nav­i­ga­tions, Voiages and Discoveries
. . . . .  of the Eng­lish Nation [1598–1600]

14938. (André Mal­raux) La voie royale
14939. (BBC, 30 Jan­u­ary 2007) Stonehenge’s Builders Hous­es Found [arti­cle]

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