14924. (Brian Sloan) Tale of Two Summers

I was deeply impressed by the courage and skill that went into this new nov­el for teenagers. First of all, it under­takes the tech­ni­cally dif­fi­cult task of writ­ing a nov­el in the style of a blog, with cur­rent teenage blog-lan­guage used con­vinc­ingly. Sec­ond, it gets in the head of two teenagers, one straight and one gay, who have main­tained a friend­ship from child­hood, and are con­fronting their first sex­ual choic­es. Sloan, who is a film direc­tor, suc­ceeds admirably in both these tasks. I have been told by too many peo­ple that the cur­rent atmos­phere in pub­lish­ing pre­cludes an intel­li­gent treat­ment of teenage sex­u­al­ity. This book proves that those peo­ple are wrong. Yes, it’s true that the march­ing morons have com­man­deered and cor­rupted much of the media in North Amer­ica. Yes, it’s true that an aging pop­u­la­tion in the Unit­ed States and Cana­da has been get­ting steadi­ly stu­pider and more con­ser­v­a­tive. But it is essen­tial that writ­ers resist these trends, and stand up for true moral val­ues against the igno­rance and immoral­ity of Con­ser­vatism, espe­cially when it comes to writ­ing for the young. Sloan does so, and earns my respect for it.

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