21660. (Wil­fed The­siger) Among the Moun­tains — Trav­els Through Asia
21661. (Philip Mat­tera) Sub­si­diz­ing the Cor­po­rate One Per­cent: Sub­sidy Track­er 2.0 Reveals 
. . . . . Big-Busi­ness Dom­i­nance of State and Local Devel­op­ment Incen­tives [report]
(Kather­ine Mans­field) In a Ger­man Pension:
. . . . 21662. (John Mid­dle­ton Mur­ry) Intro­duc­to­ry Note [pref­ace]
. . . . 21663. (Kather­ine Mans­field) Ger­mans at Meat [sto­ry]
. . . . 21664. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Baron [sto­ry]
. . . . 21665. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Sis­ter of the Baroness [sto­ry]
. . . . 21666. (Kather­ine Mans­field) Frau Fis­ch­er [sto­ry]
. . . . 21667. (Kather­ine Mans­field) Frau Bechen­mach­er Attends a Wed­ding [sto­ry]
. . . . 21668. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Mod­ern Soul [sto­ry]
. . . . 21669. (Kather­ine Mans­field) At Lehmann’s [sto­ry]
. . . . 21670. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Luft Bad [sto­ry]
. . . . 21671. (Kather­ine Mans­field) A Birth­day [sto­ry]
. . . . 21672. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Child-Who-Was-Tired [sto­ry]
. . . . 21673. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Advanced Lady [sto­ry]
. . . . 21674. (Kather­ine Mans­field) The Swing of the Pen­du­lum [sto­ry]
. . . . 21675. (Kather­ine Mans­field) A Blaze [sto­ry]
21676. (Rug­gero D’Anastasio et al) Micro-Bio­me­chan­ics of the Kebara 2 Hyoid and Its 
. . . . . Impli­ca­tions for Speech in Nean­derthals [arti­cle]
21677. (Nevine El-Aref) Tomb from 18th Dynasty Dis­cov­ered in Lux­or [arti­cle]
21678. (Wim Van Neer et al) More Evi­dence for Cat Tam­ing at the Pre­dy­nas­tic Elite Cemetery 
. . . . . of Hier­akon­po­lis, Upper Egypt [arti­cle]
21679. (Hon­oré de Balzac) Le Père Goriot
21680. (Alexan­der Andrée) Review of Bound Fast with Let­ters: Medieval Writ­ers, Read­ers,
. . . . . and Texts by Richard H. Rouse and Mary A. Rouse [review]
21681. (Lawrence Mar­tin) Canada’s For­got­ten Inde­pen­dence Day [arti­cle]
21682. (Marc A. Sicoli & Gary Holton) Lin­guis­tic Phy­lo­ge­nies Sup­port Back-Migra­tion from 
. . . . . Beringia to Asia [arti­cle]
21683. (Aaron Krach) Half-Life
21684. (Ken­neth M. Stamp) The Era of Recon­struc­tion 1865–1877
21685. (Theodore Stur­geon) So Near the Dark­ness [sto­ry]
21686. (Deba­jit Deb & Samir Deb­bar­ma) A Soci­olin­guis­tic Pro­file of Saihriem [arti­cle]
(Flan­nery O’Connor) Every­thing That Ris­es Must Converge:
. . . . 21687. (Robert Fitzger­ald) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 21688. (Flan­nery O’Connor) Every­thing That Rise Must Con­verge [sto­ry]
. . . . 21689. (Flan­nery O’Connor) Green­leaf [sto­ry]
. . . . 21790. (Flan­nery O’Connor) A View of the Woods [sto­ry]
. . . . 21791. (Flan­nery O’Connor) The Endur­ing Chill [sto­ry]
. . . . 21792. (Flan­nery O’Connor) The Com­forts of Home [sto­ry]
. . . . 21793. (Flan­nery O’Connor) The Lame Shall Enter First [sto­ry]
. . . . 21794. (Flan­nery O’Connor) Rev­e­la­tion [sto­ry]
. . . . 21795. (Flan­nery O’Connor) Parker’s Back [sto­ry]
. . . . 21796. (Flan­nery O’Connor) Judge­ment Day [sto­ry]
21697. (Taras Fedirko) “I’d Rather Pay”: Bribery and Infor­mal Prac­tices in Ukrainian
. . . . . Bureau­cra­cy [arti­cle]
21698. (Ver­nor Vinge) Syn­thet­ic Serendip­i­ty [sto­ry]
21699. (Mary Rosen­blum) Skin Deep [sto­ry]
21700. (Nicholas Bre­ton) Fan­tas­tics: Serv­ing for a Per­pet­u­al Prognostication
21701. (Pas­cal Bouch­ery) Irri­ga­tion Sys­tem and Reli­gious Inter­pre­ta­tion of the Local
. . . . . Envi­ron­ment among the Hanis in Yun­nan [arti­cle]
21702. (Van­dana Singh) Del­hi [sto­ry]
21703. (Albert E. Cow­drey) The Tribes of Bela [sto­ry]
21704. (Mar­cus Brit­tain) Assem­bling Bod­ies, Mak­ing Worlds: An Archae­o­log­i­cal Topology
. . . . . of Place [arti­cle]
21705. (Anna Politkovskaya) Putin’s Russia
21706. (Sir Wal­ter Raleigh) The His­to­ry of the World [excerpt]
21707. (William Sanders) Sit­ka [sto­ry]
21708. (Brad Simp­son) Self-Deter­mi­na­tion in the Age of Putin [arti­cle]
21709. (Daniel Abra­ham) Leviathan Wept [sto­ry]
21710. (Aaron J. Gassmann et al) Field-Evolved Resis­tance to Bt Maize by West­ern Corn
. . . . . Root­worm [arti­cle]
21711. (Col­in P. Davies) The Defend­er [sto­ry]
21712. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] The Mean­ing of Chival­ry [ar‑t.]
(John Donne) Med­i­ta­tions fromm Devo­tion Upon Emer­gent Occasions:
. . . . 21713. (Robert P. Tris­tram Cof­fin & Alexan­der M. With­er­spoo) John Donne [arti­cle]
. . . . 21714. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion I : Insul­tus mor­bi primus
. . . . 21715. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion III: Decu­bi­tus sequitur tandem
. . . . 21716. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion IV: Medicusque vocatur
. . . . 21717. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion V: Solus adest
. . . . 21718. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion VI: Metuit
. . . . 21719. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion VII: Socios sibi jungi­er instat
. . . . 21720. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion VIII: Et rex ipse suum mettit
. . . . 21721. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XII: Spi­rante colum­ba sup­posi­ta ped­ibus revocantur
. . . . . . . . . ad ima vapores
. . . . 21722. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XIII: Inge­ni­umque malum numeroso stig­mate fassus
. . . . . . . . . pel­li­tur ad pec­tus mor­bique sub­ur­bia morbus
. . . . 21723. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XIV: Idque notant criti­cus medici evenisse diebus
. . . . 21724. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XVI: Et prop­er­are meum cla­mant e turre propinqua
. . . . . . . . . obstreper­ae cam­panae alio­rum in funere funus
. . . . 21725. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XVII: Nunc lento soni­tu dicunt, moreris
. . . . 21726. (John Donne) Med­i­ta­tion XXI: Atque annu­it ille qui per eos cla­mat, lin­quas iam,
. . . . . . . . . Lazare, lectum
21727. (Stephen Bax­ter) Mayflower II [sto­ry]
21728. (Caitlin R. Kier­man) Rid­ing the White Bull [sto­ry]
21729. (Bren­dan DuBois) Falling Star [sto­ry]
21730. (John Donne) Ser­mon XV, folio of 1640 [arti­cle]
21731. (John Donne) Ser­mon XXIII, folio of 1640 [arti­cle]
21732. (John Donne) Ser­mon LXXII, folio of 1640 [arti­cle]
21733. (John Donne) Decay of the World [arti­cle]
21734. (John Donne) Wretched Man [arti­cle]
21735. (John Donne) Sin [arti­cle]
21736. (John Donne) Death [arti­cle]
21737. (John Donne) Damna­tion [arti­cle]
21738. (John Donne) The Res­ur­rec­tion of the Body [arti­cle]
21739. (John Donne) At the Bier of a King [arti­cle]
21740. (John Donne) To the Hon­or­able Com­pa­ny of the Vir­gin­ian Pan­ta­tion, 1622 [arti­cle]
21741. (John Donne) Guy Fawkes Day [arti­cle]
21742. (John Donne) The Divid­ed Man [arti­cle]
21743. (John Donne) The World a Musi­cal Instru­ment [arti­cle]
21744. (John Donne) The Lamp of Christ Extin­guished by Rea­son [arti­cle]
21745. (John Donne) The Need of Faith [arti­cle]
21746. (Mau­rice Leblanc) [Arsène Lupin] La femme aux deux sourires
21747. (Greg Laden) [in blog Greg Laden’s Blog] Two Rings To Rule Them All: Amazing
. . . . . Space Dis­cov­ery [arti­cle]
21748. (Robert Reed) The Drag­ons of Sum­mer Gulch [sto­ry]
21749. (James L. Cam­bias) The Ocean of the Blind [sto­ry]
21750. (Jonathan Jar­rett) [in blog A Cor­ner of Tenth-Cen­tu­ry Europe] Faith and For­tune on
. . . . . Byzan­tine and Islam­ic Coinage [arti­cle]
21751. (Eleanor Arna­son) The Gar­den: A Hwarhath Sci­ence Fic­tion­al Romance [sto­ry]
21752. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Wrap­ping Up a Sem­i­nar On
. . . . . Chival­ry [arti­cle]
21753. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] The Square (2013) — an
. . . . . Intense Look at the Egypt­ian Rev­o­lu­tion [film review]
21754. (John Donne) The Fol­ly of the Athe­is [arti­cle]
21755. (John Donne) Sanc­ti­fied Pas­sions [arti­cle]
21756. (John Donne) The Upright Man [arti­cle]
21757. (John Donne) The Unfad­ing Flower [arti­cle]
21758. (John Donne) The Para­dox of Christ [arti­cle]
21759. (John Donne) The Image of God [arti­cle]
21760. (John Donne) God in All Things [arti­cle]
21761. (John Donne) The Books of God [arti­cle]
21762. (John Donne) The Sight of God [arti­cle]
21763. [2] (Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie) Mon­tail­lou, The Promised Land of Error
21764. (Jeune Afrique) Ebo­la en Guinée: un con­cert du chanteur Yous­sou Ndour à Conakry
. . . . . reporté [arti­cle]
21765. (Peter F. Hamil­ton) Footvore [sto­ry]
21766. (Paul DiFil­ip­po) Sisy­phus and the Stranger [sto­ry]
21767. (Paul Melko) Ten Sig­mas [sto­ry]
21768. (Jeune Afrique) Fièvre hémor­rag­ique: la Guinée tente tou­jours d’en­ray­er la propagation
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21769. (Wal­ter Jon Williams) Invest­ments [sto­ry]
21770. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] A Thought on Modern
. . . . . Her­aldry [arti­cle]
21771. (Nunatsi­aq News) Senior Arc­tic Offi­cials Sign Off on New Cir­cum­po­lar Economic
. . . . . Coun­cil [arti­cle]
21772. (Eve­lyn Waugh) Black Mischief
21773. (Roger Zelazny) Day­blood [sto­ry]

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