(Wol­cott 1958) The Wild Women of Wongo
(Archer 2007) Why Be Good? Sex­u­al­i­ty & Cen­sor­ship in Ear­ly Cinema
(Copes­take 2004) Britain A.D. [minis­eries]
(Carstairs 1953) Trou­ble in Store
(Newmey­er & Tay­lor 1923) Safe­ty Last!
(Wal­ter 2014) Helium
(Sbardel­lati 1983) Deathstalker
(White 1900) Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce
(1900) Shrink­ing Head
(1901) Cana­di­an Train On a Mountain
(1901) Pan­sy the Toy Car
(Porter 1900) The Magician
(White 1900) Why Jones Dis­charged His Clerks
(Edi­son 1900) Charge of the Boer Cavalry
(Edi­son 1900) Eif­fel Tow­er from Tro­cadero Palace
(Edi­son 1900) Place de l’Opéra
(Edi­son 1900) The Champs Elysées
(Edi­son 1900) Panora­ma of the Paris Expo­si­tion from the Seine
(Edi­son 1900) Esplanade des Invalides
(Edi­son 1900) Place de la Concorde
(Edi­son 1900) Panora­ma from the Mov­ing Boardwalk
(Edi­son 1900) Palace of Electricity
(Edi­son 1900) Champs de Mars and the Eif­fel Tower
(Edi­son 1900) Scene from the Ele­va­tor Ascend­ing the Eif­fel Tower
(Edi­son 1900) Swiss Vil­lage at the Paris Expo
(Edi­son 1900) Con­gress of Nations
(Edi­son 1900) Drill at New­port Train­ing School
(1902) Bee­hive Dance
(Ray 2012) 2‑Headed Shark Attack
(Leonard 1933) Danc­ing Lady
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 3 ― The Altar of the Flam­ing God 
(Tourneur 1942) Cat People
(She­bib 1971) Rip-Off
(Lean & Cow­ard 1942) In Which We Serve
(Dick­son 1956) Satel­lite in the Sky
(Dema­ree 2014) Apoc­a­lypse Pompeii
(Mas­torakis 1988) Night­mare at Noon [aka Death Street USA] [Riff­Trax version]
(Brignell 2012) The Cult of Mithras
(Oos­t­ra 2003) Osiris and Christianity
(Turn­er 1902) Brad­ford Colour Test Footage [World’s Old­est Colour Film]
(Chu 2013) The Hor­rif­ic World of Eng­land’s Workhouse
(Smith 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.71 ― Small Mercies
(Pol­lard 1931) Alice in Wonderland
(Lamb 1999) What Did Bill Clin­ton Lie About?
(Thomp­son 2013) The Secret Life of Mary Poppins
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 4 ― The Vengeance of La
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 5 ― Con­demned to Death
(Nekes 1986) Film Before Film [Was geschah wirk­lich zwis­chen den Bildern?]
(White­bloom 2011) Prophets of Sci­ence Fic­tion: Ep.1 ― Mary Shelley
(Can­non 1995) Judge Dredd [Riff­Trax version]
(Kel­ly 1955) It’s Always Fair Weather
(Miller 1959) The 30 Foot Bride of Can­dy Rock
(Bee 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.1 ― Birth of a Language
(Gor­don 1960) Tor­ment­ed [aka Eye of the Dead] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Bee 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.2 ― Eng­lish Goes Underground
(Hitch­cock 1934) The Man Who Knew Too Much [first version]
(1962) Bil­ly’s Heli­copter Ride [Riff­Trax version]
(Gallen 2008) Clas­sic TV Toy Com­mer­cials of the 1950’s and 60’s
(De Mic­co & Sanders 2013) The Croods
(Shi­dara & Miyaza­ki 1971) Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves [アリババと40匹の盗賊]
(Jacobs 1976) Tic Toc Time Clock [Riff­Trax version]
(1960) Paper and I [Riff­Trax version]
(Bee 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.3 ― The Bat­tle for the Lan­guage of the Bible
(Dupey­ron 2003) Mon­sieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran
(Wat­tis 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.4 ― This Earth, This Realm, This England
(Guest 1974) Con­fes­sions of a Win­dow Cleaner
(Ives 2014) 1964 [Amer­i­can Experience]
(Cozzi 1979) Star­crash [Scon­tri stel­lari oltre la terza dimensione]
(Oplev 2009) The Girl With the Drag­on Tatoo [Män som hatar kvinnor]
(Schmoeller 1979) The Tourist Trap [Riff­Trax version]
(Thomas 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.5 ― Eng­lish in America
(Sco­la 1982) La Nuit de Varennes 
(Clift 1935) Phan­tom Ship [aka The Mys­tery of the Marie Celeste]
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 6 ― Tan­tor the Terror
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 7 ― The Dead­ly Peril
(Wheel­er 2012) Svalbard
(Wat­tis 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.6 ― Speak­ing Proper
(Lot­ter­by 1986) Yes, Prime Min­is­ter: Ep.1 ― Grand Design
(Lot­ter­by 1986) Yes, Prime Min­is­ter: Ep.2 ― The Min­is­te­r­i­al Broadcast
(Lot­ter­by 1986) Yes, Prime Min­is­ter: Ep.3 ― The Smoke Screen
(Fran­cis 1963) The Sky­divers [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Bee 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.7 ― The Lan­guage of Empire
(Wat­tis 2003) The Adven­ture of Eng­lish: Ep.8 ― Many Tongues Called English, 
. . . One World Language 
(VeSo­ta 1963) Inva­sion Of The Star Creatures
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.1 ― The Plan­et of Peril
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.2 ― The Tun­nel of Terror
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.3 ― Cap­tured by Shark Men
(Bram­bil­la 2002) Dino­topia [minis­eries]

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