21862. (Th. Her­sart de La Ville­mar­qué) Barzaz-Breiz: chants pop­u­laires de la Bretagne
21863. (Hervé Lossec) Les Bretonnismes
21864. (Khashchu­lu­un Chu­lu­un­dorj) Cur­rent Sta­tus of Mongolia’s Eco­nom­ic and Social 
. . . . . Devel­op­ment and Future Trends [arti­cle]
21865. (Batchimeg Miged­dorj) Mon­go­lian Eco­nom­ic Back­ground and Polit­i­cal Destiny 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21866. (Pierre Cloarec) The Case Against Equal­i­ty and Pri­or­i­ty: A Reply to Hue­mer [arti­cle]
21867. (Win­ston Gra­ham) Ross Poldark, a Nov­el of Corn­wall 1783–1787
21868. (Guð­varður Már Gunnlaugs­son) The Ori­gin and Devel­op­ment of Ice­landic Script 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21869. (Nar­man­dakh Damd­in­jav) Ques­tions Con­cern­ing Val­ues and the Sus­tain­able Livelihood 
. . . . . of Rur­al Mon­go­lians [arti­cle]
21870. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Liv­ing Your Ideals [arti­cle]
21871. (Bataa Mishig-Ish) Bud­dhism and the Grand Maitreya Com­plex Project in Mongolia 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21872. (Ves­na Wal­lace) Sur­viv­ing Moder­ni­ty in Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
21873. (Tuvsh­in­tugs Dorj) The Devel­op­ment of Shaman­ism in Mon­go­lia after Socialism 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21874. (Bat-Amgalan Baatar­jav) The False Term “Baga Yas­tan”: Human Rights and Culture 
. . . . . Dis­crim­i­na­tion in Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
21875. (John Dry­den) Hero­ic Stan­zas Con­se­crat­ed to the Glo­ri­ous Mem­o­ry of His Most Serene 
. . . . . and Renowned High­ness, Oliv­er, Late Lord Pro­tec­tor of This Com­mon­wealth [poem]
21876. (John Dry­den) Astraea Redux [poem]
21877. (Fer­nan­do Almarza Rísquez) La Teoría del Caos — Mod­e­lo de inter­pretación episté-mica 
. . . . . e instru­men­to de solu­ción: rec­on­cil­ia ción entre cien­ci as y humanidades [arti­cle]
21878. (R. L. Gow­land & A.G. West­ern) Mor­bid­i­ty in the Marsh­es: Using Spa­tial Epidemiol-ogy 
. . . . . to Inves­ti­gate Skele­tal Evi­dence for Malar­ia in Anglo-Sax­on Eng­land [arti­cle]
21879. (Arthur B. Reeve) Black Dia­mond [sto­ry]
21880. (Michael Whit­field & Susan Ben­son) The Knight Book, or Pun Glo­ria ad Infinitum
21881. (Susan Kepecs, Gary Fein­man & Syl­viane Bouch­er) Chichen Itza and It’s Hin­ter­land, A 
. . . . . World-sys­tems Per­spec­tive [arti­cle]
21882. (Mor­ley Callaghan) Such Is My Beloved
21883. (Shane Har­ris) Our Spy­ing Is Bet­ter Than Your Spy­ing [arti­cle]
21884. (John Dry­den) To My Honour’d Friend, Dr. Charleton [poem]
21885. (Sub­ham Roy Choud­hury) Sound of Hor­ror, Sound and Dread in Hin­di Cin­e­ma [arti-cle]
21886. (Michael Weiss) Sym­pa­thy for the Dev­ils — Inside the Shad­owy Wash­ing­ton PR 
. . . . . Net­work with Ties to Dic­ta­tors’ Cronies, War Crim­i­nals, and Sus­pi­cious Ukrainian
. . . . . Arms Trans­porters [arti­cle]
21887. (Tom Wal­lace & Far­ley Mesko) The Odessa Net­work: Map­ping Facil­i­ta­tors of Russian 
. . . . . and Ukrain­ian Arms Trans­fers [report]
21888. (Raphaël Nowak) Radio­head and the Resis­tant Con­cept Album: How to Disappear 
. . . . . Com­plete­ly [arti­cle]
21889. (Gale E. Chris­tian­son) Green­house: The 200-Year Sto­ry of Glob­al Warming
21890. (Rus­tam Sabirov) Bud­dhism in the Russ­ian Repub­lic of Bury­a­tia: His­to­ry and 
. . . . . Con­tem­po­rary Devel­op­ments [arti­cle]
21891. (Lkham Purev­jav) Pat­terns of Monas­tic and Sang­ha Devel­op­ment in Khalkha Mongolia
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21892. (Arjia Rin­poche) The Sig­nif­i­cance of Com­pas­sion in the Con­tem­po­rary Prac­tice of 
. . . . . Bud­dhism [arti­cle]
21893. (Edgell Pick­word) The Social Set­ting, 1780–1830 [arti­cle]
21894. (D. W. Hard­ing) The Char­ac­ter of Lit­er­a­ture from Blake to Byron [arti­cle]
21895. (Michael E. Smith, Jason Ur & Gary M. Fein­man) Jane Jacobs’ “Cities First” Mod­el and 
. . . . . Archae­o­log­i­cal Real­i­ty [arti­cle]
21896. (John Speirs) Burns and Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture [arti­cle]
21897. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] The Age of the Monks 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21898. (Mikhail Bul­gakov) The Mas­ter and Margarita

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