(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.4 ― Bat­tling the Sea Beast
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.5 ― The Destroy­ing Ray
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.6 ― Flam­ing Torture
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.7 ― Shat­ter­ing Doom
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.8 ― Tour­na­ment of Death
(Scardi­no 2013) The Incred­i­ble Burt Wonderstone
(Stern 2013) jOBS
(Berry 1965) Maya
(Wills 1936) Song of Freedom
(Mar­shall 1939) You Can’t Cheat an Hon­est Man
(Hitch­cock 1966) Torn Curtain
(McGrath 2002) Nicholas Nickleby
(Usborne 2011) Shock and Awe: The Sto­ry of Elec­tric­i­ty ― Part 1, The Spark
(East­man 2011) Shock and Awe: The Sto­ry of Elec­tric­i­ty ― Part 2, The Age of Invention
(Free­man 2011) Shock and Awe: The Sto­ry of Elec­tric­i­ty ― Part 3, Rev­e­la­tions & Revolutions
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.9 ― Fight­ing the Fire Dragon
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.10 ― The Unseen Peril
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.11 ― In the Claws of the Tigron
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.12 ― Trapped in the Turret
(Stephani 1936) Flash Gor­don [aka Space Sol­diers]: Ep.13 ― Rock­et­ing to Earth
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 8 ― The Loop of Death
(Place 1958) Daddy‑O [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Don­ald­son 1995) Species
(Mur­nau 1922) Nos­fer­atu, eine Sym­phonie des Grauens
(Bar­ry 1975) Poldark: Ep.1
(Shimizu 2004) The Grudge [Riff­Trax version]
(Turn­er 1902) Brad­ford Colour Test Footage [World’s Old­est Colour Film]
(Zap­palà 2002) Secrets of Archae­ol­o­gy: Ep.1 ― Pom­peii, a City Rediscovered
(Gor­don 1965) Vil­lage of the Giants [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Berke­ley 1942) For Me and My Gal
(Yarbrough 1946) The Brute Man [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Zap­palà 2003) Secrets of Archae­ol­o­gy: Ep.2 ― Glo­ri­ous Rome, Cap­i­tal of an Empire
(Zap­palà 2003) Secrets of Archae­ol­o­gy: Ep.3 ― Pyra­mids Designed for Eternity
(Ford 1946) My Dar­ling Clementine
(Collins 1948) Jun­gle God­dess [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Fish­er 1957) The Curse of Frankenstein
(1962) Billy’s Heli­copter Ride
(Neill 1928) The Viking
(Hilly­er 1923) The Shock
(Nguyen 2010) Bir­d­em­ic: Shock and Ter­ror [Live Riff­trax version]
(Son­nen­feld 1999) Wild Wild West
(Alfred­son 2009) The Girl Who Played With Fire [Flick­an som lek­te med elden]
(Sturges 1948) Unknown Island
(Smith 2013) Australia’s First 4 Bil­lion Years: Ep.1 ― Awakening
(Smith 2013) Australia’s First 4 Bil­lion Years: Ep.2 ― Life Explodes
(Oswald 1966) Agent for H.A.R.M. [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 9 ― The Flight of Werper
(Smith 2013) Australia’s First 4 Bil­lion Years: Ep.3 ― Monsters
(Smith 2013) Australia’s First 4 Bil­lion Years: Ep.4 ― Strange Creatures
(Neg­ule­sco 1950) The Mudlark
(Tal­las 1950) Pre­his­toric Women
(1964) Walk­ing to School [Riff­trax version]
(Swack­hamer 1985) Ter­ror at Lon­don Bridge [aka Bridge Across Time]
(1983) Alone At Home [Riff­trax version]
(Swift 1997) E! True Hol­ly­wood Sto­ry: Macaulay Culkin
(Grayson 1950) What the But­ler Saw
(Gold­berg & Rogen 2013) This Is the End
(Sear­le 1951) Cloudburst
(Clax­ton 1972) Night of the Lep­us [Riff­trax version]
(Kouchi 1917) Namaku­ra Gatana [なまくら刀; The Fine Sword]
(Kitaya­ma 1918) Urashima Tarō [浦島太郎]
(Bog­danovich 1972) What’s Up Doc?
(Losey 1948) The Boy With Green Hair
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 10 ― Pris­on­er of the Apes
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 11 ― The Jaws of Death
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 12 ― The Jew­els of Opar
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 14 ― Tarzan’s Rage
(MacRae 1929) Tarzan the Tiger: Chap­ter 15 ― The End: Tarzan’s Triumph
(Hitch­cock 1947) The Para­dine Case
(Hoop­er 1986) Invaders From Mars
(Rebane 1974) Inva­sion from Inner Earth
(Wal­lace 2004) In Search of Shake­speare: Ep.1 ― A Time of Revolution
(Wal­lace 2004) In Search of Shake­speare: Ep.2 ― The Lost Years
(Wal­lace 2004) In Search of Shake­speare: Ep.3 ― The Duty of Poets
(Wal­lace 2004) In Search of Shake­speare: Ep.4 ― For All Time
(Lan­field 1939) Hound of the Baskervilles
(Ander­son 2014) Pompeii
(Reit­man 1979) Meatballs
(1959) Adven­tures of a Chip­munk Fam­i­ly [Riff­Trax version]
(1954) Farm Babies and Their Moth­ers [Riff­trax version]
(Hunt 1969) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
(Egoy­an 2013) Devil’s Knot

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