21899. (Thomas Piket­ty) Le Cap­i­tal au XXIe siècle
21900. (John Dry­den) An Essay of Dra­mat­ic Poesy
21901. (Jan Michal Bur­dukiewicz) Microlith Tech­nol­o­gy in the Stone Age [arti­cle]
21902. (George Mon­biot) It’s Sim­ple. If We Can’t Change Our Eco­nom­ic Sys­tem, Our 
. . . . . Num­ber’s Up [arti­cle]
21903. (Thomas Piket­ty) On the Long Run Evo­lu­tion of Inher­i­tance — France, 1820–2050
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21904. (Mark Twain) Some Thoughts on the Sci­ence of Onanism [speech]
21905. (John Dry­den) Song from the Tragedy Tyrran­ic Love [poem]
21906. (John Dry­den) Epi­logue from Tyrran­ic Love [poem]
21907. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Loss of Colleague — 
. . . . . Dr. Anne Clendin­ning [arti­cle]
21908. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Bold Spi­ders Ensure a Bright Future for the Whole Colony [arti­cle]
21909. (Ernest Bramah) The Van­ished Crown [sto­ry]
21910. (John Dry­den) Annus Mirabilis [poem]
21911. (Tomas Alusik) Mid­dle Hel­ladic and Mid­dle Minoan Defen­sive Archi­tec­ture: A 
. . . . . Com­par­is­son [arti­cle]
21912. (Michael E. Smith, Gary M. Fein­man et al) Archae­ol­o­gy As a Social Sci­ence [arti­cle]
21913. (Thomas Frank) Col­leges Are Full of It: Behind the Three-decade Scheme to Raise 
. . . . . Tuition, Bank­rupt Gen­er­a­tions, and Hyp­no­tize the Media [arti­cle]
21914. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Do Medieval Fight Books 
. . . . . Reflect Actu­al Prac­tice? [arti­cle]
21915. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] The Crazy Years? [arti­cle]
21916. (Bert Groe­newoudt) Medieval and Post-Medieval Off-site Archae­ol­o­gy in the 
. . . . . Nether­lands: Recent Dis­cov­er­ies and Inter­pre­ta­tions [arti­cle]
21917. (John Dry­den) Four Songs from An Evening’s Love [verse]
(John W. Camp­bell, Jr.) The Space Beyond:
. . . . 21918. (Isaac Asi­mov) Big, Big, Big [pref­ace]
. . . . 21919. (John W. Camp­bell, Jr.) Marooned [sto­ry]
. . . . 21920. (John W. Camp­bell, Jr.) All [sto­ry]
. . . . 21921. (John W. Camp­bell, Jr.) The Space Beyond [sto­ry]
21922. (George Zebrows­ki) After­word [arti­cle]
21923. (Ragn­hild Ljosland) “I’ll cross dat brig whin I come til him”: Gram­mat­i­cal Gen­der in 
. . . . . the Orkney and Shet­land Dialects of Scots [arti­cle]
21924. (John Dry­den) Pro­logue to Aureng-Zebe [poem]
21925. (A. Gaynor West­ern) A Star of the First Mag­ni­tude: Oste­o­log­i­cal and Historical 
. . . . . Evi­dence for the Chal­lenge of Provin­cial Med­i­cine at the Worces­ter Roy­al Infirmary 
. . . . . in the Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry [arti­cle]
21926. (Clif­ford D. Simak) Our Chil­dren’s Children
21927. (John Dry­den) MacFlec­k­noe [poem]
21928. (Jørn Zeil­er) Birds for the Elite? Fowl­ing in the North­ern Nether­lands in the Roman 
. . . . . Peri­od and the Ear­ly Mid­dle Ages [arti­cle]
21929. (T. Dou­glas Price & Gary M. Fein­man) The Archae­ol­o­gy of the Future [arti­cle]
21930. (John Dry­den) Song from The Span­ish Fri­ar [poem]
21931. (Judith Levine) Not Buy­ing It
21932. (David Gill) Arsi­noe in the Pelo­pon­nese: The Ptole­ma­ic Base on the Methana Peninsula 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
21933. (Camille Joly et al) Archéolo­gie préven­tive et évo­lu­tion du paysage végé­tal de l’Âge du 
. . . . . Fer au Moyen Âge dans le Gâti­nais : mise en évi­dence de cul­ture de chan­vre et 
. . . . . d’activités de rouis­sage, Cour­celles et Sceaux-en-Gâti­nais, Loiret, France [arti­cle]
21934. (Anon. 13th Cen­tu­ry) Birch Bark Let­ter #292
21935. (Johan­na Laak­so) Vielä ker­ran itämeren­suomen van­him­mista muis­tomerkeistä [The
. . . . . First Finnic Text Revis­it­ed (Eng. summary)]
21936. (John Dry­den) The Epi­logue Spo­ken to the King [poem]
21937. (John Dry­den) The Pro­logue to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford [poem]
(Nor­man Spin­rad) The Last Hur­rah of the Gold­en Horde:
. . . . 21938. [2] (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Car­ci­no­ma Angels [sto­ry]
. . . . 21939. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Age of Inven­tion [sto­ry]
. . . . 21940. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Out­ward Bound [sto­ry]
. . . . 21941. (Nor­man Spin­rad) A Child of Mind [sto­ry]
. . . . 21942. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Equal­iz­er [sto­ry]
. . . . 21943. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Last of the Romany [sto­ry]
. . . . 21944. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Tech­ni­cal­i­ty [sto­ry]
. . . . 21945. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Rules of the Road [sto­ry]
. . . . 21946. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Dead End [sto­ry]
. . . . 21947. (Nor­man Spin­rad) A Night in Elf Hill [sto­ry]
. . . . 21948. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Death­watch [sto­ry]
. . . . 21949. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Ersatz Ego [sto­ry]
. . . . 21950. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Neu­tral Ground [sto­ry]
. . . . 21951. (Nor­man Spin­rad) Once More, With Feel­ing [sto­ry]
. . . . 21952. (Nor­man Spin­rad) It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane! [sto­ry]
. . . . 21953. [2] (Nor­man Spin­rad) Sub­jec­tiv­i­ty [sto­ry]
. . . . 21954. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Entrop­ic Gang Bang Caper [sto­ry]
. . . . 21955. (Nor­man Spin­rad) The Last Hur­rah of the Gold­en Horde [sto­ry]
21956. (John Keane) Antarc­ti­ca: Notes on the Fate of Sov­er­eign­ty [arti­cle]
21957. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] John Keane, Antarc­ti­ca and 
. . . . . Sov­er­eign­ty [arti­cle]
21958. (John Dry­den) Absa­lom and Achi­tophel [poem]
21959. (Lin­da Hir­sh­man) What Stonewall Got Right, and Occu­py Got Wrong [arti­cle]

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