22036. (V. M. Whit­worth) The Traitor’s Pit
22037. (Judith Bey­er) Order­ing Ideals: Accom­plish­ing Well-Being in a Kyr­gyz Coop­er­a­tive of
. . . . . Elders [arti­cle]
22038. (Ken­neth J. Lavo­vara, et al) A Gigan­tic, Excep­tion­al­ly Com­plete Titanosaurian
. . . . . Sauro­pod Dinosaur from South­ern Patag­o­nia, Argenti­na [arti­cle]
(Shi­va Rah­baran) Iran­ian Writ­ers Uncen­sored — Free­dom, Democ­ra­cy, and the Word in
. . Con­tem­po­rary Iran:
. . . . 22039. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 22040. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Simin Behbarhani [inter­view]
. . . . 22041. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Mah­moud Dowlataba­di [inter­view]
. . . . 22042. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Moham­mad Hoghooghi [inter­view]
. . . . 22043. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Manouchehr Atashi [inter­view]
. . . . 22044. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Moham­mad Ali Sep­an­lu [inter­view]
. . . . 22045. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Ali Ashraf Darvishi­an [inter­view]
. . . . 22046. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Javad Mojabi [inter­view]
. . . . 22047. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Amir Has­san Cheheltan [inter­view]
. . . . 22048. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Hafez Musavi [inter­view]
. . . . 22049. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Moniru Rava­nipur [inter­view]
. . . . 22050. (Shi­va Rah­baran) Shahri­ar Man­da­nipour [inter­view]
22051. (Kir­ill Istomin) Once Again on the Prob­lem of Alco­holism and Sui­cide among the
. . . . . Indige­nous Peo­ple of the Russ­ian North [arti­cle]
22052. (Ron Palen­s­ki) The Mak­ing of New Zealanders
22053. (Ed Pilk­ing­ton) Urban Shield: After Fer­gu­son, Police and Sup­pli­ers Con­sid­er Fate of
. . . . . Mil­i­tary-Grade Tac­ti­cal Gear [arti­cle]
22054. (Leonard Pitts) If GOP is Right, Why Are Red States So Far Behind? [arti­cle]
22055. (Amy Corderoy) Indige­nous Gap Is Not Clos­ing, Get­ting Worse in Some Cas­es [arti­cle]
22056. (Robar­tus J. van der Speck) Land Own­er­ship in Baby­lon­ian Cuneiform Documents
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22057. (Hamid Dabashi) The World of Per­sian Lit­er­ary Humanism
22058. (Alain Anselin) Tran­scul­tur­a­tions africaines: les maras­sas et le mabe­lo [arti­cle]
(Sören Stark & Karen S. Rubin­son ̶ ed.) Nomads and Net­works — The Ancient Art and Culture
. . of Kazakhstan:
. . . . 22059. (Sören Stark & Karen S. Rubin­son) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 22060. (Niko­lay A. Bokovenko & Zain­ol­la S. Sama­shev) The Roots of Iron Age
. . . . . . . . . Pas­toral Nomadic Cul­ture [arti­cle]
. . . . 22061. (Zain­ol­la S. Sama­shev) The Ber­el Kur­gans: Some Results of Investigation
. . . . . . . . . [arti­cle]
. . . . 22062. (Abdesh T. Toleubaev & Al-Fara­bi Kaza­kh) The Results of Multidisciplinary
. . . . . . . . . Stud­ies and Recon­struc­tions of Mate­ri­als from the Baig­o­tobe Kur­ban at
. . . . . . . . . Shi­lik­ty [arti­cle]
. . . . 22063. (Sag­yn­bay Myr­gabayev) Some Ques­tions Regard­ing the Rock Art of Kazakhstan
. . . . . . . . . [arti­cle]
. . . . 22064. (Karen S. Rubin­son) Bur­ial Prac­tices and Social Roles of Iron Age Mobile
. . . . . . . . . Pas­toral­ists [arti­cle]
. . . . 22065. (Bryan K. Han­ks) Mount­ed War­fare and Its Sociopo­lit­i­cal Impli­ca­tions [arti­cle]
. . . . 22066. (Sören Stark) Nomads and Net­works: Elites and Their Con­nec­tions to the
. . . . . . . . . Out­side World [arti­cle]
. . . . 22067. (Clau­dia Chang) Cycles of Iron Age Mobil­i­ty and Seden­tism: Climate,
. . . . . . . . . Land­scape, and Mate­r­i­al Cul­ture in South­east­ern Kaza­khstan [arti­cle]
. . . . 22068. (Nur­san Alim­bai) Soci­ety and Cul­ture of the Nomads of Cen­tral Asia Through
. . . . . . . . . Time [arti­cle]
22069. (Gís­li Páls­son) Celes­tial Bod­ies: Lucy in the Sky [arti­cle]
22070. (David Soronow & Cheryl Mor­gan) Mod­el­ing Loca­tion­al Spreads in Nat­ur­al Gas
. . . . . Mar­kets [arti­cle]
22071. (Robert Irwin) Night & Hors­es & The Desert — An Anthol­o­gy of Clas­si­cal Arabic
. . . . . Lit­er­a­ture [This is an anthol­o­gy of selec­tions and excerpts of many works, with
. . . . . exten­sive com­men­tary. Authors includ­ed are Ibn Qutay­ba, Imru’ al-Qays, ‘Antara ibn
. . . . . Shad­dad, Al-Shan­fara al-Azdi, Ta’abbata Shar­ran, Al-Akhtal, Ghal­ib al-Farazdaq,
. . . . . Umar ibn Abi Rabi‘a, Abu Dhu’ayb al-Hud­hali, ‘Abd al-Hamid ibn Yahya, Ibn
. . . . . al-Nadim, Ibn Washshiyya, Ibn al-Muqaf­fa, Abu Uth­man al-Jahiz, Sah­ban Wa’il, Ibn
. . . . . Qutay­ba, Al-Wash­sa, Ibrahim ibn al-Mah­di, Basshar ibn Burd, Abu Tam­mam, ‘Abbas
. . . . . ibn al-Ahnaf, Abu Nuwas, Abu’l-‘Atahiyya, Al-Hal­laj, al-Bhu­turi, Rumi, Ibn
. . . . . al-Nadim, Al-Tanukhi, Al-Tawhi­di, Al-Hariri, Mas‘udi, Al-Suli, Muhammad
. . . . . Misk­awayh, Ibn Sina, Al-Jur­jani, Ibn Nuba­ta, Al-Sanaw­bari, Kusha­jim, Al-Ma‘arri,
. . . . . Abu Hadrash, ‘Abd al-Rah­man, Zyr­iab, Ibn Hazm, Al-Mu‘tamid, Ibn Zay­dun, Ibn
. . . . . Khal­dun, Ibn Zuhr, Ibn Quz­man, Ibn Khafa­ia, Ibn Tumart, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Al-‘Arabi,
. . . . . Musa ibn Sa‘id, Ibn Zam­rak, Al-Maqqari, Al-Isfa­hani, Zuhayr, Ibn al-Athir,
. . . . . Al-Ghaz­za­li, Ibn al-Farid, Usamah ibn Munqidh, Athir al-Din, Abu Hamid
. . . . . al-Ghar­nati, Al-Jaw­bari, Ibn Daniyal, Ibn Zafar, Ibn ‘Arab­shah, Ibn Zun­bul, and
. . . . . var­i­ous anony­mous works]
22072. (Mark O. Cuth­bert & Gail M. Ash­ley) A Spring For­ward for Hominid Evo­lu­tion in East
. . . . . Africa [arti­cle]
22073. (Mah­mud Daulata­bati) The Mir­ror [sto­ry]
22074. (Ahmad Mah­mud) First chap­ter of the nov­el Scorched Earth [exerpt]
22075. (Alas­taor J. M. Key & Christo­pher J. Dun­more) The Evo­lu­tion of the Hominin Thumb
. . . . . and the Influ­ence Exert­ed by the Non-dom­i­nant Hand dur­ing Stone Tool Production
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22076. (Angkarn Kalayaanaphong) Grand­ma [sto­ry]
22077. (Justin D. Yeakel, et al) Col­lapse of an Eco­log­i­cal Net­work in Ancient Egypt [arti­cle]
22078. (Esmail Fas­sih) Selec­tion from Sorayya in a Coma [exerpt]
22079. (Dora­ta Szu­mi­la) Cisza i Chopin / Silence and Chopin [in Pol­ish and Eng­lish] [verse]
22080. (Man­anya) The Whole­some Inten­tion of Khun­naaj Saa­jbua [sto­ry]
22081. (Hushang Gol­shiri) The Vic­to­ry Chron­i­cle of the Magi [sto­ry]
22082. (Vasit Dejkun­jorn) Con­cern­ing Farang [arti­cle]
22083. (Ghazi Rabi­havi) White Rock [sto­ry]
22084. (Simin Danesh­var) Ask the Migrat­ing Birds [sto­ry]
22085. (M. R. Khukhrit Pramoj) My Dog Is Miss­ing [arti­cle]
22086. (Shahri­yar Man­da­nipur) Shat­ter the Stone Tooth [sto­ry]
22087. (Mark Thoma) Can New Eco­nom­ic Think­ing Solve the Next Cri­sis? [arti­cle]
22088. (Suchit Wongthed) Madame Lamhab [sto­ry]
22089. (Ben­ham Dayani) Hitch­cock and Agha Baji [sto­ry]
22090. (Charn­vit Kasetviri) Big Shots and Likee [arti­cle]
22091. (Hadi Khor­san­di) The Eyes Won’t Take It [sto­ry]
22092. (John Bach­er) Re-Imag­in­ing His­to­ry — The Sac­ri­fice of Truth for Pro­pa­gan­da [arti­cle]
22093. (Kham­s­ing Sri­nawk) Par­adise Pre­served [arti­cle]
22094. (Nas­sim Khak­sar) The Gro­cer of Kharzeville [sto­ry]
22095. (Don­ald Denoon & Philip­pa Mein-Smith) A His­to­ry of Aus­tralia, New Zealand and the
. . . . . Pacific
22096. (Anon.) A Tele­phone Con­ver­sa­tion the Night the Dogs Howled [sto­ry]
22097. (Ban­thid Chum­nikaaj) Ful­fill­ing One’s Duty [sto­ry]
22098. (Fred C. Woud­huisen) Late Bronze Age Hydronyms and Toponyms of Indo-European
. . . . . Nature in West­ern Ana­to­lia [arti­cle]
22099. (Iraj Pezeshkzad) Delayed Con­se­quences of the Rev­o­lu­tion [sto­ry]
22100. (Reza Danesh­var) Mah­bubeh and the Demon Ahl [sto­ry]
22101. (Boon­lue) The Enchant­i­ng Cook­ing Spoon [sto­ry]
22102. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Evo­lu­tion­ary Basic Democ­ra­cy — A Crit­i­cal Overture
22103. (Goli Taraghi) In Anoth­er Place [sto­ry]
22104. (C. W. Wer­le­man) Repub­li­cans Con­fuse Atlas Shrugged for the Bible [arti­cle]
22105. (J. Sny­der) Sleep­ing Giant: Can Canada’s Oth­er Mam­moth Bitu­men Deposit Be
. . . . . Com­mer­cial­ized? [arti­cle]
22106. (Edward W. Said) Human­ism and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Criticism
22107. (Scott Har­ris) Harp­er Sneaks Through Cana­da-Chi­na FIPA, Locks Cana­da In for 31
. . . . . Years [arti­cle]
22108. (Suchit Wongthed) Get­ting Drunk Abroad [sto­ry]
22109. (David Wer­time) An Inter­net Where Nobody Says Any­thing — Ilham Tohti’s Unjust
. . . . . Fate Says Much about the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party’s Dark Vision for the Web’s
. . . . . Future [arti­cle]
22110. (Witayako­rn Chiengkul) Naaj Apha­j­manii [play]
22111. (Conor McCarthy) The Cam­bridge Intro­duc­tion to Edward Said
22112. (Suchit Wongthed) I Am a Uni­ver­si­ty Stu­dent [tr. from Thai] [play]
22113. (John Dry­den) Thren­odia Augustal­is [poem]
22114. (Patrick Brown) FIPA Agree­ment with Chi­na: What’s Real­ly in It for Cana­da? [arti­cle]
22115. (R. J. King, et al) Dif­fer­en­tial Y‑chromosome Ana­to­lian Influ­ences on the Greek and
. . . . . Cre­tan Neolith­ic [arti­cle]
22116. (Rossel­la Loren­zi) Stone­henge “Smi­ley Face”, Oth­er Fea­tures Detect­ed Underground
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22117. (Phut­thapon Angk­i­nan) Head­man Thuj [sto­ry]
22118. (Tim Dick­in­son) Inside the Koch Broth­ers’ Tox­ic Empire [arti­cle]
22119. (D. S. Adler, et al) Ear­ly Lev­al­lois Tech­nol­o­gy and the Low­er to Mid­dle Paleolithic
. . . . . Tran­si­tion in the South­ern Cau­ca­sus [arti­cle]
22120. (Seyed Ebrahim Nabavi) First Love [sto­ry]
22121. (Roff Smith) Before Stone­henge [arti­cle]
22122. (David Quam­men) Gombe Fam­i­ly Album [arti­cle]
22123. (Adam Gry­de­høj & Philip Hay­ward) Social and Eco­nom­ic Effects of Spatial
. . . . . Dis­tri­b­u­tion in Island Com­mu­ni­ties: Com­par­ing the Isles of Scil­ly and Isle of Wight,
. . . . . UK [arti­cle]
22124. (Vasit Dejkun­jorn) Social Work [sto­ry]
22125. (Suchit Wongthed) Lord Bud­dha, Help Me? [sto­ry]
22126. (S. Muf¬son & J. Eilperin) The Biggest For¬eign Lease Hold­er in Canada’s Oil Sands Isn’t
. . . . . Exxon or Mobil [arti­cle]
22127. (Farideh Kher­ad­mand) Peace of Night [sto­ry]
22128. (Tra­cie McMil­lan) The New Face of Hunger [arti­cle]
22129. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) Her­itage Destruc­tion and Spikes in Vio­lence: The Case of Iraq
. . . . . [arti­cle]
22130. (Lyn Hamil­ton) The Moai Murders

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