22036. (V. M. Whitworth) The Traitor’s Pit
22037. (Judith Beyer) Ordering Ideals: Accomplishing Well-Being in a Kyrgyz Cooperative of
. . . . . Elders [article]
22038. (Kenneth J. Lavovara, et al) A Gigantic, Exceptionally Complete Titanosaurian
. . . . . Sauropod Dinosaur from Southern Patagonia, Argentina [article]
(Shiva Rahbaran) Iranian Writers Uncensored — Freedom, Democracy, and the Word in
. . Contemporary Iran:
. . . . 22039. (Shiva Rahbaran) Introduction [preface]
. . . . 22040. (Shiva Rahbaran) Simin Behbarhani [interview]
. . . . 22041. (Shiva Rahbaran) Mahmoud Dowlatabadi [interview]
. . . . 22042. (Shiva Rahbaran) Mohammad Hoghooghi [interview]
. . . . 22043. (Shiva Rahbaran) Manouchehr Atashi [interview]
. . . . 22044. (Shiva Rahbaran) Mohammad Ali Sepanlu [interview]
. . . . 22045. (Shiva Rahbaran) Ali Ashraf Darvishian [interview]
. . . . 22046. (Shiva Rahbaran) Javad Mojabi [interview]
. . . . 22047. (Shiva Rahbaran) Amir Hassan Cheheltan [interview]
. . . . 22048. (Shiva Rahbaran) Hafez Musavi [interview]
. . . . 22049. (Shiva Rahbaran) Moniru Ravanipur [interview]
. . . . 22050. (Shiva Rahbaran) Shahriar Mandanipour [interview]
22051. (Kirill Istomin) Once Again on the Problem of Alcoholism and Suicide among the
. . . . . Indigenous People of the Russian North [article]
22052. (Ron Palenski) The Making of New Zealanders
22053. (Ed Pilkington) Urban Shield: After Ferguson, Police and Suppliers Consider Fate of
. . . . . Military-Grade Tactical Gear [article]
22054. (Leonard Pitts) If GOP is Right, Why Are Red States So Far Behind? [article]
22055. (Amy Corderoy) Indigenous Gap Is Not Closing, Getting Worse in Some Cases [article]
22056. (Robartus J. van der Speck) Land Ownership in Babylonian Cuneiform Documents
. . . . . [article]
22057. (Hamid Dabashi) The World of Persian Literary Humanism
22058. (Alain Anselin) Transculturations africaines: les marassas et le mabelo [article]
(Sören Stark & Karen S. Rubinson ̶ ed.) Nomads and Networks — The Ancient Art and Culture
. . of Kazakhstan:
. . . . 22059. (Sören Stark & Karen S. Rubinson) Introduction [preface]
. . . . 22060. (Nikolay A. Bokovenko & Zainolla S. Samashev) The Roots of Iron Age
. . . . . . . . . Pastoral Nomadic Culture [article]
. . . . 22061. (Zainolla S. Samashev) The Berel Kurgans: Some Results of Investigation
. . . . . . . . . [article]
. . . . 22062. (Abdesh T. Toleubaev & Al-Farabi Kazakh) The Results of Multidisciplinary
. . . . . . . . . Studies and Reconstructions of Materials from the Baigotobe Kurban at
. . . . . . . . . Shilikty [article]
. . . . 22063. (Sagynbay Myrgabayev) Some Questions Regarding the Rock Art of Kazakhstan
. . . . . . . . . [article]
. . . . 22064. (Karen S. Rubinson) Burial Practices and Social Roles of Iron Age Mobile
. . . . . . . . . Pastoralists [article]
. . . . 22065. (Bryan K. Hanks) Mounted Warfare and Its Sociopolitical Implications [article]
. . . . 22066. (Sören Stark) Nomads and Networks: Elites and Their Connections to the
. . . . . . . . . Outside World [article]
. . . . 22067. (Claudia Chang) Cycles of Iron Age Mobility and Sedentism: Climate,
. . . . . . . . . Landscape, and Material Culture in Southeastern Kazakhstan [article]
. . . . 22068. (Nursan Alimbai) Society and Culture of the Nomads of Central Asia Through
. . . . . . . . . Time [article]
22069. (Gísli Pálsson) Celestial Bodies: Lucy in the Sky [article]
22070. (David Soronow & Cheryl Morgan) Modeling Locational Spreads in Natural Gas
. . . . . Markets [article]
22071. (Robert Irwin) Night & Horses & The Desert — An Anthology of Classical Arabic
. . . . . Literature [This is an anthology of selections and excerpts of many works, with
. . . . . extensive commentary. Authors included are Ibn Qutayba, Imru’ al-Qays, ‘Antara ibn
. . . . . Shaddad, Al-Shanfara al-Azdi, Ta’abbata Sharran, Al-Akhtal, Ghalib al-Farazdaq,
. . . . . Umar ibn Abi Rabi‘a, Abu Dhu’ayb al-Hudhali, ‘Abd al-Hamid ibn Yahya, Ibn
. . . . . al-Nadim, Ibn Washshiyya, Ibn al-Muqaffa, Abu Uthman al-Jahiz, Sahban Wa’il, Ibn
. . . . . Qutayba, Al-Washsa, Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi, Basshar ibn Burd, Abu Tammam, ‘Abbas
. . . . . ibn al-Ahnaf, Abu Nuwas, Abu’l-‘Atahiyya, Al-Hallaj, al-Bhuturi, Rumi, Ibn
. . . . . al-Nadim, Al-Tanukhi, Al-Tawhidi, Al-Hariri, Mas‘udi, Al-Suli, Muhammad
. . . . . Miskawayh, Ibn Sina, Al-Jurjani, Ibn Nubata, Al-Sanawbari, Kushajim, Al-Ma‘arri,
. . . . . Abu Hadrash, ‘Abd al-Rahman, Zyriab, Ibn Hazm, Al-Mu‘tamid, Ibn Zaydun, Ibn
. . . . . Khaldun, Ibn Zuhr, Ibn Quzman, Ibn Khafaia, Ibn Tumart, Ibn Tufayl, Ibn Al-‘Arabi,
. . . . . Musa ibn Sa‘id, Ibn Zamrak, Al-Maqqari, Al-Isfahani, Zuhayr, Ibn al-Athir,
. . . . . Al-Ghazzali, Ibn al-Farid, Usamah ibn Munqidh, Athir al-Din, Abu Hamid
. . . . . al-Gharnati, Al-Jawbari, Ibn Daniyal, Ibn Zafar, Ibn ‘Arabshah, Ibn Zunbul, and
. . . . . various anonymous works]
22072. (Mark O. Cuthbert & Gail M. Ashley) A Spring Forward for Hominid Evolution in East
. . . . . Africa [article]
22073. (Mahmud Daulatabati) The Mirror [story]
22074. (Ahmad Mahmud) First chapter of the novel Scorched Earth [exerpt]
22075. (Alastaor J. M. Key & Christopher J. Dunmore) The Evolution of the Hominin Thumb
. . . . . and the Influence Exerted by the Non-dominant Hand during Stone Tool Production
. . . . . [article]
22076. (Angkarn Kalayaanaphong) Grandma [story]
22077. (Justin D. Yeakel, et al) Collapse of an Ecological Network in Ancient Egypt [article]
22078. (Esmail Fassih) Selection from Sorayya in a Coma [exerpt]
22079. (Dorata Szumila) Cisza i Chopin / Silence and Chopin [in Polish and English] [verse]
22080. (Mananya) The Wholesome Intention of Khunnaaj Saajbua [story]
22081. (Hushang Golshiri) The Victory Chronicle of the Magi [story]
22082. (Vasit Dejkunjorn) Concerning Farang [article]
22083. (Ghazi Rabihavi) White Rock [story]
22084. (Simin Daneshvar) Ask the Migrating Birds [story]
22085. (M. R. Khukhrit Pramoj) My Dog Is Missing [article]
22086. (Shahriyar Mandanipur) Shatter the Stone Tooth [story]
22087. (Mark Thoma) Can New Economic Thinking Solve the Next Crisis? [article]
22088. (Suchit Wongthed) Madame Lamhab [story]
22089. (Benham Dayani) Hitchcock and Agha Baji [story]
22090. (Charnvit Kasetviri) Big Shots and Likee [article]
22091. (Hadi Khorsandi) The Eyes Won’t Take It [story]
22092. (John Bacher) Re-Imagining History — The Sacrifice of Truth for Propaganda [article]
22093. (Khamsing Srinawk) Paradise Preserved [article]
22094. (Nassim Khaksar) The Grocer of Kharzeville [story]
22095. (Donald Denoon & Philippa Mein-Smith) A History of Australia, New Zealand and the
. . . . . Pacific
22096. (Anon.) A Telephone Conversation the Night the Dogs Howled [story]
22097. (Banthid Chumnikaaj) Fulfilling One’s Duty [story]
22098. (Fred C. Woudhuisen) Late Bronze Age Hydronyms and Toponyms of Indo-European
. . . . . Nature in Western Anatolia [article]
22099. (Iraj Pezeshkzad) Delayed Consequences of the Revolution [story]
22100. (Reza Daneshvar) Mahbubeh and the Demon Ahl [story]
22101. (Boonlue) The Enchanting Cooking Spoon [story]
22102. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Evolutionary Basic Democracy — A Critical Overture
22103. (Goli Taraghi) In Another Place [story]
22104. (C. W. Werleman) Republicans Confuse Atlas Shrugged for the Bible [article]
22105. (J. Snyder) Sleeping Giant: Can Canada’s Other Mammoth Bitumen Deposit Be
. . . . . Commercialized? [article]
22106. (Edward W. Said) Humanism and Democratic Criticism
22107. (Scott Harris) Harper Sneaks Through Canada-China FIPA, Locks Canada In for 31
. . . . . Years [article]
22108. (Suchit Wongthed) Getting Drunk Abroad [story]
22109. (David Wertime) An Internet Where Nobody Says Anything — Ilham Tohti’s Unjust
. . . . . Fate Says Much about the Chinese Communist Party’s Dark Vision for the Web’s
. . . . . Future [article]
22110. (Witayakorn Chiengkul) Naaj Aphajmanii [play]
22111. (Conor McCarthy) The Cambridge Introduction to Edward Said
22112. (Suchit Wongthed) I Am a University Student [tr. from Thai] [play]
22113. (John Dryden) Threnodia Augustalis [poem]
22114. (Patrick Brown) FIPA Agreement with China: What’s Really in It for Canada? [article]
22115. (R. J. King, et al) Differential Y‑chromosome Anatolian Influences on the Greek and
. . . . . Cretan Neolithic [article]
22116. (Rossella Lorenzi) Stonehenge “Smiley Face”, Other Features Detected Underground
. . . . . [article]
22117. (Phutthapon Angkinan) Headman Thuj [story]
22118. (Tim Dickinson) Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire [article]
22119. (D. S. Adler, et al) Early Levallois Technology and the Lower to Middle Paleolithic
. . . . . Transition in the Southern Caucasus [article]
22120. (Seyed Ebrahim Nabavi) First Love [story]
22121. (Roff Smith) Before Stonehenge [article]
22122. (David Quammen) Gombe Family Album [article]
22123. (Adam Grydehøj & Philip Hayward) Social and Economic Effects of Spatial
. . . . . Distribution in Island Communities: Comparing the Isles of Scilly and Isle of Wight,
. . . . . UK [article]
22124. (Vasit Dejkunjorn) Social Work [story]
22125. (Suchit Wongthed) Lord Buddha, Help Me? [story]
22126. (S. Muf¬son & J. Eilperin) The Biggest For¬eign Lease Holder in Canada’s Oil Sands Isn’t
. . . . . Exxon or Mobil [article]
22127. (Farideh Kheradmand) Peace of Night [story]
22128. (Tracie McMillan) The New Face of Hunger [article]
22129. (Benjamin Isakhan) Heritage Destruction and Spikes in Violence: The Case of Iraq
. . . . . [article]
22130. (Lyn Hamilton) The Moai Murders
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