(Fish­er 1959) The Hound of the Baskervilles
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.6 ― The Black Seal
(Morse 1965) Flip­per Ep.16 ― Flip­per’s Bank Account
(McDon­ald 1965) Flip­per Ep.17 ― The Lifeguard
(Wyatt 2011) Rise of the Plan­et of the Apes [Riff­Trax version]
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.7 ― Bells
(Strock 1963) The Crawl­ing Hand
(Brown­ing 1965) Flip­per Ep.18 ― The Day of the Shark
(Brown­ing 1965) Flip­per Ep.19 ― Love and Sandy
(Brown­ing 1965) Flip­per Ep.20- ― Mon­ey to Blow
(Hed­man 1974) Agent 69 Jensen: In the Sign of Tau­rus [I Tyrens tegn]
(Thomp­son 1965) Flip­per Ep.21 ― Flip­per’s Treasure
(Thomp­son 1965) Flip­per Ep.22 ― The White Dolphin
(Thomp­son 1965) Flip­per Ep.23 ― Teamwork
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.8 ― Head
(Scheer­er 1973) The World’s Great­est Athlete
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.1 — Tomorrow’s World
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.2 — Tragedy on Saturn
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.3 — The Enemy’s Stronghold
(Fish­er 1958) The Revenge of Frankenstein
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.9 ― Potato
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.4 — The Sky Patrol
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.5 — The Phan­tom Plane
(Sim­mons 2014) Animal
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.10 ― Money
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.11 ― Beer
(Hitch­cock 1976) Fam­i­ly Plot
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.6 — The Unknown Command
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.7 — Prim­i­tive Urge
(Weir 1977) The Last Wave
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.8 — Revolt of the Zuggs
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.9 — Bod­ies With­out Minds
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.10 — Bro­ken Barriers
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.11 — A Prince in Bondage
(Beebe & Good­kind 1939) Buck Rogers [1939 ser­i­al]: Ep.12 — War of the Planets
(May 1987) Ishtar
(Burke 1981) The Last Chase
(Fletch­er 1986) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der II]: Ep.12 ― Chains
(Fish­er 1959) The Man Who Could Cheat Death
(Hamil­ton 1982) Evil Under the Sun
(Yuasa 1969) Attack of the Mon­sters [ガメラ対大悪獣ギロン; Gam­era Tai Daiaku­jū Giron]
(Vogel 1956) The Mole Peo­ple [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Cor­man 1957) The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voy­age to the Waters of the Great Sea
. . . Serpent
(Degraw 2012) Div­ing Into Noah’s Flood
(Chaf­fey 1971) Crea­tures the World Forgot
(Robert­son 1920) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(Cohen 1975) Con­fes­sions of a Pop Performer
(Hon­da 1970) Mon­ster Zero [Amer­i­can version]
(Reinl 1970) Char­i­ots of the Gods? [Erin­nerun­gen an die Zukunft]
(Hitch­cock 1950) Stage Fright
(Bay 2007) Trans­form­ers [Riff­Trax version]
(Groos 2011) The Croc­o­diles 3 [Vorstadtkrokodile 3]
(O’Con­nell 2013) Amer­i­can Expe­ri­ence: War of the Worlds
(Belizaire 2013) The Zom­bie King
(Hum­ber­stone 1936) Char­lie Chan at the Opera
(Grefe 1967) Wild Rebels [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Finney 2012) Vol­cano Live: Ep.5 — Spe­cial: Ice­land Erupts
(Reinl 1963) Apache Gold [Win­netou 1. Teil]
(Dart 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.24 — Earth’s Dead­liest Eruption
(MacLane 2013) Toy Sto­ry of Terror
(Brandt 2014) Tom and Jer­ry: The Lost Dragon
(Orme 2001) The Lost World [minis­eries]
(Hitch­cock 1936) Secret Agent
(Pichel 1950) Des­ti­na­tion Moon
(Carey-Hill 2008) Futu­ra­ma: Ben­ders Game
(Guest 1957) Quater­mass 2
(Ross 2012) The Hunger Games
(Buchanan 1967) In the Year 2889
(Koster 1965) Dear Brigitte
(Thurber 2013) We’re the Millers [extend­ed cut]
(Crave 1991) The Peo­ple Under the Stairs
(Neal 2012) Vol­cano Live: Ep.1 — An Intro­duc­tion to our Active World
(Leter­ri­er 2010) Clash of the Titans [Riff­Trax version]
(Bar­tel 1982) Eat­ing Raoul
(Seit­er 1935) Roberta
(Neal 2012) Vol­cano Live: Ep.2 — Life and Death
(De Toth 1953) House of Wax
(Hed­man 1974) Agent 69 Jensen: In the Sign of Gem­i­ni [I Tvillingernes tegn]
(Neal 2012) Vol­cano Live: Ep.3 — Vol­canos, Earth­quakes and Tsunamis
(Roth 1956) Fire Maid­ens from Out­er Space
(Neal 2012) Vol­cano Live: Ep.4 — The Future

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