(Guest 1959) Yes­ter­day’s Enemy
(Caton-Jones 1993) This Boy’s Life
(Zuck­er 2001) Rat Race
(Assoni­tis 1977) Ten­ta­cles [Ten­ta­c­uli]
(Reynolds 1994) Rapa Nui
(Dou­glas 1954) Them!
(Cutts 1932) The Sign of Four: Sher­lock Holmes’ Great­est Case
(Daniels 2012) The Paperboy
(Dohler 1985) The Galaxy Invad­er [Riff­Trax version]
(Hitch­cock 1951) Strangers on a Train
(Bay 2009) Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fall­en [aka Trans­form­ers 2]
(Tut­tle 1933) Roman Scandals
(Strange 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.1― San Andreas Fault
(Spiel­berg 1993) Juras­sic Park [Riff­Trax version]
(Kern 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.2 ― The Deep­est Place on Earth
(Shya­malan 2008) The Hap­pen­ing [Riff­Trax version]
(Fre­und 1932) The Mummy
(Caño [aka Canon] 1974) The Swamp of the Ravens [Riff­Trax version]
(John­son 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.3 ― Krakatoa
(Fleis­ch­er 1958) The Vikings
(Camp­bell 2006) Casi­no Royale [Riff­Trax version]
(Hutt 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.4 ― Loch Ness
(Davies 2008) Of Time and the City
(Gau­dreault 2003) Mam­bo Italiano
(Kern 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.5 ― New York
(Fish­er 1960) The Brides of Dracula
(Lyon 2014) Her­cules Reborn
(Dart 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.6 ― Dri­est Place on Earth
(Fokin 1959) Nebo Zovy­ot [Небо зовет]
(Vidor 1944) Cov­er Girl
(Beck­ham 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.7 ― Great Lakes
(Strange 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.8 ― Yellowstone
(Leter­ri­er 2008) The Incred­i­ble Hulk
(Hoop­er 1974) The Texas Chain­Saw Massacre
(Under­wood 1990) Tremors
(John­son 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.9 ― Tsunami
(St. Croix 2008) Gin­gerdead Man 2: Pas­sion of the Crust
(LeRoy 1951) Quo Vadis
(Beck­ham 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.10 ― Asteroid
(Gilmour 2011) Sur­vivors of the Firestorm [PBS Nature]
(Fish­er 1959) The Stran­glers of Bombay
(Har­lin 1988) A Night­mare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
(Brooke 1961) Blood­lust! [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Scar­rott 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.11 ― Iceland
(McLeod 1932) Horse Feathers
(Hutt & Wil­son 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.12 ― Hawai
(Hop­kins 1989) A Night­mare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
(Smight 1975) Damna­tion Alley
(Hutt & Scar­rott 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.13 ― The Alps
(Law­son 2012) Age of the Hob­bits [aka Clash of the Empires]
(Mey­er 1962) Wild Gals of the Naked West
(John­son 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.14 ― Grand Canyon
(Zuk­er 1988) The Naked Gun:From the Files of Police Squad!
(Colum­bus 2002) Har­ry Pot­ter and the Cham­ber of Secrets [Riff­Trax version]
(Westh 2011) Kan­ga­roo Mob
(Kirk 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.15 ― Vesuvius
(Tren­chard-Smith 1986) Frog Dream­ing [aka The Quest]
(Hutt 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.16 ― Birth of the Earth
(Spiro 2009) Wiz­ards of Waver­ly Place: The Movie
(Sears 1956) Earth Vs. The Fly­ing Saucers
(Pol­let­ta 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.17 ― Sahara
(Scar­rott 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.18 ― Yosemite
(Frankel 1960) Nev­er Take Can­dy from a Stranger [aka Nev­er Take Sweets from a Stranger]
(Kern 2009) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.19 ― The Rockies
(Lawrie 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.20 ― Ring of Fire
(Paku­la 1993) The Pel­i­can Brief
(Ast­bury 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.21 ― Everest
(John­son 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.22 ― Death Valley
(Cas­tle 1963) The Old Dark House
(Kern 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.23 ― Mt. St. Helens
(Dart 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.24 ― Earth’s Dead­liest Eruption
(Tay­lor 2013) Thor: The Dark World
(Hed­man 1976) Agent 69 Jensen: In the Sign of the Lion [I Løvens tegn]
(Nel­son 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.25 ― America’s Ice Age
(Scar­rott 2010) How the Earth Was Made: Ep.26 ― America’s Gold
(Ratliff 2008) Mega Tsuna­mi [Mega Dis­as­ters episode]
(Cohen 1976) Con­fes­sions of a Dri­ving Instructor
(Geilinger 2013) East­er Island: Mys­ter­ies of a Lost World
(Gor­don 1957) The Amaz­ing Colos­sal Man
(Awes 2012) Mys­tery of East­er Island [Nova episode]
(Cahn 1958) It! The Ter­ror From Beyond Space
(Lourié 1958) The Colos­sus of New York
(Luck 2009) East­er Island Underworld
(Smith 1897) The X‑Ray Fiend
(Barre & Pow­ers 1916) The Phable of the Phat Woman
(Mar­ton 1965) Crack in the World
(Talalay 1991) Night­mare on Elm Street 6: Fred­dy’s Dead — The Final Nightmare
(Hall Sr. 1962) Eegah
(Hole Jr. 1961) The Devil’s Hand [Riff­Trax version]
(Taka­hashi 2010) The Great Sum­mits: Ep.1 ― Mont Blanc, White Queen of the Alps
(Fleis­ch­er 1933) Pop­eye the Sailor [Bet­ty Boop #39/Popeye #1]
(Bak­er 1960) Hell Is a City
(Hirose 2010) The Great Sum­mits: Ep.2 ― Huas­caran, High­est Peak in the Tropics
(Fowler Jr. 1959) The Rebel Set [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Pem­broke 1930) The Med­i­cine Man
(Beebe & Hill 1938) Flash Gor­don’s Trip to Mars: Ep.1 ― New Worlds to Conquer
(Hon­da 1963) Matan­go: Attack of the Mush­room Peo­ple [マタンゴ]
(Beebe & Hill 1938) Flash Gor­don’s Trip to Mars: Ep.2 ― The Liv­ing Dead
(Kawasa­ki 2010) The Great Sum­mits: Ep.3 ― McKin­ley, Grand Moun­tain of the Far North
(Rossen 1956) Alexan­der the Great
(Yama­ha 2010) The Great Sum­mits: Ep.4 ― Klyuchevskaya, Moutain of Fire and Ice
(Rosen­thal 1981) Hal­loween 2
(But­ler & St. Croix 2011) Gin­gerdead Man 3: Sat­ur­day Night Cleaver

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