(Nyby 1951) The Thing [aka The Thing from Anoth­er World]
(Sav­age 1964) The Creep­ing Terror 
(Cold­stream 2004) Agin­court [BBC series “The World’s Worst Century”]
(McLeod 1931) Mon­key Business
(Katz­man 1964) Space Probe Taurus
(Dear­den 1950) The Blue Lamp
(Smith 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.71 ― Small Mercies
(Pittman 2012) Shat­tered City: The Hal­i­fax Explosion
(Sat­lof 1978) Spi­der-Man Strikes Back
(Cameron 1984) The Terminator
(Eason & Coyle 1938) Call of the Yukon
(Bor­derie 1964) Angélique, mar­quise des anges
(2014) Joe Dante inter­viewed on Inside Horror
(2011) Joe Dante Intro­duces Grem­lins for the Ciné Nasty Series
(Dante 1984) Gremlins
(Dante) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Space Children
(Arnold 1958) The Space Children
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Phan­tom from Space
(Wilder 1953) Phan­tom from Space
(Smith 2014) Age of Ice
(Clarke 2009) Sex in the Ancient World: Egypt­ian Erotica
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Beast of Yuc­ca Flats
(Fran­cis 1961) The Beast of Yuc­ca Flats
(Sayen­ga 2009) Sex in the Ancient World: Pros­ti­tu­tion in Pompeii
(Dante 2012) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Gam­ma People
(Gilling 1950) The Gam­ma People
(Phillips 2009) The Hangover
(Dante ?) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Gigan­tis, the Fire Monster
(Oda 1955) Gigan­tis, the Fire Mon­ster [Amer­i­can vari­ant of Godzil­la Raids Again]
(Min­er 1981) Fri­day the 13th Part 2
(LaBute 2006) The Wick­er Man [Riff­Trax version]
(Shimizu 1933) Mina­to no nihon musume [港の日本娘; Japan­ese Girls at the Harbour]
(Darn­bor­ough & Fish­er 1950) So Long at the Fair [aka The Black Curse]
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on A Boy Ten Feet Tall
(Mack­endrick 1963) Sam­my Going South [aka A Boy Ten Feet Tall]
(Dowse 2002) Fubar
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Abbott and Costel­lo Meet the Mummy
(Lam­ont 1955) Abbott and Costel­lo Meet the Mummy
(Cav­al­can­ti, Crich­ton, Dear­den & Robert Hamer 1945) Dead of Night
(Mulc­ahy 2008) The Scor­pi­on King 2: Rise of a Warrior
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Black Scorpion
(Lud­wig 1957) The Black Scorpion
(Rosen 1932) Klondike
(Zweig 2013) When Jews Were Funny
(Mag­wood 1953) John­ny Jupiter: Ep.18 ― Duck­weath­er and the Professor
(Maddin 2007) My Winnipeg
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.1 ― Amer­i­ca Beware
(Fabi­an & Robin­son) Buf­fa­lo Rid­er [Riff­Trax version]
(Wil­son 2004) Marple: Ep.1 ― The Body in the Library
(Bushell 1961) The Ter­ror of the Tongs
(Wil­son 2004) Marple: Ep.2 ― The Mur­der at the Vicarage
(Dante ?) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Night Walker
(Cas­tle 1964) The Night Walker
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.21 ― Cap­tain Cook
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.22 ― Cor­po­ral Punishment
(Levin­son 1998) Sphere
(Hay­ers 1962) Night of the Eagle [aka Burn, Witch, Burn!]
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.23 ― Major Star
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.24 ― Pri­vate Plane
(Wil­son 2004) Marple: Ep.3 ― 4:50 from Paddington
(Pitof 2004) Catwoman
(Strick­land 2005) Marple: Ep.4 ― A Mur­der is Announced
(Dou­blin 1997) Future War [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Hitch­cock 1938) The Lady Vanishes
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.25 ― Gen­er­al Hospital
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.26 ― Goodbyeee
(Ril­la 1960) Vil­lage of the Damned
(Mat­toli 1961) Maciste Against Her­cules in the Val­ley of Woe [Maciste con­tro Ercole nella 
valle dei guai]
(Green 1962) The Brain That Wouldn’t Die
(Geron­i­mi & Luske 1961) 101 Dal­ma­tians [aka One Hun­dred and One Dalmatians]
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.1 ― The Past is a For­eign Country
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.2 ― St. Cecil­ia and Music, True or 
(Kocar & Kubik 2014) The Lost Legion
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.1 ― A Vil­lage in Eng­land — July, 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.2 ― Eng­land — July, 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.3 ― The Eng­lish Chan­nel — July, 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.4 ― France — July, 2089 A.D.
(Oha­ta 2000) Bio­haz­ard 4D-Executer
(Juran 1962) Jack the Giant Killer [Riff Trax version]
(Mox­ey 1973) Gen­e­sis 2
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.5 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — July 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.6 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — July 2089 A.D.
(Theak­ston 1984) Tripods: Ep.7 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — August 2089 A.D.
(Levy 2014) Night at the Muse­um: Secret of the Tomb

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