(Verbin­s­ki 2003) Pirates of the Caribbean [1]: Curse of the Black Pearl
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.8 ― Chateau Ricordeau, France — August 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.9 ― France — Sep­tem­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.10 ― France — Sep­tem­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.11 ― France — Octo­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Hall 2006) Marple: Ep.5 ― The Sleep­ing Murder
(Hitch­cock 1927) The Ring
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.2 ― Human Target
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.3 ― Iron Coffin
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.4 ― Stratos­phere Invaders
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.12 ― France — Octo­ber, 2089 A.D
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.13 ― The White Moun­tains — Novem­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.14 ― The White Moun­tains — 2090 A.D.
(Shank­land 2006) Marple: Ep.6 ― The Mov­ing Finger
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.5 ― Descend­ing Doom
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.6 ― The Invis­i­ble Witness
(Wei­land 1999) Black­ad­der: Ep.27 ― Black­ad­der: Back & Forth
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Ep.15
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Ep.16
(Clements & Musker 2002) Trea­sure Planet
(Chrich­ton 1952) The Strange In Between [aka Hunted]
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.8 ― Sea Raiders
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.9 ― High­way Racketeers
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.10 ― 2700° Fahrenheit
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.11 ― Hero’s Death
(Wit­ney 1942) Spy Smash­er [ser­i­al]: Ep.1 ― V…_
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Ep.17
(Dante) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Invis­i­ble Invaders
(Cahn 1959) Invis­i­ble Invaders
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.18
(Balling 1956) Qivitoq
(McCow­an 1972) Frogs
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.19
(Dante) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Blood on Satan’s Claw
(Hag­gard 1971) The Blood on Satan’s Claw
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.20
(Dante) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Hor­ror Express
(Martín 1972) Hor­ror Express
(Medak 2006) Marple: Ep.7 ― By the Prick­ing of My Thumb
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Earth vs. the Fly­ing Saucers
(Sears 1956) Earth vs. the Fly­ing Saucers
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.21 — The City of Gold
(Unwin 2006) Marple: Ep.8 ― The Sittaford Mystery
(McK­ay 2013) Anchor­man 2: The Leg­end Continues
(Daniels 1974) Plan­et Earth
(Fras­er 1941) Drums of Africa
(King 1938) Sex­ton Blake and the Hood­ed Terror
(Brown 1935) The Nut Farm
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.22 — Bless­ings of the Cognosc
(Nolan 2005) Bat­man Begins
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.23 — The Cognosc Departs
(Zeff 2007) Marple: Ep.9 ― At Bertram’s Hotel
(Perez 2015) Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood
(Foy 1928) The Lights of New York
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Episode 24
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Episode 25 — The For­est of Death
(Arm­strong 2007) Marple: Ep.10 ― Ordeal by Innocence
(Rosen 1933) The Sphinx
(Min­er 1982) Fri­day the 13th Part 3
(Oliv­era 1985) Bar­bar­ian Queen
(Grind­ley & Refn 2007) Marple: Ep.11 ― Towards Zero
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.1 ― Whith­er Canada
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Circus:Ep.2 ― Sex & Violence
(Refn 2007) Marple: Ep.12 ― Nemesis
(Cabanne 1935) One Fright­ened Night
(Beau­mont 1996) Beast­mas­ter: The Eye of Braxus [aka Beast­mas­ter 3]
(Var­nel 1938) Alf’s But­ton Afloat
(Rus­sell 1958) Per­ry Mason: Ep.50 ― The Case of the Per­jured Parrot
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.3 ― How to Recog­nise Dif­fer­ent Types 
of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away
(San­drich 1936) Fol­low the Fleet
(Braun­stein 2013) 100 Degrees Below Zero
(Freuden­thal 2010) Diary of a Wimpy Kid
(Smight 1968) No Way to Treat a Lady
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.4 ― Owl Stretch­ing Time
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.5 ― Man’s Cri­sis of Iden­ti­ty in the Latter 
Half of the Twen­ti­eth Century
(Stew­art 2009) The Incred­i­ble Human Jour­ney: Ep.1 ― Out of Africa
(Colville 2009) The Incred­i­ble Human Jour­ney: Ep.2 ― Asia
(Bay 2009) Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fall­en [Riff­Trax version]
(Kor­da 1942) The Jun­gle Book
(Smith 2009) The Incred­i­ble Human Jour­ney: Ep.3 ― Europe
(Bazal­gette 2009) The Incred­i­ble Human Jour­ney: Ep.4 ― Australia
(Oxley 2009) The Incred­i­ble Human Jour­ney: Ep.5 ― The Americas
(Lea­cock 1953) Appoint­ment in Lon­don [aka Raiders in the Sky]
(Nicolel­la 1997) Kull the Conqueror
(Brown 2014) Juras­sic City
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.3 ― Fakes, Com­ple­tions and the Art 
of Bor­row­ing
(Spiel­berg 1989) Indi­ana Jones and the Last Crusade
(Nicolel­la 1997) Kull the Conqueror
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.4 ― The Authen­tic­i­ty of Genius
(Schu­mach­er 1987) The Lost Boys
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.5 ― From Com­pos­er to 
Print­ed Page
(Friend 1987) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.9 ― 4.50 from Paddington
(Howard 1936) Daniel Boone
(2011) Christo­pher Hog­wood Music Lec­tures — Series 1: Ep.6 ― From Print­ed Page to 
(Kunuk 2001) Ata­nar­ju­at: The Fast Runner
(Nar­iz­zano 1984) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.1 ― The Body in the Library
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Black Fri­day
(Lubin 1940) Black Friday
(Boult­ing 1985) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.2 ― The Mov­ing Finger
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Scared to Death
(Cabanne 1947) Scared to Death
(Cor­nelius 1949) Pass­port to Pimlico
(Kowal­si 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.136 ― The Case of the Rene­gade Refugee
(Allen 1972) Every Thing You Always Want­ed to Know About Sex* But Were Afraid to Ask
(Kay 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.137 ― The Case of the Unwel­come Bride
(Led­er 1967) It!
(Roley 1974) Cho­sen Survivors
(Stouf­fer 1974) Hor­ror High
(Cohn & Kunuk 2006) The Jour­nals of Knud Rasmussen
(Smith 2005) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.44 ― The House in the Woods
(Reiné 2012) The Scor­pi­on King 3: Bat­tle for Redemption
(McNaughton 1969) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.6 ― It’s the Arts
(Hop­per 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.138 ― The Case of the Rov­ing River
(Nyby 1962) Per­ry Mason: Ep.139 ― The Case of the Shape­ly Shadow
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Blast of Silence
(Fukasaku 1978) Mes­sage from Space [宇宙からのメッセージ; Uchū kara no Messēji]
(Slater 1985) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.4 ― A Pock­et­ful of Rye
(Sil­ber­ling 2004) Lemo­ny Snick­et’s A Series of Unfor­tu­nate Events
(Winch­combe 2012) Orkney’s Stone Age Temple
(Mar­shall 2010) Centurion
(Dante) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Mum­my
(Fre­und 1932) The Mummy
(Pevney 1951) The Strange Door
(Marks 1962) Per­ry Mason: Ep.140 ― The Case of the Cap­tain’s Coins
(Hop­per 1962) Per­ry Mason: Ep.141 ― The Case of the Tar­nished Trademark
(Pal 1964) 7 Faces of Dr. Lao
(Pal 1961) Atlantis, the Lost Continent

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