23000. (Frs. Lim­bourg & Jean Colombe) Les Très Rich­es Heures du Duc de Berry [1412–1489]
23001. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Non-human Democ­ra­cy: Our Polit­i­cal Vocab­u­lary Has No Room
. . . . . for Ani­mals [arti­cle]
23002. (Mil­jana Radi­vo­je­vić, et al) On the Ori­gins of Extrac­tive Met­al­lur­gy: New Evidence
. . . . . from Europe [arti­cle]
23003. (Patrick Vin­ton Kirch) The Lapi­ta Peo­ples: Ances­tors of the Ocean­ic World
23004. (Richard Bel­lamy) The Para­dox of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Prince: Machi­avel­li and the Neo-
. . . . . Machi­avel­lians on Ide­al The­o­ry, Real­ism, and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Lead­er­ship [arti­cle draft]
23005. (Bri­an M. Fagan) The Jour­ney from Eden
23006. (Julian Thomas) House Soci­eties and Found­ing Ances­tors in Ear­ly Neolith­ic Britain
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23007. (Gunil­la Gren-Eklund) Poe­sis. On Cre­at­ing Art accord­ing to Aris­to­tle and Sanskrit
. . . . . Poet­ics [arti­cle]
23008. (J. M. Bur­dukiewicz & A. J. van Loon) Le Ham­bourgien dans le bassin de l’Oder
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23009. (Peter Gos­sage & J. I. Lit­tle) Que­bec — Tra­di­tion & Moder­ni­ty [Oxford Illustrated
. . . . . His­to­ry of Cana­da, vol.1]
23010. (Julian Thomas) Why “The Death of Archae­o­log­i­cal The­o­ry”? [arti­cle]
23011. (M. E. Brad­don) Aladin, or the Won­der­ful Lamp [ill. Gus­tave Doré & oth­ers; 1879]
23012. (M. E. Brad­don) Sin­bad, the Sailor, or the Old Man of the Sea [ill. Gus­tave Doré &
. . . . . oth­ers; 1879]
23013. (M. E. Brad­don) Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves [ill. Gus­tave Doré & oth­ers; 1879]
23014. (Lind­say Pantry) Spec­tac­u­lar Dis­cov­er­ies Could Put Romans in York­shire a Decade
. . . . . Before They Set­tled in York [arti­cle]
23015. (William Tay­lor) The Haunt­ing Ori­gins of Horse Cul­ture in Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
23016. (Her­itage Dai­ly) Archae­o­log­i­cal Dis­cov­ery Yields Sur­pris­ing Rev­e­la­tions about
. . . . . Europe’s Old­est City [arti­cle]
23017. (Bruce Ack­er­man & Maciej Kisilows­ki) Oba­ma Is Poland’s Only Hope [arti­cle]
23018. (P. Healy & J. Mar­tin) For Repub­li­cans, Mount­ing Fears of Last­ing Split [arti­cle]
23019. (Chris­t­ian Caryl) The Age of Dis­il­lu­sion­ment [arti­cle]
23020. (Jan B. Engel­mann & Ernst Fehr) The Neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy of Trust: The Impor­tant Role of
. . . . . Emo­tions [arti­cle]
23021. (Jan M. Engel­mann & Esther Her­rmann) Chim­panzees Trust Their Friends [arti­cle]
23022. (Joseph Hen­rich) The Secret of Our Suc­cess — How Cul­ture Is Dri­ving Evolution,
. . . . . Domes­ti­cat­ing Our Species, and Mak­ing Us Smarter
23023. (Ernest Bramah) The Tragedy at Brook­bend Cot­tage [sto­ry]
23024. (Peter A. Baskerville) Ontario — Image, Iden­ti­ty and Pow­er [Oxford Illustrated
. . . . . His­to­ry of Cana­da, vol.2]
23025. (Eleanor M. L. Scer­ri, et al) The Mid­dle Stone Age Archae­ol­o­gy of the Sene­gal River
. . . . . Val­ley [arti­cle]
23026. (Thomas Paine) Mis­cel­la­neous poems [Lon­don: Carlisle 1819]
23027. (John Bux­ton Hilton) Pas­sion in the Peak
23028. (Stephen Crane) A Sou­venir and a Med­ley: Sev­en Poems and a Sketch

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