23083. (Jules Verne) Paris au xxe siè­cle [read in Eng­lish trans­la­tion at 18241]
23084. (Thi­js Van Kolf­schoten, et al) Low­er Pale­olith­ic Bone Tools from the “Spear Horizon” 
. . . . . at Schönin­gen [arti­cle]
23085. (Marie-Anne Julien, et al) Char­ac­ter­iz­ing the Low­er Pale­olith­ic Bone Indus­try from 
. . . . . Schönin­gen 12 II: A Mul­ti-proxy Study [arti­cle]
23086. (Jor­di Serangeli & Nicholas J. Conard) The Behav­ioral and Cul­tur­al Stratigraphic 
. . . . . Con­texts of the Lith­ic Assem­blages from Schönin­gen [arti­cle]
23087. (Veer­le Rots, et al) Residue and Microwear Analy­ses of the Stone Arti­facts from 
. . . . . Schönin­gen [arti­cle]
23088. (Ernest Bramah) The Secret of Head­lam Height [sto­ry]
23089. (Li Liu & Xing­can Chen) The Archae­ol­o­gy of Chi­na from the Late Pale­olith­ic to the 
. . . . . Ear­ly Bronze Age
23090. (John Keane) “Old Age With­out Wretched­ness”, Thomas Paine’s Vision of Growing 
. . . . . Old [arti­cle]
23091. (Karin M. Frei, et al) Was It For Wal­rus? Viking Age Set­tle­ment and Medieval Walrus 
. . . . . Ivory Trade in Ice­land and Green­land [arti­cle]
(Clark Ash­ton Smith) Out of Space & Time, vol.1:
. . . . 23092. (August Der­leth & Don­ald Wan­drei) Clark Ash­ton Smith: Mas­ter of Fantasy 
. . . . . . . . . [pref­ace]
. . . . 23093. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The End of the Sto­ry [sto­ry]
. . . . 23094. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) Ren­de­zous in Averoigne [sto­ry]
. . . . 23095. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) A Night in Mal­néant [sto­ry]
. . . . 23096. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The City of the Singing Flame [sto­ry]
. . . . 23097. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The Unchart­ed Isle [sto­ry]
. . . . 23098. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The Sec­ond Inter­ment [sto­ry]
. . . . 23099. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The Chain of Afor­gomon [sto­ry]
. . . . 23100. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The Dark Eidolon [sto­ry]
. . . . 23101. (Clark Ash­ton Smith) The Dou­ble Shad­ow [sto­ry]
23102. (Jil­lian Keenan) Dead Man’s Mar­ket and the Boy Gangs of Niger [arti­cle]
23103. (Clive Till­man) Gaius Grac­chus: Rev­o­lu­tion­ary or Mod­er­ate Reformer? [arti­cle]
23104. (Robert N. Bel­lah) Reli­gion in Human Evo­lu­tion from the Pale­olith­ic to the Axi­al Age
23105. (Alessan­dra Hni­la Gilib­ert) War­fare Tech­niques in Ear­ly Dynas­tic Mesopota-mia[article]
23106. (John T. Koch) Wait­ing for Godod­din: Thoughts on Tal­iesisn and Iudic-Hael, Catraeth, 
. . . . . and Unripe Time in Celtic Stud­ies [arti­cle]
23107. (Siniša Maleše­vić) The State, Vio­lence, Crime and Con­trol [arti­cle]
23108. [2] (Cyril M. Korn­bluth) The Syndic
23109. (Kather­ine D. Zink & Daniel E. Lieber­man) Impact of Meat and Low­er Pale­olith­ic Food 
. . . . . Pro­cess­ing Tech­niques on Chew­ing in Humans [arti­cle]
23110. (Matthew W. Betts, et al) Zooar­chae­ol­o­gy of the His­toric Cod Fish­ery in New-foundland 
. . . . . and Labrador, Cana­da [arti­cle]
23111. (Michael G. Laramie) The Euro­pean Inva­sion of North Amer­i­ca — Colo­nial Conflict 
. . . . . Along the Hud­son-Cham­plain Cor­ri­dor, 1609–1760
23112. (Paul Raf­faele) Among the Can­ni­bals — Adven­tures on the Trail of Man’s Dark­est Ritual

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