(Cameron 1991) Ter­mi­na­tor 2: Judg­ment Day
(Pol­ci­no 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.173 ― The Canine Mutiny
(Kirk­land 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.174 ― The Old Man and the Lisa
(Band 1982) Parasite
(Moore 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.175 ― In Marge We Trust
(Mar­ton 1966) Around the World Under the Sea
(Gilbert 1962) H. M. S. Defi­ant [aka Damn the Defiant!
(Rear­don 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.176 ― Homer’s Enemy
(New­ton 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.5 ― Meeseeks and Destroy
(King 1940) The Case of the Fright­ened Lady

(Affleck 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.177 ― The Simp­sons Spin-Off Showcase
(San­doval 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.6 ― Rick Potion #9
(Ander­son 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.178 ― The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
(Beau­mont 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.60 ― The High Ground
(Rear­don 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.179 ― The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
(Hibbs 1965) Per­ry Mason: Ep.249 ― The Case of the Twelfth Wildcat
(Lan­dau 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.61 ― Deja Q
(Myers 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.7 ― Rais­ing Gazorpazorp
(McGowan 1929) Rail­road­in’ [Our Gang/Little Ras­cals #88]
(Thor­pe 1941) Tarzan’s Secret Treasure
(New­ton 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.8 ― Rix­ty Minutes
(Rice 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.9 ― Some­thing Ricked This Way Comes
(Moore 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.180 ― The Prin­ci­pal and the Pauper
(1968) Tele­vi­sion Com­mer­cials of 7th Sep­tem­ber 1968 on CBS
(Dis­ney & Har­man 1928) The Fox Chase [Oswald the Lucky Rab­bit cartoon]
(Frel­ing & Ising 1928) The Fiery Fire­man [Oswald the Lucky Rab­bit cartoon]
(Atkins 2012) Alien Origin
(Pol­ci­no 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.181 ― Lisa’s Sax
(Kirk­land 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.182 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror VIII
(Bole 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.62 ― A Mat­ter Of Perspective
(Pollexfen 1956) The Inde­struc­tible Man [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Michels 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.183 ― The Car­tridge Family
(Pol­ci­no 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.184 ― Bart Star
(Marks 1965) Per­ry Mason: Ep.250 ― The Case of the Wrath­ful Wraith
(San­doval 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.10 ― Close Rick-coun­ters of the Rick Kind
(Ross 2012) The Hunger Games
(Moore 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.185 ― The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
(New­field 1944) I Accuse My Par­ents [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(1928) Jack Payne & His Orches­tra: “Hot Bricks” [musi­cal short]
(Fleis­ch­er & Fleis­ch­er 1928) Koko’s Earth Con­trol [car­toon]
(Dis­ney 1929) The Skele­ton Dance [Sil­ly Sym­phonies car­toon #1]
(Fran­cis 1964) The Evil of Frankenstein
(San­doval 2014) Rick and Morty: Ep.11 ― Ricksy Business
(Affleck 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.186 ― Lisa the Skeptic
(Archer 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.12 ― A Rick­le in Time
(Lean 1962) Lawrence of Arabia
(Jack­son 2001) The Lord of the Rings: The Fel­low­ship of the Ring [Riff­Trax version]
(Bar­tosch 1932) L’idée
(Young 1965) Thunderball
(Scott 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.187 ― Real­ty Bites
(Pol­ci­no 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.13 ― Mortynight Run
(Frel­ing 1947) Queen of the Amazons
(Ander­son 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.188 ― Mir­a­cle on Ever­green Terrace
(New­ton 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.14 ― Auto Erot­ic Assimilation
(Rob­son 1945) Isle of the Dead
(Kirk­land 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.189 ― All Singing, All Dancing
(Meza-Leon 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.15 ― Total Rickall
(Hart 2014) Ghosts of Mur­dered Kings
(Kirk­land 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.190 ― Bart Carny
(Moore 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.191 ― The Joy of Sect
(Annaud 1986) The Name of the Rose
(Michels 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.192 ― Das Bus
(Archer 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.16 ― Get Schwifty
(Pol­ci­no 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.17 ― The Ricks Must Be Crazy
(New­ton 2015) Rick and Morty: Ep.18 ― Big Trou­ble in Lit­tle Sanchez
(Min­nel­li 1948) The Pirate
(Ander­son 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.193 ― The Last Temp­ta­tion of Krusty
(Pol­ci­no 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.194 ― Dumb­bell Indemnity
(Diet­ter 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.195 ― Lisa the Simpson

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