23169. (Thomas Paine) A Let­ter Addressed to the Abbé Ray­nal on the Affairs of North America
23170. (O. Sig­mars­son, et al) Dynam­ic Mag­ma Mix­ing Revealed by the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull 
. . . . . Erup­tion [arti­cle]
23171. (Witold Rybczyn­s­ki) City Life
23172. (Tor­ben Bjarke Ballin) Ris­ing Waters and the Process­es of Diver­si­fi­ca­tion and 
. . . . . Uni­fi­ca­tion in Mate­r­i­al Cul­ture — the Flood­ing of Dog­ger­land and Its Effect on NW 
. . . . . Euro­pean Pre­his­toric Pop­u­la­tions between c. 13,000 and 1,500 cal BC [arti­cle]
23173. (Shah Nadeem Ahmad) A New Sasan­ian Hel­met in the Musée d’Art Clas­sique de 
. . . . . Mou­g­ins [arti­cle]
23174. (Lau­ra Diet­rich) A New World Order: The Spread of Chan­nelled Ware in Late Bronze 
. . . . . Age and Ear­ly Iron Age Tran­syl­va­nia [arti­cle]
23175. (Gil J. Stein & Rana Özbal) A Tale of Two Oiku­me­nai: Vari­a­tion in the Expansionary 
. . . . . Dynam­ics of ‘Ubaid and Uruk Mesopotamia [arti­cle]
23176. (Bern­hard Weninger, et al) Abrupt Cli­mate Forc­ing Observed at Ear­ly Neolith­ic Sites in 
. . . . . South-East Europe and the Near East [arti­cle]
23177. (Ethan Mord­den) Broad­way Babies — The Peo­ple Who Made the Amer­i­can Musical
23178. (Thorsten Gru­ber) Aca­d­e­m­ic Sell-out: How an Obses­sion with Met­rics and Rank­ings is 
. . . . . Dam­ag­ing Acad­e­mia [arti­cle]
23179. (Thor­val­dur Thor­dar­son & Ármann Höskulds­son) Post­glacial Vol­can­ism in Iceland 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23180. (Kei­th Matthews) Archae­ol­o­gy With­out Arte­facts: The Iron Age and Sub-Roman 
. . . . . Peri­ods in Cheshire [arti­cle]
23182. (Isidore Haiblum) Trans­fer to Yesterday
23183. (Dylan Min­er) Agami­in, Awasaak­waa – On the Shore, Across the For­est [arti­cle]
23184. (Christo­pher P. Atwood) Alexan­der, Ja’ a Gam­bo and the Ori­gin of the Jamugha Figure 
. . . . . in the Secret His­to­ry of the Mon­gols [arti­cle]
23185. (Jesús Gil Fuen­san­ta & Alfre­do Mederos Martín) Algu­nas cues­tiones sobre la 
. . . . . Pre­his­to­ria Reciente del Norte de Mesopotamia [arti­cle]
Amaz­ing Sto­ries, Vol.1 #2, May, 1926:
. . . . 23186. (Hugo Gerns­back) Thank You! [arti­cle]
. . . . 23187. (Jules Verne) A Trip to the Cen­ter of the Earth, Part 1 [unknown “trans­la­tion” of 
. . . . . . . . . Voy­age au cen­tre de la Terre, with major alter­ations] [French vers. read at 51] 
. . . . 23188. (Edgar Allan Poe) Mes­mer­ic Rev­e­la­tion [sto­ry]
. . . . 23189. [3] (H. G. Wells) The Crys­tal Egg [sto­ry]
. . . . 23190. (Charles C. Winn) The Infi­nite Vision [sto­ry]
. . . . 23191. (G. Pey­ton Werten­bak­er) The Man From the Atom – Sequel [sto­ry]
. . . . 23192. [2] (Jules Verne) Off On a Comet [tr. of Hec­tor Ser­vadac], Part 2 [nov­el]
23193. (Robin S. Matoza, et al) Long-range Acoustic Obser­va­tions of the Eyjafjallajökull 
. . . . . Erup­tion, Ice­land, April–May 2010 [arti­cle]
23194. (Ihsan Ali, et al) Pak­istan: Archae­o­log­i­cal Muse­ums [arti­cle]
23195. (Siniša Maleše­vić) Orga­nized Vio­lence and Soci­ety [arti­cle]
23196. (A. V. Kravchenko) Two Views on Lan­guage Ecol­o­gy and Ecol­in­guis­tics [arti­cle]
23197. (Pao­lo Baci­galupi) The Windup Girl 
23198. (William K. Klinga­man & Nicholas P. Klinga­man) The Year With­out Sum­mer: 1816
23199. (Tim­o­thy Den­ton) A Report on Mat­ters Relat­ed to Emer­gency 911 Ser­vices [report]
23200. (Robert Barr) The Absent-Mind­ed Coterie [sto­ry]
23201. (Charles Corn) The Scents of Eden — A His­to­ry of the Spice Trade
23202. (Ray­mond Chan­dler) The Big Sleep
23203. (David Keys) Experts Stunned to Dis­cov­er Ear­ly Shake­spear­i­an The­atre Was 
. . . . . Rec­tan­gu­lar [arti­cle]
23204. (Michael Kulikows­ki) Rome’s Goth­ic Wars
23205. (K. Walsh, et al) Inter­pret­ing the Rock Paint­ings of Abri Far­avel: Laser and White-light 
. . . . . Scan­ning at 2,133m in the South­ern French Alps [arti­cle]
23205. (Vic­tor Suthren) The Island of Cana­da — How Three Oceans Shaped Our Nation

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