23206. (M. C. Rick­lefs) A His­to­ry of Mod­ern Indone­sia Since C.1200
23207. (Paul McLeary) The Fight for Fallujah’s High­way 11 [arti­cle]
23208. (Ľubomír Novák) Archae­ol­o­gy of Viking Age Færoe Islands [arti­cle]
23209. (Bret Stern) How to Shoot a Fea­ture Film for Under $10,000 and Not Go to Jail
23210. (M. J. Walk­er, et al) Com­bus­tion at the late Ear­ly Pleis­tocene site of Cue­va Negra del
. . . . . Estre­cho del Río Quí­par [arti­cle]
23211. (Bri­an LaPierre) Hooli­gans in Khrushchev’s Rus­sia ― Defin­ing, Polic­ing, and
. . . . . Pro­duc­ing Deviance dur­ing the Thaw
23212. (Chris Shel­ton) Sci­en­tol­ogy: A to Xenu
23213. (Alan D. McMil­lan & Eldon Yel­lowhorn) First Peo­ples in Canada
23214. (David Álvarez-Alon­so, et al) The Mag­dalen­ian Sequence at Coím­bre Cave: Adaptive
. . . . . Strate­gies of Hunter-gath­er­er Groups in Mon­tane Envi­ron­ments [arti­cle]
23215. (Sharon Abramowitz & Mary H. Moran) Inter­na­tion­al Human Rights, Gender-Based
. . . . . Vio­lence, and Local Dis­cours­es of Abuse in Post­con­flict Liberia: A Prob­lem of
. . . . . “Cul­ture” ? [arti­cle]
23216. (Zayn Bilka­di) Bitu­men ― A His­to­ry [arti­cle]
23217. (Stephen McBride & John Shields) Dis­man­tling a Nation: The Tran­si­tion to Corporate
. . . . . Rule in Canada
23218. (Paula Rabi­nowitz) Amer­i­can Pulp ― How Paper­backs Brought Mod­ernism to Main
. . . . . Street
23219. (Tim­o­thy Sny­der) Black Earth: The Holo­caust as His­to­ry and Warning
23220. (R. J. King, et al) Dif­fer­en­tial Y‑chromosome Ana­to­lian Influ­ences on the Greek and
. . . . . Cre­tan Neolith­ic [arti­cle]
23221. (Alain Sil­ver & Eliz­a­beth Ward) The Film Director’s Team
23222. (Bri­an D. Tay­lor) State Build­ing in Putin’s Russia
23223. (José Yrave­dra Sainz de los Ter­reros) Zooar­que­ología ― La Fau­na en las Primera Edad
. . . . . del Hier­ro [arti­cle]
23224. [2] (George R. R. Mar­tin) [Song of Ice and Fire 1] A Game of Thrones
23225. (Eric Wein­er) The Geog­ra­phy of Genius
23226. (Peter May) Entry Island
23227. (David W. Zeanah et al) An Opti­mal For­ag­ing Mod­el of Hunter-Gath­er­er Land Use in
. . . . . the Car­son Desert
23228. (Charles L. Har­ness) The Para­dox Men
23229. (Jules Verne & Michael Verne) In the Year 2889 [sto­ry]
23230. Déc­la­ra­tion des droits de l’homme et du citoyen
23231. [3] (Edgar Pang­born) The Music Mas­ter of Baby­lon [sto­ry]
23232. (Livy [Titus Livius]) The His­to­ry of Rome [books 9–26] [tr. D. Spillan & C. Edmonds]

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