23289. (Ste­fan Zweig) The Post-Office Girl [Rausch der Ver­wand­lung, tr. Joel Rotenberg]
23290. (Krzysztof Now­ic­ki) The Final Neolith­ic in Crete: Ter­mi­nol­o­gy and Chronology 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23291. (Ármann Jakob­s­son) The Specter of Old Age: Nasty Old Men in the Sagas of the 
. . . . . Ice­landers [arti­cle]
23292. (Ángel Esparza Arroyo, Javier Velas­co Vázquez & Ger­mán Delibes de Cas­tro) Nueva 
. . . . . luz sobre un viejo hal­laz­go: El enter­ramien­to de las Ter­razas del Man­zanares y su 
. . . . . supues­ta vin­cu­lación al grupo Cogo­tas I [arti­cle]
23293. (Evan­ge­los Kyr­i­akidis) Nudi­ty in Late Minoan I Seal Iconog­ra­phy [arti­cle]
23294. (David Rem­nick) Trump and Putin: A Love Sto­ry [arti­cle]
23295. (Kei­th Fitz­patrick-Matthews & Gil Burleigh) Bal­dock and the End of Roman Britain
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23296. (Arthur Conan Doyle) The American’s Tale, an Ari­zona Tragedy [sto­ry]
23297. (David Dayen) The DNC Is One Big Cor­po­rate Bribe [arti­cle]
23298. (Nile Green) Indi­an Sufism since the Sev­en­teenth Cen­tu­ry ― Saints, Books and 
. . . . . Empires in the Mus­lim Deccan
23299. (John Fortes­cue-Aland) Pref­ace to The Dif­fer­ence between an Absolute and Lim­it­ed
. . . . . Monar­chy [1714]
23300. (John Fortes­cue) The Dif­fer­ence between an Absolute and Lim­it­ed Monar­chy [c.1471]
23301. (Julian Thomas) Archae­ol­o­gy and Anthro­pol­o­gy [arti­cle]
23302. (Ross Mac­Don­ald) The Gal­ton Case
23303. (Ármann Jakob­s­son) Some Types of Ambi­gu­i­ties in the Sagas of the Ice­landers [arti­cle]
23304. [2] (René Goscin­ny & Albert Uder­zo) Aster­ix the Gaul [Astérix le Gaulois] [comix]
23305. (Wil­son McLeod) The Intro­duc­tion of Eng­lish in Gael­ic Scot­land, Ire­land and Wales: 
. . . . . The Dynam­ics of Impo­si­tion, Acqui­es­cence and Asser­tion [arti­cle]
23306. (Mark Twain) A Dou­ble-Bar­relled Detec­tive Story 
Amaz­ing Sto­ries, Vol.1 #4, July, 1926:
. . . . 23307. (Hugo Guerns­back) Fic­tion Ver­sus Fact [arti­cle]
. . . . 23308. (C. McLeod Win­sor) Sta­tion X, Part 1 [sto­ry]
. . . . 23309. [3] (H. G. Wells) The Man Who Could Work Mir­a­cles [sto­ry]
. . . . 23310. (Jacque Mor­gan) The Feline Light and Pow­er Com­pa­ny Is Orga­nized [sto­ry]
. . . . 23311. (Gar­rett P. Serviss) The Moon Met­al [sto­ry]
. . . . 23312. (Curt Siod­mak) The Eggs from Lake Tan­gany­ka [sto­ry]
. . . . 23313. (Hugo Guerns­back) The Mag­net­ic Storm [sto­ry]
. . . . 23314. (Jules Verne) A Trip to the Cen­ter of the Earth, Part 3 [unknown “trans­la­tion” of 
. . . . . . . . . Voy­age au cen­tre de la Terre, with major alter­ations] [French vers. read at 51] 
. . . . 23315. (Clement Fezandié) The Secret of the Invis­i­ble Girl [sto­ry]
. . . . 23316. (George Allan Eng­land) Let­ter to Hugo Guerns­back, June 4, 1926 [let­ter]
23317. (Christo­pher P. Atwood) State Ser­vice, Lin­eage and Local­i­ty on Hulun Buir [arti­cle]
23318. (Richard C. Mered­ith) We All Died at Break­away Station
23319. (David C. Orton, et al) Sta­ble Iso­tope Evi­dence for Late Medieval Ori­gins of Eastern 
. . . . . Baltic Cod Fish­ery [arti­cle]
23320. (Charles Dick­ens) The Mys­tery of Edwin Drood
23321. (M. J. Way, et al) Was Venus the First Hab­it­able World of Our Solar Sys­tem? [arti­cle]
23322. (Evan­ge­los Kyr­i­akidis) The Eco­nom­ics of Pot­nia: Stor­age in “Tem­ples” of Prehistoric 
. . . . . Greece [arti­cle]
23323. (James Ster­ling Young) The Wash­ing­ton Com­mu­ni­ty 1800–1828
23324. (Mrs. Hen­ry Wood) The Mys­tery at Num­ber Sev­en [sto­ry]
23325. (Patrick Roberts, et al) Direct Evi­dence fo Human Reliance on Rain­for­est Resources in 
. . . . . Late Pleis­tocene Sri Lan­ka [arti­cle]
23326. (Carl C. Swish­er III, Gar­niss H. Cur­tis & Roger Lewin) Java Man ― How Two 
. . . . . Geol­o­gists’ Dra­mat­ic Dis­cov­er­ies Changed Our Under­stand­ing of the Evolutionary 
. . . . . Path to Mod­ern Humans

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