(Zemeck­is 1985) Back to the Future
(Mayne 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.374 ― The Mon­ster of Peladon, Part 5
(Mayne 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.375― The Mon­ster of Peladon, Part 6
(Mon­tagnon 1969) Civil­i­sa­tion, a Per­son­al View by Ken­neth Clark: Ep.6 ― Protest and 
. . . Communication
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.15 ― Trea­sure of the Incas 
(Flem­ing 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.36 ― The Yel­low Iris 
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.16 ― Dou­ble Trouble 
(Mox­ey 1960) The City of the Dead [aka Hor­ror Hotel] [Riff­Trax version]
(Dear 1993) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.17 ― The Run­away Robot
(Rear­don 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.226 ― Min­utes Over Tokyo
(Bruce 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.37 ― The Case of the Miss­ing Will 
(Sholem 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.18 ― Drums of Death 
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.376 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 1
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.377 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 2
(Singer 2000) X‑Men

(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.19 ― The Evil Three 
(Farn­ham 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.38 ― The Adven­ture of the Ital­ian Nobleman 
(Brown­ing 1965) Flip­per Ep.30 ― Flip­per’s Monster
(McNaughton 1970) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.14 ― Dinsdale
(Pil­lai 2013) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.94 ― The Sicil­ian Defence
(Jones 2003) Humphrey Bog­a­rt [A&E Biography]
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.378 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 3
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.379 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 4
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.380 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 5
(Letts 1974) Doc­tor Who: Ep.381 ― Plan­et of the Spi­ders, Part 6
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.20 ― Rid­dle of the Chi­nese Jade 
(Petrar­ca 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.15 ― The Ghost of Harrenhal
(Grieve 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.39 ― The Choco­late Box 
(Farn­ham 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.40 ― Dead Man’s Mirror 
(Groen­ing & Fong 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.110 ― 31st Cen­tu­ry Fox
(Mon­tagnon 1969) Civil­i­sa­tion, a Per­son­al View by Ken­neth Clark: Ep.7 ― Grandeur and 
. . . Obedience
(Lan­dau 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.71 ― Sarek
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2012) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.111 ― Naturama
(Har­ry­hausen 2005) Ray Har­ry­hausen: The Ear­ly Years Collection:
(Har­ry­hausen 1947) Moth­er Goose Sto­ries [aka The Sto­ry­book Review]
(Har­ry­hausen 1949) The Sto­ry of Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood
(Har­ry­hausen 1951) The Sto­ry of Hansel and Gretel
(Har­ry­hausen 1951) The Sto­ry of Rapunzel
(Har­ry­hausen 1953) The Sto­ry of King Midas
(Har­ry­hausen 2002) The Sto­ry of the Tor­toise & the Hare
(Kirsch 2005) The Clifton’s Cafe­te­ria Reunion
(Sholem 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.21 ― The Human Bomb 
(Bark­er 2009) Jour­ney to Jupiter [Naked Science]
(Vari 1964) Rome Against Rome
(Hay 2013) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.95 ― Schooled in Murder
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.22 ― Czar of the Underworld 
(King 1935) Char­lie Chan in Egypt
(Lega­to 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.72 ― Ménage à Troi
(Sholem 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.23 ― The Ghost Wolf 
(Grieve 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.41 ― Jew­el Rob­bery at the Grand Metropolitan 
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.24 ― Crime Wave 
(Hut­ton 2001) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.2 ― Cham­paigne for One, Part 1
(Kra­marsky 1955) The Beast with a Mil­lion Eyes
(Bolt 1997) An Unsuit­able Job for a Woman: Sac­ri­fice [minis­eries]
(Novack 2015) Cow­boys vs Dinosaurs
(Groen­ing & Muzquiz 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.112 ― 2‑D Blacktop
(Mey­er 1982) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
(Hard­ing 1962) The Avengers: Ep.37 — Trai­tor in Zebra
(Wan­na­mak­er 1977) Sin­bad and the Eye of the Tiger
(Hut­ton 2001) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.3 ― Cham­paigne for One, Part 2
(Slo­man 1929) The Lost Zeppelin
(Nut­ter 2012) Game of Thrones: Ep.16 ― The Old Gods and the New
(Groen­ing & Fong 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.113 ― Fry and Leela’s Big Fling
(Laven 1958) The Rifle­man: Ep.5 ― The Brother-in-Law 
(Ford 1930) Up the River
(Laugh­land 2013) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.96 ― The Christ­mas Haunting
(Mills 1962) The Avengers: Ep.38 — The Big Thinker
(Ben­nett 1995) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.42 ― Her­cule Poirot’s Christ­mas (100 min)
(Moor 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.227 ― Beyond Blunderdome
(Groen­ing & Kramer 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.114 ― T.: The Terrestrial
(Pil­lai 2014) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.97 ― Let Us Prey
(Kirk­land 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.228 ― Brother’s Lit­tle Helper
(Grieve 1995) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.43 ― Hick­o­ry Dick­o­ry Dock 
(Kruse 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.229 ― Guess Who’s Com­ing to Crit­i­cize Dinner?
(Michels 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.230 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror X
(Moore 2013) A Good Day to Die Hard
(Fran­cis­ci 1959) Her­cules Unchained [Ercole e la regi­na di Lidia] [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Grieve 1996) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.44 ― Mur­der on the Links 
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.115 ― Forty Per­fect Leadbelly
(Arnold 1958) The Space Chil­dren [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Ander­son 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.231 ― E‑I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)
(Ben­nett 1997) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.45 ― Dumb Witness 
(Ander­son 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.232 ― Hel­lo Gut­ter, Hel­lo Fadder
(Goossens 1967) Astérix le Gaulois
(Moore 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.233 ― Eight Misbehavin’
(Affleck 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.234 ― Take My Wife, Sleaze
(Walk­er 1935) The Mys­tery of Edwin Drood
(Nas­tuck 1999) The Simp­sons: Ep.235 ― Grift of the Magi
(Grieve 2000) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.46 ― The Mur­der of Roger Ackroyd 
(Annakin, Crab­tree, French & Smart 1948) Quartet
(Kirk­land 2000) The Simp­sons: Ep.236 ― Lit­tle Big Mom
(Groen­ing & Mari­no 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.116 ― The Inhu­man Torch
(Gill 1969) Civil­i­sa­tion, a Per­son­al View by Ken­neth Clark: Ep.8 ― The Light of Experience
(Bea­van 2002) A His­to­ry of Britain: Ep.13 ― Vic­to­ria and Her Sis­ters, 1830–1910 
(Adam­son 2005) The Chron­i­cles of Nar­nia (1): The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
(Benko 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.73 ― Transfigurations
(Kruse 2000) The Simp­sons: Ep.237 ― Faith Off
(Laven 1958) The Rifle­man: Ep.6 ― Eight Hours to Die 
(Alwyn 1962) The Avengers: Ep.39 — Death Dispatch 
(Car­dona 1985) Trea­sure of the Ama­zon [Riff­Trax version]
(Farn­ham 2001) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.47 ― Lord Edg­ware Dies 
(Groen­ing & Ches­ney-Thomp­son 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.117 ― Sat­ur­day Morn­ing Fun Pit
(Walsh 1941) High Sierra
(Lourié 1953) The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
(Bole 1990) Star Trek, the Next Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.74 ― The Best Of Both Worlds, part 1
(Farn­ham 2001) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.48 ― Evil Under the Sun 
(Mon­tagnon 1969) Civil­i­sa­tion, a Per­son­al View by Ken­neth Clark: Ep.9 ― The Pur­suit of 
. . . Happiness
(Groen­ing & San­doval 2013) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.118 ― Cal­cu­lon 2.0
(Pol­ci­no 2000) The Simp­sons: Ep.238 ― The Man­sion Family
(Kramer 2000) The Simp­sons: Ep.239 ― Sad­dle­sore Galactica
(Clegg 2001) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.49 ― Mur­der in Mesopotamia 
(Hard­ing 1962) The Avengers: Ep.40 — Dead on Course 

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