23327. (Jack Hicks & Gra­ham White) Made in Nunavut ― An Exper­i­ment in Decentralized 
. . . . . Government
23328. (Kather­ine A. Spiel­mann) Feast­ing, Craft Spe­cial­iza­tion, and the Rit­u­al Mode of 
. . . . . Pro­duc­tion in Small-Scale Soci­eties [arti­cle]
23329. (Ben­jamin Isakhan) Dis­cours­es of Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
23330. (Rus­sell Shorto) Ams­ter­dam ― A His­to­ry of the World’s Most Lib­er­al City
23331. (Kristi­na Jennbert) Cer­tain Humans, Cer­tain Ani­mals. Atti­tudes in the Long Term 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23332. (Gian­lu­ca Sgueo) Trans­paren­cy of Lob­by­ing at EU Lev­el [arti­cle]
23333. (Julian Thomas) The Future of Archae­o­log­i­cal The­o­ry [arti­cle]
23334. (George R. R. Mar­tin) A Clash of Kings [Song of Ice and Fire #2] [d]
23335. (Gian­lu­ca Sgueo) Con­verg­ing Meth­ods of Admin­is­tra­tive Gov­er­nance at the 
. . . . . Supra­na­tion­al Lev­el ― The Role of Civ­il Soci­ety [arti­cle]
23336. (Michele Faso­lo) Cul­ture in the Time of Fyborg [arti­cle]
23337. (Derek Yet­man) The Beothuk Expedition
23338. (R. Bar­roso Cabr­era, et al) Arque­ología de la Guer­ra Civ­il en Tole­do. El frente sur del 
. . . . . Tajo y el cig­a­r­ral de Menores: un esce­nario de guer­ra [arti­cle]
23339. (Halvor Dan­nevig & Grete K. Hov­el­srud) Under­stand­ing the Need for Adap­ta­tion in 
. . . . . Nat­ur­al Resource Depen­dent Com­mu­ni­ty in North­ern Nor­way: Issue Salience, 
. . . . . Knowl­edge and Val­ues [arti­cle]
23340. (Luis Benítez de Lugo Enrich, et al) Inves­ti­gación de un com­ple­jo tumu­lar prehistórico 
. . . . . en el bor­de merid­ion­al de la Mese­ta: Castille­jo del Bonete. Quince años de
. . . . . inter­ven­ciones arque­ológ­i­cas, 2000–2015 [arti­cle]
23341. (Inge­borg Mar­shall) A His­to­ry and Ethnog­ra­phy of the Beothuk
23342. (Thomas M. Disch) Echo Round His Bones
23343. (Yvon Cson­ka) Chang­ing Inu­it His­toric­i­ties in West Green­land and Nunavut [arti­cle]
23344. (John Cheev­er) The Wap­shot Scandal
23345. (Arnošt Lustig) Dita Sax [Dita Sax­ová tr. from Czech by G. Theiner]

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