23430. (Bliss Car­man) Far Horizons
23431. (Evan­ge­los Kyr­i­akidis) Some Aspects of the Role of Scribes in Pylian Palace 
. . . . . Admin­is­tra­tion [arti­cle]
23432. (Vong Sot­heara) The Role of Khmer Monks dur­ing 16th-19th Cen­turies [arti­cle]
23433. (Tser­ing Shakya) Mak­ing of the Great Game Play­ers ― Tibetan Stu­dents in Britain 
. . . . . Between 1913 and 1917 [arti­cle]
23434. (Her­bert Jenk­ins) The Gyl­ston Slan­der [sto­ry]
23435. (Miroslav Bár­ta) Pre­his­toric Mind in Con­text: An Essay on Pos­si­ble Roots of Ancient 
. . . . . gypt­ian Civil­i­sa­tion [arti­cle]
23436. (Adam Gaudry) Review of Metis and Med­i­cine Line by Michel Hogue [review]
23437. (Mil­jana Radi­vo­je­vić) Invent­ing Met­al­lur­gy in West­ern Eura­sia: A Look Through the 
. . . . . Micro­scope Lens [arti­cle]
23438. (Maria Mag­dol­na Tatár) New Data About the Cult of Čing­gis Qan’s Stan­dard [arti­cle]
23439. (Sheri S. Tep­per) Grass
23440. (Poul Holm, et al) Human­i­ties for the Envi­ron­ment ― A Man­i­festo for Research and 
. . . . . Action [arti­cle]
23441. (Gijs Rom­melse) Review of Het oor­logss­chip als varend bedri­jf. Schrijvers,
. . . . . admin­is­tratie en logistiek aan boord van Ned­er­landse mari­neschep­en in de 17 de en 
. . . . . 18de eeuw by Marc van Alphen [review]
23442. (Espen Ekberg) Review of Cre­at­ing Glob­al Oppor­tu­ni­ties ― Maer­sk Line and
. . . . . Con­tainer­i­sa­tion 1973–2913 by Chris Jeph­son & Hen­ning Mor­gen and Cul­ture shock
. . . . . in Maer­sk Line ― From Entre­pre­neurs and Kings to Mod­ern Effi­cien­cy by Lars 
. . . . . Jensen [review]
23443. (Har­sham Kumaras­ing­ham) “Guardian of the Con­sti­tu­tion”: The Role and Pow­er of the
. . . . . New Zealand Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al [arti­cle]
23444. (Stephen Lang­don) Sumer­ian Litur­gies and Psalms
(Fritz Leiber) Ships to the Stars:
. . . . 23445. (Fritz Leiber) Dr. Kometevski’s Day [sto­ry]
. . . . 23446. [3] (Fritz Leiber) The Big Trek [sto­ry]
. . . . 23447. (Fritz Leiber) The Enchant­ed For­est [sto­ry]
. . . . 23448. (Fritz Leiber) Dead­ly Moon [sto­ry]
. . . . 23449. (Fritz Leiber) The Snow­bank Orbit [sto­ry]
. . . . 23450. [3] (Fritz Leiber) The Ship Sails at Mid­night [sto­ry]
23451. (Anto­nia Thomas) Writ­ten in Stone: Geol­o­gy and Graf­fi­ti in Orkney [arti­cle]
23452. (David Stu­art Davies) The Curse of the Gris­wold Phan­tom [sto­ry]
23453. (Aman­da Pran­tera) The Side of the Moon
23454. (David Tid­har) The Bookman
Amaz­ing Sto­ries, Vol.1 #5, August, 1926:
. . . . 23455. (Hugo Gerns­back) “Impos­si­ble” Facts [arti­cle]
. . . . 23456. (Gar­rett P. Sevice) A Colum­bus of Space, Part 1 [nov­el]
. . . . 23457. (H. G. Wells) The Empire of the Ants [sto­ry]
. . . . 23458. (Jacque Mor­gan) The Inter­na­tion­al Elec­tro-Gal­van­ic Under­tak­ing Corp. [sto­ry]
. . . . 23459. (Jules Verne) Doc­tor Ox’s Exper­i­ment [sto­ry]
. . . . 23460. (M. H. Has­ta) The Talk­ing Brain [sto­ry]
. . . . 23461. (Albert B. Stu­art) High Ten­sion [sto­ry]
. . . . 23462. (G. McLeod Win­sor) Sta­tion X, Part 2 [sto­ry]
. . . . 23463. (Leland S. Copeland) Aspi­ra­tion [poem]
23464. (André-Yves Bourgès) Avant-pro­pos pour Hagra­phie bre­tonne et mytholo­gie cel­tique
. . . . . [pref­ace]
23465. (André-Yves Bourgès) Sainte Sève, une his­toire de genre [arti­cle]
23466. (R. J. van der Spek) Mad­i­natu = URU.MEŠ, “satrapy, province, dis­trict, coun­try”, in 
. . . . . Late Baby­lon­ian [arti­cle]
23467. (R. M. Meluch) Wind Dancers

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