23468. (Andrew Tay­lor) The World of Ger­ard Mercator
23469. (Olivi­er P. Nieuwen­huyse et al) The 8.2 Event in Upper Mesopotamia [arti­cle]
23470. (Daniele Con­ver­si) Eth­no­rad­i­cal­ism as a Mir­ror Image of State Cen­tral­i­sa­tion: the 
. . . . . Basque Par­a­digm in Franco’s Spain [arti­cle]
23471. (Neha Dhavale et al) Lin­ear and Appo­si­tion­al Growth in Infants and Chil­dren from the 
. . . . . Pre­his­toric Set­tle­ment of Ban Non Wat, North­east Thai­land: Eval­u­at­ing Biological 
. . . . . Respons­es to Agri­cul­tur­al Inten­si­fi­ca­tion in South­east Asia [arti­cle]
23472. (Maria Kon­niko­va) The Con­fi­dence Game
23473. (Lydia Pyne) Open Sourc­ing Lucy, the World’s Most Famous Fos­sil [arti­cle]
23474. (Jesse Bulling­ton) The Fol­ly of the World
23475. (Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome) The Trau­ma of Cap­tiv­i­ty and Chal­lenge of Freedom: 
. . . . . Niger­ian School­girls Walk­ing the Tightrope from Boko Haram Cap­tiv­i­ty to Freedom 
. . . . . [draft article]
23476. (Szy­mon Zdziebłows­ki) The First Pol­ish Archae­o­log­i­cal Research Project in Burkina 
. . . . . Faso [arti­cle]
23477. (Jen­ny Hagen­blad et al) Farmer Fideli­ty in the Canary Islands Revealed by Ancient 
. . . . . DNA from Pre­his­toric Seeds [arti­cle]
23478. (Steve Coll) Pri­vate Empire ― Exxon­Mo­bil and Amer­i­can Power
23479. (Tor­ben Bjarke Ballin) The Brodgar Point and Its Affini­ties ― An Update [arti­cle]
23480. (John­ny Marr) Set the Boy Free
23481. (Mikheil Abra­mashvili) South Cau­ca­sia and the Aegean before the Arg­onauts [arti­cle]
23482. (Silke Reeploeg) Coastal Cul­tures in Scot­land and Nor­way: Nar­ra­tives, Affin­i­ty, Contact 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23483. (Tim Win­ton) Eyrie
23484. (B. Zipfel & L. R. Berg­er) Shod Ver­sus Unshod: The Emer­gence of Fore­foot Pathology 
. . . . . in Mod­ern Humans? [arti­cle]
23485. (Jen Sook­fong Lee) The Conjoined

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