23505. (Theodore W. Jen­nings, Jr.) Pla­to or Paul? The Ori­gins of West­ern Homophobia
23506. [2] (Gertrude Frieden­berg) The Revolv­ing Boy
23507. (Rana Özbal) The Chal­lenge of Iden­ti­fy­ing House­holds at Tell Kur­du [arti­cle]
23508. (Raimund Karl) The Celts From Every­where and Nowhere ― A Re-eva­l­u­ta­tion of the
. . . . . Ori­gins of the Celts and the Emer­gence of Celtic Cul­tures [arti­cle]
23509. (John Christo­pher) The Long Winter
23510. (Bon­nie Pit­bla­do & Michael J. Shott) The Present and Future of Archaeologist-Collector
. . . . . Col­lab­o­ra­tion [arti­cle]
23511. (Adam Gaudry) Review of Riel’s Defense: Per­spec­tives on His Speech­es by Hans V.
. . . . . Hansen (ed.) [review]
23512. (Shizuko Nat­su­ki) Mur­der at Mt. Fuji
23513. (Ana Cruz, Ana Graça & Luiz Oost­er­beek) Caves, Mega­lithism and Tumuli ― Three
. . . . . Diachron­ic Real­i­ties in Funer­ary Archaeog­ra­phy from Alto Rib­ate­jo [arti­cle]
23514. (Livy [Titus Livius]) The His­to­ry of Rome [books 27–36] [tr. Cyrus Edmonds] [d]
The Mag­a­zine of Fan­ta­sy and Sci­ence Fic­tion, Vol.1 #2 Win­ter-Spring, 1950:
. . . . 23515. (Regi­nald Bret­nor) The Gnurrs Come From the Vood­vork Out [sto­ry]
. . . . 23516. (Robert M. Coates) Return of the Gods [sto­ry]
. . . . 23517. (Kris Neville) Every Work Into Judg­ment [sto­ry]
. . . . 23518. (Walt Shel­don) A Rope for Lucifer [sto­ry]
. . . . 23519. (Miri­am Allen deFord) The Last Gen­er­a­tion? [sto­ry]
. . . . 23520. [2] (Robert Arthur) Post­paid to Par­adise [= Post­marked for Par­adise] [sto­ry]
. . . . 23521. (Ray Brad­bury) The Exiles [sto­ry]
. . . . 23522. (Antho­ny Hope) My Astral Body [sto­ry]
. . . . 23523. (L. Sprague de Camp & Fletch­er Pratt) Ele­phas Frum­men­ti [sto­ry]
. . . . 23524. (L. Sprague de Camp & Fletch­er Pratt) The Thrift of God [sto­ry]
. . . . 23525. (Antho­ny Bouch­er & J. Fran­cis McCo­mas) Rec­om­mend­ed Read­ing [arti­cle]
. . . . 23526. (Mar­garet St. Clair) World of Arlesia [sto­ry]
. . . . 23527. (W. L. Alden) The Vol­canic Valve [sto­ry]
. . . . 23528. (Damon Knight) Not With a Bang [sto­ry]
23529. (Tor­ben Bjarke Ballin) How to Squeeze Blood from Stones ― Pro­cess­ing, Analy­sis and
. . . . . Inter­pre­ta­tion of Lith­ic Assem­blages [draft article]

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