(Sher 1960) The 3 Worlds of Gulliver
(McDon­ald 1964) Flip­per: Ep.9 ― Mr. Marvello 
(Ben­son 1964) Flip­per: Ep.10 ― My Broth­er Flipper 
(McDon­ald 1964) Flip­per: Ep.11 ― The Sec­ond Time Around 
(Wilcox 1956) For­bid­den Planet
(Williams 2005) Mary Pick­ford [Amer­i­can Experience]
(Das 2010) A His­to­ry of Hor­ror with Mark Gatiss: Ep.1 ― Franken­stein Goes to Hollywood
(Jar­dine 2010) A His­to­ry of Hor­ror with Mark Gatiss: Ep.2 ― Home Coun­ties Horror
(Gor­don 1958) Earth vs. The Spi­der [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Das 2010) A His­to­ry of Hor­ror with Mark Gatiss: Ep.3 ― The Amer­i­can Scream
(Das 2012) Hor­ror Europa with Mark Gatiss
(Papadopou­los 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.23 ― Supernovas
(Siod­mak 1944) Cobra Woman
(Per­sky 1980) Serial
(Cromwell 1930) Tom Sawyer
(Bernan­rd 1973) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.10 ― The Van­ish­ing Earth, Part 1
(Bernan­rd 1973) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.11 ― The Van­ish­ing Earth, Part 2
(Sny­der 2016) Bat­man v Super­man: Dawn of Justice
(Bernan­rd 1973) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.12 ― The Van­ish­ing Earth, Part 3
(Bernan­rd 1973) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.13 ― The Van­ish­ing Earth, Part 4
(Gra­ham 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.24 ― Constellations
(Cum­ming 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.556 ― Cas­troval­va, Part 1
(Cum­ming 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.557 ― Cas­troval­va, Part 2
(Cum­ming 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.558 ― Cas­troval­va, Part 3
(Cum­ming 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.559 ― Cas­troval­va, Part 4
(Kirk­land 2004) The Simp­sons: Ep.337 ― All’s Fair in Oven War
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.14 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 1: An Apple for the
.… Teacher
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.15 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 2: The Changing
.… Picture
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.7 ― A Sur­prise Decision
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.8 ― Homesick
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.9 ― Logan’s Lesson
(L’Ecuyer 2008) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.12 ― The Prince and the Rebel
(McNaughton 1970) Mon­ty Python’s Fly­ing Cir­cus: Ep.24 ― How Not to Be Seen
(Rafkin 1963) The Dick Van Dyke Show: Ep.51 ― My Hus­band Is a Check-Grabber
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.16 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 3: The Tro­jan Horse
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.17 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 4: Cuck­oo in the
.… Nest
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.18 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 5: The Swarming
.… Season
(Mac­Mul­lan 2004) The Simp­sons: Ep.338 ― Sleep­ing with the Enemy
(Bar­ry 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.25 ― Unex­plained Mysteries
(Duf­fer 2016) Stranger Things: Ep.1 ― The Van­ish­ing of Will Byers
(Fran­cis 1966) The Dead­ly Bees
(Morse 1964) Flip­per: Ep.12 ― Lady and the Dol­phin, Part 1
(Brown­ing 1964) Flip­per: Ep.13 ― Lady and the Dol­phin, Part 2
(Verk­lan 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.26 ― Cos­mic Collisions
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.10 ― The Chase
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.11 ― Ride-’Em-Cowboy
(Hugh­es 1985) Weird Science
(Zuck­er 1991) Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
(Meza-Leon 2017) Rich and Morty: Ep.22 ― The Rick­shank Rickdemption
(Drook­er 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.27 ― Col­o­niz­ing Space
(Thomp­son 2008) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.13 ― The Annoy­ing Red Planet
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.19 ― A Rift in Time, Part 1: Vase of Mystery
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.20 ― A Rift in Time, Part 2: Turn of the Thumb
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.21 ― A Rift in Time, Part 3: From Lit­tle Acorns
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.22 ― A Rift in Time, Part 4: Rise of the Roman Empire
(Paris 1963) The Dick Van Dyke Show: Ep.52 ― Don’t Trip Over That Mountain
(Ruskin 1963) The Dick Van Dyke Show: Ep.53 ― Give Me Your Walls!
(Duf­fer 2016) Stranger Things: Ep.2 ― The Weirdo on Maple Street
(Horn 1963) The Out­er Lim­its: Ep.14 ― The Zan­ti Misfits 
(Brom­field 1994) The Odyssey: Ep.20 ― The Great­est Show on Earth
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.23 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 1: Dressed to Kill
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.24 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 2: The Burn­ing Sword
(Black 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.560 ― Four to Dooms­day, Part 1
(Black 1982) Doc­tor Who: Ep.561 ― Four to Dooms­day, Part 2
(Rehr 2008) The Uni­verse: Ep.28 ― Nebulas
(Ersk­ine 1934) Call It Mur­der [aka Midnight]

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