First-time listening for July 2017

24466. (Leoš Janáček) Jen­u­fa [Její pas­torkyňa] [com­plete opera: d. Neu­mann; Beňačková,
. . . . . Hesse, Ochman]
24467. (Hozi­er) Take Me to Church EP
24468. (Lionel Pow­er) Ani­ma mea liquifac­ta est
24469. (Lionel Pow­er) Gloria
24470. (Per­fume Genius) No Shape
24471. (1‑O.A.K.) Rid­ing In Cars With Girls
24472. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #49 “Ich geh und suche mit Ver­lan­gen”, bwv.49
24473. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #50 “Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft”, bwv.50 [attr.]
24474. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #51 “Jauchzet Gott in allen Lan­den”, bwv.50
24475. (Rich Homie Quan) Back to Basics
24476. (Paramore) After Laughter
24477. (George Fred­er­ick Hän­del) Bels­haz­zar, Ora­to­rio [d. Pin­nock; Auger, John­son, Bowman]
24478. (Stor­mzy) Gang Signs & Prayer
24479. (Peter Abelard) Ful­citeme floribus
24480. (Peter Abelard) Mag­num salutis gaudim
24481. (Peter Abelard) Mater salvatoris
24482. (Peter Abelard) O quan­ta qualia
24483. (Joey Badass) All-Amerikkkan Bada$$
24484. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Mein Junges Leben Hat ein End’, v.3, bk.23 for Organ
24485. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Toc­ca­ta in C, v.1, bk.118 for Organ
24486. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Echo Fan­ta­sia in C, v.1, bk.70 for Organ
24487. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Prae­ludi­um in F, v.1, bk.137 for Organ
24488. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Allein Gott in der Hoeh Sei Her, v.2, bk.1 for Organ
24489. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Echo Fan­ta­sia in A, v.1, bk.76 for Organ
24490. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Hexa­chord Fan­ta­sia, v.1, bk.35 for Organ
24491. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Bal­lo del Gran­d­u­ca, v.2, bk.3 for Organ
24492. (Joan­na New­som) Divers
24493. (Young Dolph) Bulletproof
24494. (Michael Des Bar­res) I’m Only Human
24495. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #52 “Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht”, bwv.52
24496. (Feist) Pleasure
24497. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #55 “Ich armer Men­sch, ich Sün­denknecht”, bwv.55
24498. (Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach) Can­ta­ta #57 “Selig ist der Mann”, bwv.57
24499. (Belle and Sebas­t­ian) The Boy with the Arab Strap
24500. (Song­hoy Blues) Music in Exile
24501. (Noah and the Whale) Peace­ful, the World Lays Me Down
24502. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Non omnis qui dic­it mihi, Domine for Chorus
24503. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ecce prandi­um meum par­avi for Chorus
24504. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ab Oreiente venerunt Magi for Chorus
24505. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) In te Domine sper­avi for Chorus
24506. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Diligam te Domine, for­ti­tu­do mea for Chorus
24507. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Beati pau­peres spir­i­tu for Chorus
24508. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum for Chorus
24509. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Can­tate Domi­no can­ticum nuvum for Chorus
24510. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ven­ite exul­te­mus Domi­no for Chorus
24511. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) O Domine Jesu Christe, pas­tor bone for Chorus
24512. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Lau­date Dominum omnes gentes for Chorus
24513. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Lusti autem in per­petu­um vivent for Chorus
24514. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Hodie Chris­tus natus est for Chorus
24515. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) O sacrum con­vivi­um for Chorus
24516. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Petite et accip­i­etis for Chorus
24517. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Euge serve bone et fidelis for Chorus
24518. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Vide home, quae pro te patior for Chorus
24519. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Gaude et laetere, Jerusalem for Chorus
24520. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Qui vult venire post me for Chorus
24521. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) De pro­fundis cla­mavi ad te Domine for Chorus
24522. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) O quam bea­ta lancea for Chorus
24523. (Code Orange) Forever
24524. (Zen Mechan­ics) Zen Mechan­ics Live Set at Boom Fes­ti­val, 2014
24525. (Lorde) Melodrama
24526. (Mar­il­lion) Sounds That Can’t Be Made
24527. (Christoph Willibald Gluck) Orfeo ed Euridice [com­plete opera; d. von Karajan;
. . . . . Simion­a­to, Jurinac, Sciutti]
24528. (Lit­tle Steven) Soulfire
24529. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Con­cer­to Grosso in A, Op.2 #1
24530. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Con­cer­to Grosso in A Minor, Op.5 #4
24531. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Oboe Con­cer­to in C
24532. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Over­ture in F, Op.10 #7
24533. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Oboe Con­cer­to in G Minor, Op.8 #5
24534. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Over­ture in D, Op.10 #4
24535. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Con­cer­to Grosso in E Minor, Op.11 #5
24536. (Giuseppe Sam­mar­ti­ni) Over­ture in G, Op.7 #6
24537. (Mastodon) Emper­or of Sand
24538. (Bhaskar Cha­davarkar) The Ele­ments: Fire
24539. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) In illo tem­pore postquam con­sum­mati sunt for Chorus
24540. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Par­a­cle­tus autem Spir­i­tus Sanc­tus for Chorus
24541. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Videte manus meas et pedes meos for Chorus
24542. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Domine Deus meus in te sper­abo for Chorus
24543. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Viri Galilei, quid qtatis qus­picientes in coelum for Chorus
24544. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ubi duo vel tres con­gre­gati fuerint for Chorus
24545. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Beati omnes qui timent Dominum for Chorus
24546. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Tim­or Domi­ni prin­cip­i­um sapi­en­ti­ae for Chorus
24547. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Hodie Bea­ta Vir­go Maria puerum Jesum for Chorus
24548. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Ecce Vir­go con­cip­i­et et pari­et Fil­i­um for Chorus
24549. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Gaudete omnes et lae­t­a­mi­ni for Chorus
24550. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Regi­na coeli laetare for Chorus
24551. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Mag­ni­fi­cat ani­ma mea Dominum for Chorus
24552. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Angelus ad pas­tores ait for Chorus
24553. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Tan­to tem­pore vobis­cum for Chorus
24554. (Jan Pieter­szoon Sweel­inck) Te Deum lau­damus for Chorus
24555. (Frank Zap­pa) Cuca­mon­ga Years: The Ear­ly Works of Frank Zap­pa 1962–1964
24556. (Johann Nepo­muk Hum­mel) Trio for Piano, Vio­lin and Cel­lo #1 in B‑flat, Op.3a
24557. (Johann Nepo­muk Hum­mel) Piano Sonata #2 in E‑flat “Allelu­jah”, Op.13
24558. (Johann Nepo­muk Hum­mel) Con­cer­to for Vio­lin and Piano in G, Op.17
24559. (Nico­las Val­let) Pre­lude for Lute
24560. (Nico­las Val­let) Passe­meze in B‑flat for Lute
24561. (Nico­las Val­let) Bourre d’Av­i­gnon for Lute
24562. (Nico­las Val­let) Secre­tum musarum for Lute
24563. (Nico­las Val­let) Gail­larde du comte Essex for Lute
24564. (Nico­las Val­let) Boerin­neken for Lute
24565. (Nico­las Val­let) Les Pan­talons for Lute
24566. (Nico­las Val­let) Prae­ludi­um I (1620) for Lute
24567. (Nico­las Val­let) Alle­mande for­tune helas pourquoy for Lute
24568. (Nico­las Val­let) La Men­di­ante fan­taysye for Lute
24569. (Nico­las Val­let) Soet Rob­bert for Lute
24570. (Nico­las Val­let) Gail­larde for Lute
24571. (Nico­las Val­let) Fan­tasie for Lute
24572. (Nico­las Val­let) Pavanne en forme de com­plainte for Lute
24573. (Nico­las Val­let) Car­il­lon de vil­lage for Lute
24574. (Nico­las Val­let) Onse Vad­er in Hemel­ryck for Lute
24575. (Nico­las Val­let) Prae­ludi­um II (1620) for Lute
24576. (Nico­las Val­let) Courante for Lute
24577. (Nico­las Val­let) La Sara­bande espag­nolle for Lute
24578. (Nico­las Val­let) Guillemette for Lute
24579. (Nico­las Val­let) Courante La Val­lette for Lute
24580. (Nico­las Val­let) Courante de Mars for Lute
24581. (Nico­las Val­let) La Cha­cona for Lute
24582. (Nico­las Val­let) Une Jeune Fil­lette for Lute
24583. (Nico­las Val­let) Under the Lin­den for Lute
24584. (Nico­las Val­let) La Princesse for Lute
24585. (Nico­las Val­let) L’ avi­gnonne for Lute
24586. (Nico­las Val­let) Slaep soete slaep for Lute
24587. (Big Sean) I Decided
24588. (Play­boi Car­ti) Play­boi Carti
24589. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in A, JC63
24590. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in D, JC22
24591. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Quin­tet #5 for 3 Vio­lins, Vio­la & Bass in E
24592. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in E, JC31
24593. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in A, JC60
24594. (John Lennon & Yoko Ono) Unfin­ished Music No.1: Two Virgins
24595. (Jonas Broth­ers) It’s About Time
24596. (George Shear­ing Quin­tet) Latin Escapade
24597. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in D, JC11
24598. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in E‑flat, JC28
24599. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in D, JC17
24600. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in G, JC40
24601. (Gio­van­ni Bat­tista Sam­mar­ti­ni) Sym­pho­ny in E‑flat, JC26
24602. (Colter Wall) Imag­i­nary Appalachia
24603. (Blanck Mass) Blanck Mass
24604. (Pietro Mascagni) Can­zone amorosa for Flute, Vio­lin, Piano & Cello
24605. (Bryson Tiller) True to Self
24606. (Laugh­ing Bud­dha) Sacred Technology

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