(Philip José Farmer) The Celes­tial Blue­print and Oth­er Stories:
. . . . 23736. (Philip José Farmer) Rasti­gnac the Dev­il [sto­ry]
. . . . 23737. (Philip José Farmer) The Celes­tial Blue­print [sto­ry]
. . . . 23738. (Philip José Farmer) They Twin­kled Like Jew­els [sto­ry]
. . . . 23739. (Philip José Farmer) Totem and Taboo [sto­ry]
23740. (Gary W. Craw­ford) Advances in Under­stand­ing Ear­ly Agri­cul­ture in Japan [arti­cle]
23741. (David C. Orton, et al) Fish for the City: Meta-analy­sis of Archae­o­log­i­cal Cod 
. . . . . Remains and the Growth of Lon­don’s North­ern Trade [arti­cle]
23742. (Bib­iana Agustí) Exca­va­tions arque­ològiques a Vilan­era [arti­cle]
23743. (Mil­jana Radi­vo­je­vić, et al) Repeal­ing the Çatal­höyük Extrac­tive Metallurgy: 
. . . . . The Green, the Fire and the “slag” [arti­cle]
23744. (John T. Koch) Some Pale­o­his­pan­ic Impli­ca­tions of the Gaul­ish Inscrip­tion of 
. . . . . Rezé [arti­cle]
23745. (Ben­jamin Isakhan & Fadi Dawood) Nego­ti­at­ing a Con­test­ed Historiography 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23746. (Ale­jan­dra Duk-Rod­kin, et al) Tim­ing and Extent of Plio-Pleis­tocene Glaciations 
. . . . . in North-West­ern Cana­da and East-Cen­tral Alas­ka [arti­cle]
23747. (Ian Tat­ter­shall) Defin­ing and Rec­og­niz­ing the Genus Homo [arti­cle]
23748. (William M. Brei­d­ing) The Skele­tons of Win­ter [arti­cle]
23749. Sec­ond Report of the Record Com­mison­ers of the City of Boston con­tain­ing the 
. . . . . Boston Records, 1634–1660, and the Book of Pos­ses­sions [1881]
23750. Sou­venir of 1775 — Lex­ing­ton 1875 [pam­phlet and inconabula]
23751. (Bend Mac­In­tyre) Review of The Bad-Ass Librar­i­ans of Tim­buk­tu and Their Race
. . . . . to Save the World’s Most Pre­cious Man­u­scripts by Joshua Ham­mer [review]
23752. (Ginevra Pan­zari­no & San­dro Sub­li­mi Saponet­ti) Young Sol­diers in Late 
. . . . . Antiq­ui­ty: Two Deaths in North­ern Apu­lia between the Greek-Goth­ic War and 
. . . . . the Lom­bard Inva­sion [arti­cle]
23753. (Raimund Karl) Ich bin Hob­by­chirurg und Hob­by­polizist [arti­cle]
23754. (S. Stark) Hel­lenism at the Fringes: On the Rela­tion­ship between Bac­tria and 
. . . . . West­ern Sog­di­ana [arti­cle]
23755. (Orsolya Láng) Strip House with an Atri­um-res­i­dence Wing: Authenticating 
. . . . . Exca­va­tion in the North­east­ern Part of the Aquin­cum Civ­il Town IV [arti­cle]
23756. (Prim­i­ti­va Bueno Ramírez, et al) Fron­tières et art mégalithique ― Une 
. . . . . per­spec­tive depuis le monde pyrénéen [arti­cle]
23757. (Edward Packard) Gor­ga, the Space Monster
23758. (Tomas Lars­son) Bud­dhist Bureau­cra­cy and Reli­gious Free­dom in Thai­land [arti­cle]
23759. (David K. Wright) East and South­ern African Neolith­ic: Geog­ra­phy and Overview
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23760. (Dmitri M. Bon­darenko) African Migrants in Post-Sovi­et Moscow: Adaptation 
. . . . . and Inte­gra­tion in a Time of Rad­i­cal Socio-Polit­i­cal Trans­for­ma­tions [arti­cle]
23761. (The Anh Han & Luís Moniz Pereira) Evo­lu­tion­ary Machine Ethics [arti­cle]
23762. (Kewin Peche-Quili­chi­ni, et al) Cam­pu Ste­fanu, Scol­lac­aro, Cor­si­ca: Middle 
. . . . . Bronze Age Amber and Glass Beads Analy­ses, A New Evi­dence for Mycenaean
. . . . . Con­nec­tion in Cor­si­ca? [arti­cle]
23763. (Sar­faraz Khan & Zul­fiqar Ali Kalhoro) The Impact of Inter­na­tion­al Migration 
. . . . . on Spir­i­tu­al Heal­ing Prac­tices in Rur­al Pun­jab [arti­cle]
23764. (Jen­nifer Kath­leen Jones) His­tor­i­cal Archae­ol­o­gy of Tourism at Port Athrur, 
. . . . . Tas­ma­nia [arti­cle]
23765. (Paul Sch­abas, Kaley Pulfer & Jeff Beedell) Appel­lants’ Fac­tum vs. 
. . . . . Mitchell Gold­har, Supreme Court of Cana­da [doc­u­ment]
23766. (Svend Hansen, et al) Pietrele am ֦Lac­ul Gor­gana֞ . Bericht über die Ausgrabunden
. . . . . in der neolithis­chen und kupferzeitlichen Sied­lung und die geomorphologischen
. . . . . Unter­suchun­gen in den Som­mern 2012–2016 [arti­cle]
23767. (Kapil Raj) L’Inde, la Grande-Bre­tagne, et les sci­ences mod­ernes: Où sont nos 
. . . . . sta­bil­ités d’an­tan [arti­cle]

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