23794. (Greg Delan­ty & Michael Mat­to –ed.) The Word Exchange: Anglo-Sax­on Poems in
. . . . . Translation
23795. (William A. Parkin­son et al) A Land­scape of Tells: Geo­physics and Micros­tratig­ra­phy at
. . . . . Two Neolith­ic Tell Sites on the Great Hun­gar­i­an Plain [arti­cle]
23796. (Nasar Khan et al) A Co-rela­tion­al Study of Fam­i­ly Income and Poor Par­ent­ing in Child’s
. . . . . Edu­ca­tion­al Per­for­mance in Dis­trict Dir Low­er, Pak­istan [arti­cle]
23797. (Matt Pope et al) At the Head­wa­ters of the Eng­lish Chan­nel Riv­er: Con­sid­er­ing Late
. . . . . Nean­derthal Archae­ol­o­gy in the Sus­sex Weald [arti­cle]
23798. (Fer­nan­do Krahn) The Secret in the Dungeon
23799. (Gary O. Rollef­son) “I am We”: The Dis­play of Socioe­co­nom­ic Pol­i­tics of Neolithic
. . . . . Com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion [arti­cle]
23800. (Soraj Hongladarom) Sur­ro­ga­cy Law in Thai­land [arti­cle]
23801. (Joseph E. Stiglitz) Glob­al­iza­tion and Its Dis­con­tents Revisited
23802. (Sig­it Ric­ahy­ono) Javanese Com­pli­ment Response “Joke”, Prob­lems of Categorizing,
. . . . . Poten­tials of Inter­cul­tur­al Encoun­ters, and Ped­a­gog­i­cal Impli­ca­tions [arti­cle]
23803. (Hen­ri­et­ta Leyser) Beda ― A Jour­ney through the Sev­en King­doms in the Age of Bede
23804. (Silke Reeploeg) The Far Islands and Oth­er Cold Places; Women Trav­el­ers in the Arctic,
. . . . . 1850–1935 [arti­cle]
23805. (Samuel Minne) L’ami­tié dans le roman pour ado­les­cents à nar­ra­teur homo­sex­uel: “Les
. . . . . sen­ti­ments sans forme qui flot­taient entre nous” [arti­cle]
23806. (Ivo Haj­nal) Grae­co-Ana­to­lian Con­tacts in the Myce­naean Peri­od [arti­cle]
23807. (Joseph E. Stigliz) The Euro ― How a Com­mon Cur­ren­cy Threates the Future of Europe
23808. (José Yrave­dra & Lucía Cobo-Sánchez) Nean­derthal Exploita­tion of Ibex and Chamois
. . . . . in South­west­ern Europe [arti­cle]
23809. (Robyn Tallis) Night of Two New Moons
23810. (Wall Street Jour­nal) Tran­script of Don­ald Trump Inter­view 01–14-18 [inter­view]
23811. (Nad­ha Pöl­lath et al) Almost a Chest Hit: An Aurochs Humerus with Hunt­ing Lesion
. . . . . from Göbek­li Tepe, South-east­ern Turkey, and Its Impli­ca­tions [arti­cle]
23812. (Oliv­er Diet­rich & Jens Notroff) A Sanc­tu­ary, or So Fair a House? In Defense of an
. . . . . Archae­ol­o­gy of Cult at Pre-Pot­tery Neolith­ic Göbek­li Tepe [arti­cle]
23813. (Thomas Ecca­rdt) Secrets of the Sev­en Small­est States of Europe
23814. (Lars Pilø et al) The Chronol­o­gy of Rein­deer Hunt­ing on Nor­way’s High­est Ice Patches
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23815. (Jed Mis­ton) Why Cheese Curds in Toron­to Don’t Squeak [arti­cle]
23816. (Rana N. S. Sod­hi, Peter Broder­sen & Sal Boc­cia) ToF-SIMS and Oth­er Surface
. . . . . Spec­tro­scopies Applied to the Study of Ancient Ari­facts: Pre­lim­i­nary Inves­ti­ga­tion of
. . . . . a Tetradrachm of Claudius [arti­cle]
23817. (Paul Collins) The Birth of the West
23818. (Paula F. Cam­pos et al) Ancient DNA Analy­ses Exclude Humans as the Dri­ving Force
. . . . . behind Late Pleis­tocene Musk Ox Pop­u­la­tion Dynam­ics [arti­cle]

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