23836. (David Cay John­ston) It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump
. . . . . Admin­is­tra­tion Is Doing to America
23837. (Yrsa Sig­urðardót­tir) My Soul to Take [Sér gre­fur gröf — tr. B. Scud­der & A. Yates]
23838. (Frosti Ólaf­s­son, Björn Bryn­júl­fur Björns­son & Sig­urður Tómas­son) The Icelandic
. . . . . Econ­o­my: Cur­rent State, Recent Devel­op­ments and Future Out­look [report]
23839. (Steven Hart­man, et al) Medieval Ice­land, Green­land, and the New Human Condition:
. . . . . A Case Study in Inte­grat­ed Envi­ron­men­tal Human­i­ties [arti­cle]
23840. (Ralph K. Ped­er­sen) Under the Ery­thraean Sea: An Ancient Ship­wreck in Eritrea
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23841. (L. Sprague de Camp) The Queen of Zam­ba [Krish­na #1]
23842. (Grant D. Zazu­la, et al) Ice-age Steppe Veg­e­ta­tion in East Beringia [arti­cle]
23843. (Guð­mundur Hálf­da­nar­son & Niyazi Kizilyürek) Two Islands of His­to­ry: “His­to­ry ’
. . . . . Wars” in Cyprus and Ice­land [arti­cle]
23844. (Oliv­er Diet­rich) Learn­ing from “Scrap” about Late Bronze Age Hoard­ing Practices
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23845. (Richard Hard­wick) Flip­per og leyn­der­mál svör­tu skonnartunnar
23846. (Prim­i­ti­va Bueno Ramírez, Rodri­go de Bal­bín Behrmann & Roas Bar­roso Berme­jo) Les
. . . . . mégalithes et leur inser­tion séman­tique dans le paysage [arti­cle] [d]
23847. (Bert van der Spek) Frac­tiedis­ci­pline is moor­dent voor demo­catie [arti­cle]
23848. (Domeni­co Agos­ti­ni & Sören Stark) Zāwulistān, Kāwulistān and the Land of Bosi 波斯
. . . . . ― On the Ques­tion of a Sasan­ian Court-in-exile in the South­ern Hin­dukush [arti­cle]

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