(Berke­ley 1939) They Made Me a Criminal
(Mar­shall 1961) The Phan­tom Plan­et [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Dante 2013) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Giant from the Unknown
(Cun­ha 1958) Giant from the Unknown
(Trelfer 2017) Dark Cor­ners Review: (17) Giant from the Unknown
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.2 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.1
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.3 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.2
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.4 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.3
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.5 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.4
(Berton 1996) Mer­lin’s Shop of Mys­ti­cal Won­ders [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Chun 2017) Rick and Morty: Ep.24 ― Pick­le Rick
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (288) The Blood Beast Terror
(Lucas 2014) Cam­paign of Hate
(Sewell 1968) The Blood Beast Terror
(Trelfer 2016) Dark Cor­ners Review: (95) Mar­vel’s Cap­tain America
(Jaffe 2002) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.24 ― The Silent Speak­er, Part 1
(Jaffe 2002) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.25 ― The Silent Speak­er, Part 2
(Dante 2012) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on The Gam­ma People
(Per­si 2005) The Simp­sons: Ep.348 ― Mobile Homer
(Gilling 1956) The Gam­ma People
(Guadagni­no 2009) I Am Love [Io sono l’amore]
(Cross­land 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.28 ― The Great Wall
(John­ston 1995) Jumanji
(Goldin 2012) The Uni­verse: Ep.74 ― Our Place in the Milky Way
(Uçak 1973) 3 Dev Adam [3 Giant Men a.k.a. Turk­ish Spiderman]
(Tenold 2014) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Turk­ish Spiderman
(Rat­tner 2006) X‑Men 3: The Last Stand
(Swack­ham­mer 1977) The Amaz­ing Spider-Man
(Trelfer 2014) Dark Cor­ners Review: (203) The Amaz­ing Spider-Man
(New­ton 2017) Rick and Morty: Ep.25 ― Vin­di­ca­tors 3: The Return of Worldender
(Cor­man 1962) Tow­er of London
(Clouse 1982) Dead­ly Eyes
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Dead­ly Eyes
(Sny­der 2018) Tim­o­thy Sny­der Speaks: Ep.9 ― Reporters – the Heroes of Our Time
(Kor­mákur 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.1
(Bald­vin Z 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.2
(Bish­op 1960) Dan­ger Man: Ep.1 ― View from the Villa
(Smart 1960) Dan­ger Man: Ep.2 ― Time to Kill
(Piquer Simón 1977) The Fab­u­lous Jour­ney to the Cen­tre of the Earth [Via­je al cen­tro de la
. . . . Tier­ra] [aka Where Time Began]
(Bald­vin Z 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.3
(Bald­vin Z 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.4
(Lynd 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.29 ― Vic­tor, Victorian
(Tru­man 1960) Dan­ger Man: Ep.3 ― Josetta
(Lemorande & Pyun 1988) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
(Óskar Thór Axels­son 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.5
(Camp­bell 2012) The Uni­verse: Ep.75 ― Deep Freeze
(Fish­er 1966) Island of Terror
(Trelfer 2015) Dark Cor­ners Review: (135) Island of Terror
(Horn 1964) The Out­er Lim­its: Ep.21 ― The Chil­dren of Spi­der County
(Pep­per 2002) A Nero Wolfe Mys­tery: Ep.26 ― Cop Killer
(Sand­berg 2016) Lion

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