23908. (Judea Pearl) Causal­i­ty ― Mod­els, Rea­son­ing, and Infer­ence [2nd ed.]
23909. (Chris Loen­dorf, David Jacobs & Glen E. Rice) Pet­ro­glyphs, Grind­ing Slicks, and
. . . . . Cupules of the Rock Island Com­ples: U:8:3e92/862 [arti­cle]
23910. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] When Does Any­one Ever
. . . . . Appol­o­gize Like This? [arti­cle]
23911. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Ibn Batu­ta and the Empire of
. . . . . Mali in Extra His­to­ry [arti­cle]
23912. (Franziska Döven­er, Car­o­la Oelschlägel & Hervé Bocherens) Kamele im westlichen
. . . . . Trever­erge­bi­et – ein nahezu voll­ständig erhaltenes Drom­e­dar aus dem vicus Mamer-
. . . . . Bar­trin­gen, Lux­em­burg [arti­cle]
23913. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s World His­to­ry] Echo on the CBC ― Science
. . . . . Fic­tion, Metis His­to­ry and Graph­ic Nov­els [arti­cle]
23914. (Michael Sher­mer) The Moral Arc ― How Sci­ence and Rea­son Lead Human­i­ty Toward
. . . . . Truth, Jus­tice, and Freedom
23915. (Masha Gessen) Trump’s Incom­pe­tence Won’t Save Our Democ­ra­cy [arti­cle]
23916. (Michelle Markel) The Fan­tas­tic Jun­gles of Hen­ri Rousseau [ill. Aman­da Hall]
23917. (Sue Daniel) “Walk­ing in their tracks”: How Syd­ney’s Abo­rig­i­nal Paths Shaped the City
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23918. (Alan­na Mitchell) The Spin­ning Magnet
23919. (Kewin Peche-Quili­chi­ni, et al) Espaces de cir­cu­la­tion, espaces de cheminenment:
. . . . . Quelques “pistes” de réflex­ion pour le Sud de la Corse entre Bronze final et premier
. . . . . âge du Fer [arti­cle]
23920. (K. Doan, et al) Phy­lo­geog­ra­phy of the Tyrrhen­ian Red Deer {Cervus ela­phus cosi­canus}
. . . . . Resolved Using Ancient DNA of Radio­car­bon-dat­ed Sub­fos­sils [arti­cle]
23921. [2] (S. E. Hin­ton) The Outsiders
23922. (David Shul­man) Tamil ― A Biography
23923. (H.A.G. Houghton) Intro­duc­tion to the Com­men­tary of For­tu­na­tianus [pref­ace]
23924. (For­tu­na­tianus of Aquileia) Com­men­tary on the Gospels [tr. H.A.G. Houghton]

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