(Yea­worth 1958) The Blob
(Cross­land 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.30 ― Rich Boy, Poor Boy
(Meza-León 2017) Rick and Morty: Ep.30 ― The ABC’s of Beth
(Dein 1960) The Leech Woman [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(May 1976) Mikey and Nicky
(Berke 1958) The Lost Missile
(Cum­ming 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.615 ― Plan­et of Fire, Part 1
(Cum­ming 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.616 ― Plan­et of Fire, Part 2
(Cum­ming 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.617 ― Plan­et of Fire, Part 3
(Cum­ming 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.618 ― Plan­et of Fire, Part 4
(Verk­lan 2012) The Uni­verse: Ep.77 ― Ride the Comet
(Hense 2012) The Uni­verse: Ep.78 ― When Space Changed History
(Sachs 1980) Galaxina
(Chun 2017) Rick and Morty: Ep.31 ― The Rickchuri­an Mortydate
(Vaughn 2014) Kings­man: The Secret Service
(Edwards 1963) The Pink Panther
(Way & Way 2018) Wild Wild Coun­try: Part 1
(Chan­drasekhar 2001) Super Troopers
(Way & Way 2018) Wild Wild Coun­try: Part 2
(Budd 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.1 ― Jupiter: King of Planets
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.11 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 1
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.12 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 2
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.23 ― The Big Rodeo
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.24 ― Off on the Wrong Foot
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.25 ― The Sky Rocket’s Trick
(Beau­dine 1955) The Adven­tures of Spin and Mar­ty: Ep.26 ― The Last Campfire
(Sny­der 2018) Tim­o­thy Sny­der Speaks: Ep.10 ― Pom­peo or Pom­peii – Cli­mate Secu­ri­ty is
. . . . Nation­al Security
(Cun­ha 1958) Mis­sile to the Moon [colour­ized version]
(Har­ri­son & Smith 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.2 ― Mars: The Defin­i­tive Guide
(Bon­nière 1994) The Odyssey: Ep.22 ― The Big Picture
(Miller 1910) A Trip to Mars
(Gluck 2018) Peter Rabbit
(John­stone 2000) Catastrophe!
(Hen­szel­man 1986) Ven­ner for altid [Friends Forever]
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.1 ― Mys­te­ri­ous Pilot
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.2 ― The Stolen Range Finder
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.3 ― The Cap­tured Plane
(Claver 1981) Jaws of Satan [aka King Cobra]
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (299) Jaws of Satan
(Gor­don 1955) King Dinosaur
(Sny­der 2018) Tim­o­thy Sny­der Speaks: Ep.11 ― Much More Than Collusion
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (300) King Dinosaur
(Ross 1973) Satan’s School for Girls
(Des­fontaines 1927) Belphégor
(Ross 1975) The Sev­en-Per-Cent Solution
(Apt­ed 1984) Firstborn
(Bavet­ta 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.3 ― Venus: The Hell Planet
(Kier­sch 1985) Tuff Turf
(Óskar Thór Axels­son 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.8
(Hough 1975) Escape to Witch Mountain
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.13 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 3
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.14 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 4
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.15 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 5
(Bridge 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.4 ― Sat­urn: Mys­ter­ies Among the Rings
(Way & Way 2018) Wild Wild Coun­try: Part 3
(Buchanan 1979) Mis­tress of the Apes
(Ander­son 2005) The Simp­sons: Ep.350 ― Future-Drama
(Harp­er 1984) Doc¬tor Who: Ep.619 ― The Caves of Androzani, Part 1
(Harp­er 1984) Doc¬tor Who: Ep.620 ― The Caves of Androzani, Part 2
(Bavet­ta 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.5 ― Plan­et 9: The Lost World
(Börkur Sigþórs­son 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.9
(McCutcheon 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.31 ― Me, Myself and Murdoch
(Reeve 1974) Car­a­van To Vaccares
(Bavet­ta 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.6 ― Plu­to: The Secret Science
(Urue­ta 1963) Braini­ac [El Baron del Terror]
(Trelfer 2015) Dark Cor­ners Review: (161) The Brainiac
(Harp­er 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.621 ― The Caves of Androzani, Part 3
(Harp­er 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.622 ― The Caves of Androzani, Part 4
(Bavet­ta 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.7 ― Alien Worlds Stranger than Fiction
(But­ler & Roach 1928) Fly­ing Elephants
(Bai­ley 1953) North­ern Patrol
(Bavet­ta 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.8 ― The Moon: Earth­’s Guardian Angel
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.4 ― Mis­tak­en Identity
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.5 ― Ambushed Ambulance
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.6 ― Weird Waters
(Kor­mákur 2015) Trapped [Ófærð]: Ep.10
(Har­ris 2017) The Plan­ets: Ep.9 ― Earth: The Secret History
(Vogel 1956) The Mole Peo­ple [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Dart 2018) The Plan­ets: Ep.10 ― Alien Plan­ets: Cos­mic Nightmares
(Jenk­ins 2018) The Plan­ets: Ep.11 ― Milky Way: The Mon­ster Inside
(Jenk­ins 2018) The Plan­ets: Ep.12 ― Ends of the Solar Sys­tem: Strange Frontiers
(Bang 2014) For My Broth­er [For min brors skyld]
(Weir 2003) Mas­ter and Com­man­der: The Far Side of the World
(Kowal­s­ki 1958) Night of the Blood Beast [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Quine 1965) How To Mur­der Your Wife
(Chalmers 1991) Star Trek, the Next Gen¬er¬a¬tion: Ep.86 ― The Wounded
(Gilbert 1971) Blood and Lace
(Trelfor 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (302) Blood and Lace
(Bavet­ta 2018) The Plan­ets: Ep.13 ― Ice Giants: The Frozen Aliens
(Cop­po­la 1983) The Outsiders
(Sny­der 2018) Tim­o­thy Sny­der Speaks: Ep.12 ― The Mueller Investigation
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.7 ― Men­ac­ing Fates
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.8 ― Shells of Evil
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.9 ― The Drop to Doom
(Way & Way 2018) Wild Wild Coun­try: Part 4
(Cahn 1958) It! The Ter­ror from Beyond Space
(Trelfer 2014) Dark Cor­ners Review: (198) It! The Ter­ror from Beyond Space
(Vorhaus 1938) King of the Newsboys
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.10 ― The Hid­den Bomb
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.11 ― Sky Terror
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.12 ― Burn­ing Bomber
(Graves 2014) Game of Thrones: Ep.40 ― The Children
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.13 ― Death in the Cockpit
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.14 ― Scourge of Revenge
(Home 1942) Cap­tain Mid­night [ser­i­al]: Ep.15 ― The Fatal Hour

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