23925. (Antanas Silei­ka) Underground
23926. (Marc-Anto­nio Bar­blan) 1476 ― Le naufrage du grand Duché d’ Occi­dent [arti­cle]
23927. (Hermione Hoby) A Sto­ry of Sur­vival: New York’s Last Remain­ing Independent
. . . . . Book­shops [arti­cle]
23928. (Alex Pre­ston) How Real Books Have Trumped EBooks [arti­cle]
23929. (Bur­jor Avari) India: The Ancient Past
23930. (Steven Muhlberg­er) Two Dukes of Bour­bon, Fac­tu­al and Leg­endary [draft]
23930. (Char­lotte L. King, et al) A Mul­ti-faceted Approach towards Inter­pret­ing Ear­ly Life
. . . . . Expe­ri­ence and Infant Feed­ing Prac­tices in the Ancient Ata­ca­ma Desert [arti­cle]
23931. (Adam Gry­de­høj) Hear­ing Voic­es: Colo­nial­ism, Out­sider Per­spec­tives, Island and
. . . . . Indige­nous Issues, and Pub­lish­ing Ethics [arti­cle]
23932. (Philip Róin & Mikkel Danielsen) How to Top­ple a Dic­ta­tor: The Rebel Plot that Freed
. . . . . the Gam­bia [arti­cle]
23933. (James Blinkhorn) Bud­dha Pushkar Revis­it­ed: Tech­no­log­i­cal Vari­abil­i­ty in Late
. . . . . Pale­olith­ic Stone Tools at the Thar Desert Mar­gin, India [arti­cle]
23934. (Cord­wain­er Smith) War No 81‑Q {Orig­i­nal Ver­sion} [sto­ry]
23935. (Rich­mal Cromp­ton) Just William
23936. (Ben­jamin Isakhan & Peter E. Mul­herin) Basra’s Bid for Auton­o­my: Peace­ful Progress
. . . . . toward a Decen­tral­ized Iraq [arti­cle]
23937. (Gio­van­ni Pet­ti­na­to) Ebla, A New Look at History
23938. (Nor­man F. Can­tor) Antiquity
23939. (Joyce Mar­cus) Dynam­ic Cycles in Mesoamer­i­ca [arti­cle]
23940. (Ralph K. Ped­er­son) Tra­di­tion­al Ara­bi­an Water­craft and the Ark of the Gil­gamesh Epic:
. . . . . Inter­pre­ta­tions and Real­iza­tions [arti­cle]
(Kim Ech­lin) Inan­na ― A New Eng­lish Version:
. . . . 23941. (Kim Ech­lin) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 23942. (Anon.) Inan­na’s Sto­ries and Hymns [tr. Echlin]
. . . . 23943. (Enḫe­d­u­an­na) Praise Hymns [tr. Echlin]
. . . . 23944. (Anon.) Hymns of Self-Praise and Light [tr.Echlin]
. . . . 23945. (Anon.) Hymn to Iddin-Dagan [tr. Echlin]
23946. (Heike Drot­bohm) Com­ment habiller la Vierge? Syn­crétisme et anti-syn­crétisme Haïtien
. . . . . à Mon­tréal [arti­cle]

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