23947. (Adam Gry­de­høj) Islands as Leg­i­ble Geo­gra­phies: Per­ceiv­ing the Island­ness of Kalaalit
. . . . . Nunaat [arti­cle]
23948. (David G. Har­well) Intro­duc­tion to The Sci­ence Fic­tion Cen­tu­ry [pref­ace]
23949. (Fred­erik Pohl, C. M. Korn­bluth & Dirk Wylie) Vacant World [sto­ry] [d]
23950. (N. K. Jemisin) Stone Hunger [sto­ry]
23951. (Oliv­er Diet­rich) Trav­el­ling or Not? Trac­ing Indi­vid­ual Mobil­i­ty Pat­terns of Late Bronze
. . . . . Age Met­al­work­ers in the Carpathi­an Basin [arti­cle]
23952. (Bert van der Spek) Home­rus en de oost­erse epiek [arti­cle]
23953. (Androm­e­da Romano-Lax) Plum Rains
23954. (Christo­pher P. Atwood) Impe­r­i­al Itin­er­ance and Mobile Pas­toral­ism ― The State and
. . . . . Mobil­i­ty in Medieval Inner Asia [arti­cle]
23955. (Siân Hal­crow) Why It’s Not OK for Human Skele­tal Remains to Fig­ure in NZ
. . . . . Freema­son Rit­u­als [arti­cle]
23956. (Michael Muc­ci, Ben Cald­well, Rick Lacy & Emanuel Ten­deri­ni) Home­r’s The Odyssey
. . . . . [graph­ic novel]
23957. (Arthur C. Clarke) Trav­el by Wire! [sto­ry]
23958. (Prim­i­ti­va Bueno Ramírez, et al) Secuen­cias grá­fi­cas Pale­olíti­co en la Sier­ra de San
. . . . . Pedro. Tajo inter­na­cional. Cáceres [arti­cle]
23959. (Charles Lamb) The Sto­ry of Ulysses
23960. (Kevin G. Daly et al) Ancient Goat Genomes Reveal Mosa­ic Domes­ti­ca­tion in the
. . . . . Fer­tile Cres­cent [arti­cle]
23961. (Lavanya Vem­sani) Narasimha, Lord of Tran­si­tions, Trans­for­ma­tions, and Theater
. . . . . Fes­ti­vals: God and Evil in Hin­du Cos­mol­o­gy, Myth, and Prac­tice [arti­cle]

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