(Nyby 1951) The Thing [aka The Thing From Anoth­er World]
(Craven 1982) Swamp Thing
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Swamp Thing
(Warn­er 2012) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.14 ― Comets: Frozen Wanderers
(Har­ris 2012) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.15 ― Aster­oids: Worlds That Nev­er Were
(Har­ris 2012) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.16 ― Birth of the Earth
(Ben­ner 1977) Outrageous!
(Mof­fatt 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.625 ― The Twin Dele­ma, Part 3
(Mof­fatt 1984) Doc­tor Who: Ep.626 ― The Twin Dele­ma, Part 4
(Borzage 1928) The Riv­er [sur­viv­ing scenes]
(Thiele 1943) Tarzan’s Desert Mystery
(Sny­der 2018) Tim­o­thy Sny­der Speaks: Ep. 16 ― The Euro­pean Union
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.16 ― The Rameses
… Con­nec­tion, P.1
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.17 ― The Rameses
… Con­nec­tion, P.2
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.18 ― The Rameses
… Con­nec­tion, P.3
(Grant 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.17 ― Jour­ney from the Cen­ter of the Sun
(Schoed­sack 1940) Dr. Cyclops
(Wilder 1955) The Sev­en Year Itch
(Rae 1978) Laserblast [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (308) Lazerblast
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.18 ― The End of the Universe
(Coons 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.32 ― This One Goes to Eleven
(Zin­ne­man 1973) The Day of the Jackal
(Coscarel­li 1976) Ken­ny & Company
(Spring­steen 1957) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Ghost Farm [15-part serial]
(New­field 1936) Thoroughbred
(Sholem 1951) Super­man and the Mole Men
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.19 ― The Rameses
… Con­nec­tion, P.4
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.20 ― The Rameses
… Con­nec­tion, P.5
(Hitch­cock 1959) North by Northwest
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Matan­go ― Attack of the Mush­room People
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.21 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 1
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.22 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 2
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 3
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 4
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 5
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.19 ― Jupiter: Destroy­er or Savior?
(Robin­son 1985) Doc­tor Who: Ep.627 ― Attack of the Cyber­men, Part 1
(Robin­son 1985) Doc­tor Who: Ep.628 ― Attack of the Cyber­men, Part 2
(McDon­agh 2017) Three Bill­boards Out­side Ebbing, Missouri
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.20 ― First Sec­ond of the Big Bang
(Annakin 1982) The Pirate Movie
(Jones 1985) Doc­tor Who: Ep.629 ― Vengeance on Varos, Part 1
(Hugh­es 1985) Weird Science
(Jones 1985) Doc­tor Who: Ep.630 ― Vengeance on Varos, Part 2
(Oliv­er 1974) Franken­stein’s Cas­tle of Freaks [Ter­ror! Il castel­lo delle donne maledette]
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (309) Franken­stein’s Cas­tle of Freaks
(Kawasa­ki 2008) Mon­ster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Mon­ster X Strikes Back
(Schlesinger 1965) Darling
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.21 ― Is Sat­urn Alive?
(Wynors­ki 1989) The Return of Swamp Thing
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: The Return of Swamp Thing
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.22 ― Weapons of Mass Extinction
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.23 ― Did a Black Hole Build the Milky Way?
(Stan­ley 1964) The Out­er Lim­its: Ep.23 ― Sec­ond Chance
(Tut­tle 1929) The Greene Mur­der Case
(Brown­ing 1965) Flip­per: Ep.27 ― Bud Minds Baby
(Dante 2015) Joe Dante on Matinee
(Dante 1993) Mant
(Dante 1993) Matinee
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.24 ― Our Voy­age to the Stars
(Bridge 2014) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.25 ― The Search for a Sec­ond Earth
(Bridge 2015) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.26 ― How the Uni­verse Built Your Car
(Cor­man 1964) The Tomb of Ligeia
(Ten­ney 1964) I Eat Your Skin
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (310) I Eat Your Skin
(Bridge 2015) How the Uni­verse Works: Ep.27 ― Earth, Venus’s Evil Twin
(Hood 2009) X‑Men Ori­gins: Wolverine

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