Juno Reactor’s First Album

I’ve been fond of Juno Reac­tor’s eclec­tic elec­troniJunoReactor_Transmissionsca since I first heard Beyond the Infi­nite in 1996. I’ve lis­tened to most of their albums fre­quent­ly, espe­cial­ly Bible of Dreams. But I pret­ty much for­got about their first release, Trans­mis­sions (1993). Revis­it­ing it now, I see why. It has lit­tle of the input from world musi­cal tra­di­tions that they became famous for. It now sounds pret­ty much like con­ven­tion­al trance poised some­where between dark­rave and goa trance. But in fact, it was a pio­neer­ing work from which these trends sub­se­quent­ly evolved. It still plays well, and does­n’t deserve to be entire­ly ignored, just because the group went on to devel­op a more sophis­ti­cat­ed sound. 

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