24008. [2] (Ray Brad­bury) Dan­de­lion Wine
24009. (Ian Tat­ter­sall) The Acqui­si­tion of Human Unique­ness [arti­cle]
24010. (T. S. Vasu­lu) Genet­ic Struc­ture of a Trib­al Pop­u­la­tion: Breed­ing Iso­la­tion among the
. . . . . Yanadis [arti­cle]
24011. (Vera South­gate) The Princess and the Frog [ill. Mar­tin Aitchison]
24012. (Alis­sa Mit­tnik et al) The Genet­ic Pre­his­to­ry of the Baltic Sea Region [arti­cle]
24013. (Sharon Abramowitz) Epi­demics {Espe­cial­ly Ebo­la} [arti­cle]
24014. (Chris Buck­ley & Aure­lien Bree­den) Head of Inter­pol Dis­ap­pears, and Eyes Turn
. . . . . Toward Chi­na [arti­cle]
24015. (Ian Mor­ris) Death-Rit­u­al and Social Struc­ture in Clas­si­cal Antiquity
24016. (Ben­jamin Isakhan & Peter E. Mul­herin) Shi’i Divi­sion over the Iraqi State:
. . . . . Decen­tral­iza­tion and the Islam­ic Supreme Coun­cil of Iraq [arti­cle]
24017. (William L. Cole­man) Paint­ing the “Baro­nial Cas­tle”: Thomas Cole at Feath­er­ston Park
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24018. (Eve Bunting) One More Flight
24019. (Cari­na Bar­bosa Gou­vêa & Martha Guaraná) Guan­tá­namo, o proces­so e julgamento
. . . . . pelas comis­sões mil­itares e a garan­tia do habeas cor­pus: a prisão con­tin­u­a­da sem
. . . . . acusação ou jul­ga­men­to [arti­cle]
24010. (Ale­jan­dro Pérez-Pérez et al) The Diet of the First Euro­peans from Ata­puer­ca [arti­cle]
24011. (Howard Palmer) Eth­nic­i­ty and Pol­i­tics in Cana­da since Confederation
24012. [2] (Aris­to­tle) Cat­e­gories [Κατηγορίαι; Catago­ri­ae] [tr. E. M. Edghill; pre­vi­ous­ly read in
. . . . . Jowett trans­la­tion at 4531]
24013. (Rachel Mad­dow) Drift ― The Unmoor­ing of Amer­i­can Mil­i­tary Power
24014. (Anne Marie E. Snod­dy et al) Macro­scop­ic Fea­tures of Scurvy in Human Skeletal
. . . . . Remains: A Lit­er­a­ture Syn­the­sis and Diag­nos­tic Guide [arti­cle]
24015. (Inger­soll Lock­wood) Trav­els and Adven­tures of Lit­tle Baron Trump and His Wonderful
. . . . . Dog Bulger 

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