(Young 1962) Dr. No
(Shel­don 1981) Love­ly But Deadly
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (321) Love­ly But Deadly
(Schaffn­er 1965) The War Lord
(Ray­mond 1931) The Speck­led Band
(Wright 2010) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.38 ― In the Altogether
(Mann 2008) Les enquêtes de Mur­doch: Ep.1 ― D’un courant à l’autre
(Elve­bakk 2014) Bal­let Boys
(Seil­er 1939) Dust Be My Destiny
(Waters 1994) Ser­i­al Mom
(Pavlou 1986) Raw­head Rex
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Raw­head Rex
(Sachs 2016) Lit­tle Men
(Donen 1980) Sat­urn 3
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Sat­urn 3
(Gowarik­er 2001) Lagaan [लगान] (2001)
(His­cott 1931) The Sleep­ing Car­di­nal [aka Sher­lock Holmes’ Fatal Hour]
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (216) Pris­on­ers of the Lost Universe
(Bar­tel 1982) Eat­ing Raoul
(Mot­to­la 2007) Superbad
(Schaffn­er 1978) The Boys from Brazil
(Hessler 1973) The Gold­en Voy­age of Sinbad
(Archain­baud 1930) The Sil­ver Horde
(Cor­man 1957) Not of this Earth
(Trelfer 2016) Dark Cor­ners Review: (59) Not Of This Earth
(Wynors­ki 1988) Not of this Earth
(Brooks 1977) High Anxiety
(Roach 1997) Austin Pow­ers: Inter­na­tion­al Man of Mystery 
(Petch 2008) Tru­ly, Mad­ly, Cheap­ly! British B Movies 
(Scott 1960) Dan­ger Man: Ep.6 ― The Girl in Pink Pajamas
(Thor 2008) Heiðin [Small Mountain]
(Sbardel­lati 1983) Deathstalker
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Deathstalker
(Romero 1982) Creepshow
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Creepshow
(Talalay 1993) Ghost in the Machine
(Gor­nick 1987) Creepshow 2
(Tenold 2018) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Creepshow 2
(Nor­ton 1972) Gargoyles
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (323) Gargoyles
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.648 ― Ter­ror of the Ver­voids, Part 1
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.649 ― Ter­ror of the Ver­voids, Part 2
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.650 ― Ter­ror of the Ver­voids, Part 3
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.651 ― Ter­ror of the Ver­voids, Part 4
(Cutts 1932) The Sign of Four: Sher­lock Holmes’ Great­est Case
(Coscarel­li 1982) The Beastmaster
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.652 ― The Ulti­mate Foe, Part 1
(Clough 1986) Doc­tor Who: Ep.653 ― The Ulti­mate Foe, Part 2
(Taplitz 2015) Theo Flipping 
(Taplitz 2015) Cere­al Killer 
(Taplitz 2015) Sor­ry To Say… 
(Taplitz 2015) tap tap tap 
(Taplitz 2015) F Is for Freedom 
(Taplitz 2015) True Places Nev­er Are 
(Clay­ton 1983) Some­thing Wicked This Way Comes

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