24016. (Philip José Farmer) Sail On! Sail On! [sto­ry]
24017. (Joan Collins) The Snow Queen [ill. Kathie Layfield]
24018. (Clive Gam­ble) Archae­ol­o­gy: The Basics
The Mag­a­zine of Fan­ta­sy [& Sci­ence Fic­tion], Vol.1, #1, Fall 1949:
. . . . 24019. (Lawrence E. Spi­vak) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 24020. (Cleve Cart­mill) Bells on His Toes [sto­ry]
. . . . 24021. (Perce­val Lan­don) Thurn­ley Abbey [sto­ry]
. . . . 24022. (Philip Mac­Don­ald) Pri­vate ― Keep Out! [sto­ry]
. . . . 24023. (Fitz-James O’Brien) The Lost Room [sto­ry]
. . . . 24024. (H. H. Holmes [= Antho­ny Bouch­er]) Review Copy [sto­ry]
. . . . 24025. (Guy Endore) Men of Iron [sto­ry]
. . . . 24026. (Stu­art Palmer) A Bride for the Dev­il [sto­ry]
. . . . 24027. (Oliv­er Onions) Rooum [sto­ry]
. . . . 24028. (Richard Sale) Perseus Had a Hel­met [sto­ry]
. . . . 24029. [2] (Winona McClin­tic) In the Days of Our Fathers [sto­ry]
24030. (Oula Seit­so­nen et al) Lithics in the Steppe Land­scape: An Off-site Spa­tial Analy­sis of
. . . . . Stone Arte­facts in the Khanuy Val­ley, Mon­go­lia [arti­cle]
24031. (Simone Man­telli­ni) Boris V. Andri­anov and the Archae­ol­o­gy of Irri­ga­tion [arti­cle]
24032. (Lionel Cas­son) Librairies in the Ancient World
24033. (Car­men Cuen­ca-Gar­cia et al) The Soil Sci­ence & Archaeo-Geo­physics Alliance
. . . . . {SAGA}: Going Beyond Prospec­tion [arti­cle]
24034. (Élise Luneau) Trans­fers and Inter­ac­tions between North and South in Cen­tral Asia
. . . . . dur­ing the Bronze Age [arti­cle]
24035. (Tame Ramya) Chal­lenges of Rur­al Devel­op­ment in Kurung Kumey Dis­trict of
. . . . . Arunachal Pradesh [arti­cle]
24036. (Tor­ben Bjorke Ballin) Na Clachan Aoraidh, Loch Tum­mel, Perth & Kin­ross ― The
. . . . . Staged Depo­si­tion of Quartz and oth­er Lithics with­in and around a Four-poster
. . . . . Stone Cir­cle [arti­cle]
24037. (Brett L. Walk­er) The Con­quest of Ainu Lands ― Ecol­o­gy and Cul­ture in Japanese
. . . . . Expan­sion 1590–1800
24038. (Siniša Maleše­vić) Glob­al­ism and Nation­al­ist Sub­jec­tiv­i­ties [arti­cle]
24039. (J. A. Mac­Gre­gor) Bun­ny’s First Birthday
24040. [2] (Jean de Lafontaine) Fables [Tome I] [uniden­ti­fied edi­tion read at item #1]

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