Tag Archives: megaliths

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 — Carnac

In the morn­ing, M. Durassier took me on a tour of the major mega­lith­ic align­ments at Carnac, near the coast. There are four large groups — from west to east, Ménec, Kérabus, Ker­mario and Ker­les­can. In between Ker­mario and Ker­les­can there is a strange quadri­lat­er­al assem­bly of stones, tight­ly spaced, unlike any­thing I’ve seen in the U.K., and near it is the largest of the men­hirs, an immense phal­lic stone called “le géant de Mario”. Every stone I’ve seen so far has been the same sort of gran­ite, though most are coat­ed with so much lichen that it’s hard to see the tex­ture. Noth­ing resem­bles the blue­stone in Wilt­shire sites.

14-04-29 BLOG Carnac

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